2^32 vs 2^128 for ipv4 and ipv6 address space is an astronomical difference. (in reference to the conversation 5hrs ago :P) you can assign an IP address to every molecule in the observable universe or something lik ethat awesome even my ex-wife can have her own ip? just don't ask for a traceroute :) she already has half of yours. :) ? she has an /8 :( RandalSchwartz: Are you using wanderlust? what is wanderlust? so I guess not. :) Hehe A mail reader for emacs :) I use GNUS it does both news and mail But I heard GNUS does strange things on ones Maildir Really? hasn't bothered me I've been a GNUS user for at least 15 years maybe 20 I'm quoted in the GNUS faq :) I heard it gives people a hard time after 25 :D this is my favorite description of the ipv6 address space. To put this into perspective: there are currently 130 million people born each year. If this number of births remains the same until the sun goes dark in 5 billion years, and all of these people live to be 72 years old, they can all have 53 times the address space of the IPv4 Internet for every second of their lives. Let nobody accuse the IETF of being frugal this time around. -- http://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2007/03/IPv6.ars/2 Only 53? frugal bastards. 128b address space \o http://imgur.com/kxNUK here I go having bridge problems again.. everything can get out. i can get into the host (eth0), but i can't get into the guests (br1, br2). friend posted: http://wondermark.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/veggies.jpg so I made: http://www.lessthanthreesoftware.com/media/images/carnivores.jpg does anyone have problems with ccache when building world? hi, i'm having an issue VNCing into my VPS i'm using the provided server/port/password from my control panel, but it's rejecting the connection has anyone else experienced a similar issue? what server are you connecting to? any mac users have any experience with sequel pro? i'd like to use a front end for mysql management but since i'm running my server without php on it, i don't need something like phpmyadmin I tend to find the front ends restrictive other than displaying tables or selects with lots of fields