#arpnetworks 2010-07-21,Wed

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***schmir has joined #arpnetworks
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toddfcwm for a change [01:36]
bob^^anyone upgraded their freebsd vps to 8.1 yet? [01:40]
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_Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks [04:39]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [05:03]
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baklava has joined #arpnetworks [05:51]
nestais it still Beta, bob^^ ? [06:01]
RandalSchwartzI don't think 8.1 has released final yet
and I'm sure not going to move to an rc for a production box
I may even wait a month after 8.1 final
***Yamazaki-kun has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:06]
nestayeah same here
so, thats a no for me,
bob^^it came out yesterday
well, 19th actually
nestaah okay [06:12]
RandalSchwartzdid it?
I know it was scheduled
but I haven't seen a release announce
bob^^indeed, no release announcement yet
i'm surmising that means it hasn't reached all mirrors just yet
RandalSchwartzuh - see http://www.freebsd.org/releases/8.1R/schedule.html [06:13]
bob^^it's certainly on ftp.uk - and i installed it on a fresh box [06:13]
RandalSchwartzno *release build* yet
that's likely an RC
not the final
bob^^no, it's not
there's no announcement, but it's there - go take a look
server# uname -a
FreeBSD server.wasteground.co.uk 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #0: Mon Jul 19 02:55:53 UTC 2010 root@almeida.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386
RandalSchwartzverified by here - http://wiki.freebsd.org/Releng/8.1TODO [06:14]
bob^^freshly installed from downloaded ISO this morning
RandalSchwartzyeah - tht's what an RC will say [06:14]
bob^^siiiigh [06:14]
RandalSchwartzI presume the team is working from those wiki pages
if not, what's the point of the wiki?
nestaLast updated: 4 July 2010
bob^^it seems stable enough ;) [06:15]
RandalSchwartzeven still.
not touching it for a month or so
bob^^that page is well out of date

RandalSchwartzand yet, it's pointed to by official docs
nestaRELEASE build 09 July 2010 - 8.1-RELEASE built.
RELEASE announcement TBD - 8.1-RELEASE press release.
bob^^release candidates say that in the uname iirc
it's probably just not on all mirrors just yet, so no announcement
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Yamazaki-kun has joined #arpnetworks [06:49]
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nesta has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [10:00]
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schmir has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [14:35]
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amdprophet has joined #arpnetworks [14:52]
amdprophetup_the_irons: if you just got 7 emails from james i apologize, his email client wasn't connecting with the smtp server and acted up [14:52]
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up_the_ironsamdprophet: I'll live :) [15:33]
amdprophethah, thanks :P [15:33]
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heavysixeramdprophet: he doesn't read emails anyway
they go straight to Devon Null head of special projects for for arp networks
up_the_ironsI never learned to READ <sniff>
and all heavysixer can do is make fun of me
ok dinner
fink_lol@devon null [17:02]
RandalSchwartzyeah - it really works to get upset at the one person who can help you.
formula for SUCCESS.
dxtrRandalSchwartz: My life sucks :( [17:13]
infraredend it [17:13]
dxtrTrying to get Dancer working with lighttpd
infrared: I'm considering it
over IRC?
dxtrI have a balcony :P [17:13]
infraredsetup a webcam first [17:14]
RandalSchwartzI gave up on Dancer [17:14]
dxtrYeah? Why? [17:14]
RandalSchwartzevery time I tried something slightly interesting, it wasn't working yet [17:14]
infraredis that a web framework? [17:14]
I'm not getting FastCGI to work
RandalSchwartzso I fell back to CatalystX::Declare [17:14]
dxtrApparently it's a problem with lighttpd and plack [17:15]
infraredwhy not use catalyst [17:15]
RandalSchwartzthat's what I did :) [17:15]
dxtrFeels too big for my needs [17:15]
infraredor Web::Light (self plug) :D [17:15]
dxtrI'll try Mojolicious or something [17:15]
RandalSchwartzthat's what I thought
but I found there's a small end to it :)
RandalSchwartzYeah, I never used their builder.
I just wrote everything from scratch
infraredi still use CGI sometimes at work
for the quick & dirty
dxtrYou're so dirty [17:20]
infraredi know! [17:20]
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fink_anybody know why this might happen? http://imgur.com/mXd59
i'm stumped
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up_the_ironslol a recursive template [18:03]
dxtrhttp://imgur.com/Y6lZR.jpg http://imgur.com/rCBZK.jpg http://imgur.com/X0zuJ.jpg http://imgur.com/l2gTp.jpg http://imgur.com/e09hJ.jpg http://imgur.com/S1S3U.jpg http://imgur.com/bxn5T.jpg <- The apartment I'm staying in. Does it look like someone is moving soon? :P [18:09]
infrareddxtr: is that porn?
(on the TV)
dxtrHaha, wtf? :D [18:14]
infraredi see boobies [18:14]
diatribesexplains the dirty laptop screen [18:14]
dxtr:D [18:15]
infraredew... laptop on a bed.. HEAT
i hate laptops
your fridge is stocked
I got wine, milk, booze and ketchup
infraredare you hungry?
do you always eat out?
dxtrTo be honest it isn't even my apartment
I'm kind of borrowing it (Yes, for free) from my girlfriends sister
***nesta has quit IRC (Quit: bye) [18:17]
dxtrshe lives with her boyfriend [18:17]
infraredpics of the sister?
i hate apartments
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dxtrinfrared: https://s-hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs239.snc3/22675_242237360794_592025794_4703920_3938576_n.jpg
Me and her :P
SWFBM rather
dxtrSWFBM? [18:20]
infraredsafe with fiancee behind me [18:20]
What do you think? :p
What could possibly be NSFF or NSFW and include me and my *GIRLFRIENDS SISTER*
infrared:D [18:22]
norfdeez nuts? [18:22]
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mike-burnsThat apartment has more stuff in it than mine. [18:32]
cmeiklejohnHahaha. [18:32]
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dxtrmike-burns: Cool :D [18:40]
up_the_ironswhat kind of laptop is that?
looks kinda like lenovo, but then not
mike-burnsLooks like a Lenovo. [18:43]
fink_can i see? [18:43]
dxtrLenovo n500 [18:43]
up_the_ironswow i was kinda right [18:43]
dxtrI think I'll sleep now [18:55]
Leftyyay! just signed up for the $20 VPS [18:57]
nestaw00t [18:57]
fink_fink_ is like DYING for an arpnetworks tshirt
or at least coffee mug
some kind of schwag?
Leftyhow long does it usually take to get provisioned after signup? a day or two? [18:58]
up_the_ironsLefty: did you notice the low stock delay notice? unfortunately, i'm waiting on more hardware, but it's almost here [18:58]
Leftyno, didn't see that
I'm not in a huge rush, as my clients aren't beating down my door at the moment
is it me, or does the NOTICE not appear? ;)
Lefty: your confirmation email will also reflect the fulfillment ETA (which is currently on or before Aug. 3rd)
i think i'll make the background color red instead of yellow
LeftyAug 3rd is just fine with me :)
I totally understand the "offer a great deal, everyone rushes to take advantage, stocks get low" cycle :)
ok, now when I go to the signup page, I see the yellow notice
up_the_ironsLefty: cool :)
i just made it red
i've had a couple people say they didn't notice
Leftyoh ya, that pops out much more [19:03]
up_the_ironscool [19:03]
cmeiklejohnagreed [19:03]
LeftyI hope to have the need to upgrade to a package with more bandwidth shortly, too [19:06]
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Leftybut we'll see how fast I burn through 200GB with just website traffic :) [19:07]
up_the_ironsmost people don't come close
to host my own, or not to host my own, that is the question: http://arpnetworks.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
i will let you guys ponder that
time to head home
up_the_irons wonders off
diatribesrun to the hills [19:21]
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homosaur has quit IRC (Quit: pocketful of goat cheese, ready to party) [19:37]
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nesta has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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fink_ has quit IRC (Quit: fink_) [20:45]
up_the_ironsugh, ads [20:57]
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