you alive? yep on my iphone out in town atm i got my VPS last night :D cool! awesome beboo i will be around later ifyou need any help :) hiya BeBoo_ :) hehe *hugs* whats the command to see all the hardware? i think it's lspci on linux less /var/run/dmesg.boot that's what I use pciconf is usueful also i thought there was a command that listed all the hardware in a tree format thats it... pciconf ;) building my kernel :D w00t I am re-building my friends vps atm how do i scroll up when using vnc to console? Shift+Page Up/Down should do it well, i don't have a page up/down on my macbook but i usually use Fn+Up to get Page Up... so Shift + Fn + Up but it doesn't work Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down arrows also seems to scroll, but line-by-line no luck for me... maybe i'll connect on PC instead I am testing on a local gnome-terminal though, so it could be different PC to the rescue! :) grr TightVNC doesn't like me... i type in my port and it chops off the first two number s had to turn on scroll lock on PC then up/down there's some number offsets in some of the VNC clients some of them use 10 to mean 5910 some of them use 5910 to mean that :) ah intersting hrm de drm hi hi awyeah yo. I guess I should probably update.. to? I dunno, 4.7, or the current patch level I guess. none of the problems affects me, but it's there. Shrug. OpenBSD yeh yeah. boop hmm maybe ill keep my vps afterall :o so i didn't get your recycled VPS, IPv6Freely ? lol ? it was a joke from yesterday i believe it was RandalSchwartz who said the reason i didn't have my VPS yet was because we were waiting for Garry to recycle yours lol oh i must have missed it oh and i said i didn't want your broken zfs vps lol lol it just needs a restore to "factory default" so i can run it normally without the zfs nonsense ^_^ hi BeBoo_ hows the kernel ? installed =] ill still wipe and start again since i want partitions, but ive done that a billion times. I'll just steer way clear of zfs when are you coming back to BIRC, nesta ? w00t oh I have forgot the address pm it to me my vps is still active so they havent deleted it yet so that wasnt that hard remove slice and index section is exactly what i needed freebsd is good :) nice and easy to sort it out when it breaks yep yea i just wasnt sure what to google for. thats the hard part, not so much fixing it but finding the correct search terms to get you what you need yeah indeed once you get the hang of stuff like that it's all good fun normally you'll get good help in here if i hadnt known about gpart i would have never been able to fix it my help would be: avoid zfs as a root partition ;) I learned how to encrypt /home last night that was fun bob^^: heh thanks :) nesta: ooh neat with the geom stuff nesta? im gonna be installing qemu on my vps :) lol bob^^: yeah I think so, geli ? yeah that's it :) i think it's a geom module... very clever stuff notice any performance issues? not so far awesome ughhhh qos I just got a 5500+ line configuration of a Cisco 6509 that I need to decipher and rewrite. Funnnnn..... hahah that's quite some config catos or ios? IOS ios <3 Actually I only need to re-write the QoS part, but thats still probably 1000 lines ugh, qos :( pita It wouldn't be so bad if it was a router. I admit, Catalyst QoS is a weak point of mine. I was just praying that I wouldn't get hit with Catalyst QoS on the CCIE lab. hehe Luckily, I didn't get any :) :D woot 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #0: Mon Jul 19 02:36:49 UTC 2010 yip I just finished a fresh one of them for someone earlier :) up_the_irons: you around for a really quick question? IPv6Freely: now, do your own kernel ;p he is concentrating on virtualising juniper berries I mean routers :> mmm berries encrypting another /home partition now :) BeBoo_: what for? ? what do i need my own kernel for? custom kernels use less mem and resources good for VPSes so you have more resources at your disposal I wouldnt know what to remove i can send you mine, if you want sure that'd be great 64-bit, right? yep I managed to get my kernel conf on my FreeBSD vps down to 90 odd lines mkdir /root/cvsup lolz o_O do you have the kernel source yet, IPv6Freely ? i dont do you have cvsup installed? as of about 3 seconds ago, yes you don't need it uhg has lots of dependencies when you build it :-/ just use csup i dont build it eww bad boy pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui done. oh lord don't bother, bob^^ don't bother, BeBoo_ why would i build cvsup? you have a lot to learn about FreeBSD, IPv6Freely he does not like to fiddle with things, he just wants ZFS and juniper routers in vm's packages are a no-no in freebsd (lol) ;) lol nesta i dont want zfs no but yes, i want my olive routers why are packages a nono? because it's not built for your system it's build for some system that *should* work with yours ive never ever had a problem i have never again will i ever use packages i build things for which i need custom compile options (like Apache for example). Packages for everything else. I dunno ive been using freebsd for years and never had an issue w00t another /home encrypted ! :D woot hehe it's surpisingly easy painless rather If I had a reason to do it I might try But... look what happened the last time I tried somethig new... I do things for the knowledge rarely have a reason :P yah Oh. I don't care abotu knowledge. your only mistake in my opinion was giving up I have more important things to become knowledgeable about, so I'd prefer to just have this work :) (again, the reason I use OS X) more important? oh ta ta Yes, like things I need for my career. being on IRC every night one of them? :) I could use linux for a desktop and learn how to use linux.... orrrr... I could learn L3VPN in JUNOS. Tough call there... sounds like something that a lot of different people would have different opinoions on opinions I agree. wait, what's this about juniper? you can test junos in a vm? I'm just explaining why I have no desire to learn certain things and prefer them to "just work" so I can spend my time on my own priorities. mattx86: err. lol mattx86: this is outdated, but will give you a good start: Thats how I did my JNCIA, using that lab soo.. this is free and the real deal? well its not technically legal its not much different from using Dynamips to emulate cisco hardware You dont own the license, and you need your own jinstall ah And is obviously worthless for pushing productio traffic maybe, maybe not.. I wouldn't do it though heh looks like fun :) I won't be able to run a full lab on my VPS, but i can probably run a couple routers I would have no interest though, I think its interesting, i agree mattx86: if you were doing it on real hardware, maybe. In qemu, not so much. I have it running on my lab server already ,it just kicks up a lot of heat. Thats my "blog" btw IPv6Freely: there's also the virtual network switches and what not in VMware Workstation :) the Nexus 1000V? Or the built in crap? hm? I meant built-in to VMware What about them, exactly? well, you can do virtual networks if I'm not mistaken The Nexus 1000V is a Cisco product that turns your VMWare switches in to Cisco Nexus switches. dunno how good of one tho Sure, but thats worthless for me. nessus ah, I didn't know about that either neat :) Word. thats my network lab The server runs a full Juniper lab and a full Cisco lab mh tom waits and thats my cisco lab topology and thats the back of the server BeBoo_: can you pastebin that kernel conf? you will likely not want to change anything, IPv6Freely if you are doing this emulation stuff you might need lots of the options IPv6Freely: i don't normally touch the options i just comment out the devices that i don't have/need well I mean 'options' generally speaking lol sorry :P my fault you are correct hehe IPv6Freely: good grief that's slick... and I thought my setup was awesome lol got me my ccie :) IPv6Freely: I've got a small wooden rack with a router, switch, server, rackmounted power strip and battery backup unit that's the kind of thing I need to do but hey, I gotta be going. bbl building fire alarms just went off. Oh well, back to my expense report. does anyone know, to get an OS installed on your vps is it as simple as finding the .iso what OS do you want? not sure i have a couple choices i would assume that garry would just need to mount the iso on your vps what i was thinking also, thanks well he does not do just *any* iso I know that he does not do Redhat stuff or prefers not to like netbsd solaris i may just go back with what i had freebsd p3 what is freebsd p3 O.o 8.0-p3? yes 8.1 is out uh 8.0 p-4 is out too oh yeah thats right who wants to stay on 8.0? lol onward and upward! i didnt know they released it ive been gone a while, last time it was a beta you can always do bleeding edge and get 9.0-CURRENT ;p lol nesta, i accidentally did that once... i got the kernel source for 9.0 and build a 9.0 kernel with 8.0 binaries haha uilt* built* :) omg lets just say it didn't boot yeah I jusrt scrwwed up all that wordfk I did earlier uh oh how? the one with encrtypted /home it's gone destroyed :-/ i don't mess with that stuff encryption eh oh gosh yeh never had any luck with it the encryptiuon was fine it was MAC/ACL stuff and permissions ugh, i gotta get MAC goin i forgot about that my script had a bad line in it you haz script? lots :) hiiii buddddddyyyyyyy got sick of typing all that crap out :) got one for MAC? i don't feel like setting it up :D well depends what you wanna do lol bearing in mind I just destroyed a box with it lool mine is fine btw :P haha well actually I think it was a permission not MAC at all I just spotted the line the the script i was planning on this being a personal box and giving out shells to a few friends yeah after the latest exploit for FreeBSD the sendfile one I was like damn gotta check these permissions but I messed up one line :-/ it relies on cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh so 511 /bin/sh is one example :) prevents the cp of course there is a way round it but anyhow that's for another day no one around at this time usually? we're around! cool yep! "you got questions, we got answers!" heheh someone help me with getting linux compat working? I try using kldload linux and it says kldload: can't load linux: Exec format error kernel options ;) i tried putting COMPAT_LINUX in kern conf and it says unknown option COMPAT_LINUX O.o hehe ah, nvm :) COMPAT_LINUX32 lol hehe I was just trying to get a time estimate (rough) on when my vps could be worked on have you sent up_the_irons an email? it's been a day or two on the average, based on recent messages here nesta: yes I have I also having problems with my other vps as well and RandalSchwartz thank you for giving me a time est. oh god i must have compiled in an option that included fonts... taking for fucking ever ... apparently the freebsd handbook... wtf? a veritable font of knowledge! echo WITHOUT_X11=yes >>/etc/make.conf without x, you can't have fonts. :) RandalSchwartz: too late now! oy what is too late? adding that to make.conf.. because that compile is already finished :P