#arpnetworks 2010-04-30,Fri

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dxtrhmm [00:40]
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RandalSchwartzok - that's odd. Neil's VPS froze at 1am, would ping but wasn't running cron jobs or TCP connections
and it was nmap'able, but didn't connect
as in, nmap showed the right tcp ports open, but none of them did anything
had to hard-reboot
I wonder if ZFS went nuts
cedwardsstrange [05:36]
RandalSchwartzthat's the only thing we're probably doing unusual there
ZFS on a 768k machine :)
I haven't had problems on my 2G machine, with a lot more traffic
cedwardswell now I'm hoping I didn't cause myself problems by jumping on that bandwagon. [05:39]
RandalSchwartzI think it's the 768 size. I get a lot more traffic on my 2G box, and it hasn't done this
might just require tuning some zfs parms too
... http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide
... On memory constrained systems it is safer to use an arbitrarily low arc_max. For example it is possible to set vm.kmem_size and vm.kmem_size_max to 512M, vfs.zfs.arc_max to 160M, keeping vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size to half its default size of 10 Megs (setting it to 5 Megs can even achieve better stability, but this depends upon your workload).
I think I'll try that
cedwardslet us know how it works. [05:44]
RandalSchwartzactually - it looks like zfs automatically did that
those numbers are close to what the current conf is
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cedwardsI'm getting 'socket failed: Protocol not supported' trying to start lighttpd in my jail.
I'm guessing I need to loosen the jail restriction to allow that? (it's been so long since I setup a web server in a jail)
looks like this helps: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/freebsd-jail-allow-ping-tracerouter-commands/

also don't want to allow all jails, just specific one
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nbari|away is now known as nbari [07:51]
jwfoxjrwell, I ordered the FreeBSD VPS last night with block of 5 ip's. This should be fun :) [07:51]
cedwardsjwfoxjr: welcome! :) [07:52]
nbariHi, any email or phone where i contact some one from supports
i have been emaling since yesterday but no answer yet
jwfoxjrcedwards: I figured it was appropriate to order it yesterday since it was the Lucid Lynx launch :) [07:53]
cedwardsnbari: support@arpnetworks.com is usually the best way. I generally expect a 12hr or so turnaround.
nbari: is there something we can help you with in the interim?
nbariI have an issue with a reverse DNS
they have to set the delegatin
jwfoxjrnow I keep checking my email constantly for the Welcome package. Can't wait to start building out my ZFS enabled system
my wife will become a BSD widow for the next few days :)
cedwardswell, it is the weekend after all [07:55]
nbariwell i emai 2 days ago [07:58]
cedwardsnbari: not sure what to tell you, other than maybe we can help? [07:59]
nbarimaybe a good email system for arpnetworks could help :)
at the moment everything is going perfect with the servers but just imagine i really hade an issue with the server
the response time is frustrating, I know this service is more for experienced users but what do you do when the ball is not on your side and need to fix somethig quick (lees 24hrs) ?
And I assume up_the_irons prioritizes responses based on priority.
nbarii have to admint that VNC really is exellent
is like having your own dedicated servers
cedwardsyeah. vnc has helped me solve quite a few of my little.. mishaps. [08:06]
dxtrThat vnc thingy sucks for me :D
I can't type slash, pipe or any other special (Useful) character (that I actually need)
nbari|o| [08:18]
cedwardsdxtr: what client/OS? [08:19]
nbarisame happend to me (mac os) [08:19]
jwfoxjrdxtr: what vnc client are you using? Is it a keyboard mapping issue? [08:19]
dxtrcedwards: WinXP, tightvnc and ultravnc [08:19]
cedwardsdxtr: I rebuilt two boxes over VNC using JollysFastVNC on OSX. [08:19]
nbaribut used a full keyboard and could type the / [08:19]
dxtrnbari: "full" keyboard? [08:19]
jwfoxjrdxtr: I've been using just plain old vnc client and it's worked fine. Same thing I use for work. [08:20]
nbarithe one with the numbers at the right [08:20]
jwfoxjrdxtr: VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.2 for windows [08:21]
dxtrjwfoxjr: I prefer tight or ultra [08:23]
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jwfoxjrdxtr: you may prefer them, but they may introduce incompatibilites. This just from my experience. [08:24]
cedwardsI didn't have any keyboard issues [08:25]
nbariusing JollysFastVNC ?
I opened the VNC but can not type tye |
up_the_ironsnbari: regarding support request time; emergency support issues are provided for network / host down issues only. reverse DNS is based on priority and i've just replied to your ticket, in which you did not set up your side correctly ;)
and I will not provide support for how to do RFC 2317 delegation, you can read the RFC :)
nbariok thanks for the reply
let me check the email
up_the_ironsnp [08:31]
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jdoeRandalSchwartz: you're crazy running zfs on a vps :) [09:28]
nbarii am runiing zfs and so far everything going very well
space is much optimized
cedwardsjdoe: explain? [09:31]
jdoecedwards: freebsd's implementation still has some problems even with large amounts of memory, let alone low specs.
worse, the failure mode seems to be "Eh, lock the machine."
... I'm glad it works for him, I just think he's nuts ;)
mike-burnsWhere did you read this? [09:34]
jdoeread... what? [09:35]
mike-burnsThat it still has some problems even with large amounts of memory, let alone low specs. [09:36]
jdoebear in mind I'm defining "large" as like... 4g, when I realize that isn't, really.
mailing lists, people I know.
mike-burnsOK. [09:37]
jdoeon the other hand, fbsd calls it stable now, so there are obviously a lot of people it works for.
filesystems that might misbehave make me nervous though.
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cedwardsI think that is the reason most Linux people/distros can't seem to move away from ext.
everyone is too afraid to use it, therefore it never matures. repeat.
mike-burnsI theorize that Linux people are more adventurous than BSD people. [11:09]
cedwardsI was surprised that BSD just has ufs after coming from Linux and having a dozen choices.
..although those dozen choices never were used. the largest change I ever made was ext3->ext4.
mike-burnsLinux is mostly stuff that few people use, from what I've seen. [11:10]
cedwardsquestion: I'm still new to zfs. If I made a zfs-based jail at 5G and later want to expand it, how do I do that? [11:12]
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jdoecedwards: look at the alternative though.
you end up with things like reiserfs (for a good time, fsck a reiserfs system that has a reiserfs disk image on it ;)) or the drama with ext4 losing data because of programmers' expectations
most of the extra filesystems are niche or contributed by some ubercorp (JFS, XFS)
cedwardsyeah. xfs has specific uses. jfs has specific uses. reiserfs is.. in prison. [11:49]
jdoeer, jfs/xfs are general purpose filesystems.
for niche I was thinking more like unionfs, cramfs etc.
jdoe shrugs
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WraithanAck! [12:29]
cedwardsWraithan: what's up [12:29]
WraithanI have the time today so I was going to buy a vps and y'all are sold out! [12:29]
jdoeoh are they? I wonder if I got in under the wire or not. [12:32]
cedwardsyeah. up_the_irons did mention the other day that orders would be closed right about May. [12:33]
jdoeah. I put one in yesterday morning, got the "24-48 hours" email, so I guess we'll see. [12:34]
cedwardsfingers crossed [12:34]
jwfoxjrwow - glad I got my order in last night. [12:38]
cedwardsglad I picked up my second one when I did :) (but I knew this was coming, so I jumped on it) [12:41]
jdoejwfoxjr: who knows, maybe we missed it ;) [12:43]
jwfoxjrI dunno - I got the 24-48 hour email as well. We may have made it in just before the cutoff [12:43]
RandalSchwartzthere's a cutoff?
did I miss something?
cedwardsRandalSchwartz: no more orders at ARP website. [12:44]
jwfoxjrRandalSchwartz: when they run out of hardware resources they shut off ordering [12:45]
cedwardsRandalSchwartz: up_the_irons did mention expansion and other work pending, so no new orders for the month of May. [12:45]
RandalSchwartzHeh! good for them! [12:45]
jdoeyeah. [12:45]
RandalSchwartzsee, I told him it'd be good to have me on board. :) [12:45]
jdoeyeah, see what your word of mouth did? :P [12:45]
jwfoxjrI like the fact that they don't over-subscribe the hardware... [12:46]
jdoeI'm more curious about kvm version. Apparently the openbsd workaround in their FAQ isn't necessary on newer versions using seabios instead of bochs [12:47]
RandalSchwartzmust be what they're running then [12:47]
jdoe? [12:47]
jdoe... doesn't help to just go "?" :)
jdoewell there are two equally plausible options, they're running an older version, or they're not and the faq entry is stagnant [12:52]
DaCaI can confirm that on the server where my vps is on, you still have to disable mpbios
I don't know if he runs the same kvm version on all hosts
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up_the_ironsEveryone who received an order confirmation email _will_ get a VPS, despite the sold out message I put up this morning. <-- jdoe jwfoxjr others? :)
Wraithan: email preorder@arpnetworks.com; stuff usually opens up, just not enough for me to keep the regular order page going
Wraithanup_the_irons: What should I email to that, my full information (CC, billing address, etc) or just ask to be put on the list? [13:37]
up_the_ironsjdoe: the thing with seabios is, there is no handy "Press F12 to pick boot device" option, as far as I can tell. very annoying.
DaCa: jdoe : same kvm version on all hosts, for now. I like to repeat what works :)
Wraithan: just ask to be put on the list
Wraithan: i'll email u a special order link when space opens up
Wraithanup_the_irons: ok thank you [13:40]
up_the_ironsWraithan: np [13:42]
Wraithanup_the_irons: sent, hopefully I'll be able to shut down my linode soon [13:42]
up_the_ironsWraithan: awesome, thanks [13:43]
Wraithanback to work now :) [13:44]
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cedwardsI've been working on migrating my Linode all day long.
trying to get it done before new billing starts tomorrow! :)
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jdoeup_the_irons: awesome, thanks
up_the_irons: re: bios, oh yeah? Never actually tried it, I was just reading through the some-user-vs-theo thread about how KVM is broken, OBSD is the holiest of holies, blah blah blah.
up_the_ironsjdoe: oh GAWD
i like OpenBSD but I can't stand Theo...
of COURSE he'd say KVM is broken
anything but OpenBSD is broken to those guys
CESSMASTERtheo's a little sociopath [14:24]
up_the_ironstoddf is like the only nice guy I've seen in the OpenBSD community, no joke; and i'm not saying that just cuz he's here [14:24]
CESSMASTERI was about to make some comment about theo being impossibly rude for a canadian, but it turns out he was born in south africa
and lives in calgary, which isn't really canada
up_the_ironshe's HELPFUL and the serial port feature of our SSH-based VM management console was made possible because of a ton of helpful input he gave me
CESSMASTER: interesting :)
CESSMASTERmaybe he grew up in one of the townships and got robbed a lot [14:26]
ok that's my spontanious rant for today, back to work...
now let me say something positive: it is absolutely bad ass how I can do a regular install of OpenBSD on a USB thumb drive and that drive now becomes three things: 1) OpenBSD "live" system (think "LiveCD" here") 2) rescue disk, 3) an OpenBSD installer
***nbari|away is now known as nbari [14:30]
cedwardsmaybe I should tinker more with OpenBSD, but coming from FreeBSD it just seems a less-polished version of the same product. [14:30]
up_the_ironsand I add TWO lines to /etc/boot.conf, and that system is now completely accessible over serial. the live system, the rescue, and the installer. no fucking around with anything else needed [14:31]
RandalSchwartzit's just differently polished [14:31]
CESSMASTERin the sense of "differently abled" [14:31]
RandalSchwartzyou can't do that with freebsd?
can't you install an installer?
up_the_ironsand from the installer, I say "yes" to active com0, and bam, that new system is completely accessible over serial port. no fucking around with anything else, not even /etc/ttys (it does it for you) [14:32]
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cedwardsI just set up console access on my Linux VMs at work yesterday and it requires a number of changes. [14:32]
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: can you? I didn't find anything to guide me that way... If I do "boot -D" in FreeBSD, I get all the kernel messages over serial, great, but then the curses installer starts and that is not output over serial, only vga. so, kinda useless when i use serial for out-of-band. i'm sure i can modify something here and something there, and it'd work, but w/ OpenBSD and I didn't have
to do anything of the sort
cedwards: yep. /boot/grub/menu.lst, several lines to be edited there. then /etc/event.d/ttyS0, about a 10 line file there.
with linux it is: 1) get your ttys over serial, 2) get your kernel to output to serial, 3) get grub to output to serial
three completely disconnected tasks
cedwardsup_the_irons: I've still yet to get grub to output properly, but I have all boot output and I can login. [14:35]
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up_the_ironsdon't get me wrong, i run linux in a lot of places; most of my systems are linux. but i can't get over the awesome simplicity of some of the things within the *BSD field
install a boot loader on linux? well, you better get your grub on
install a boot loader on FreeBSD? 'fdisk -BI <device>'. DONE
jdoeup_the_irons: bear in mind though, Theo was right. KVM *was* broken, or at least the bochs bios was.
... he's still an utterly insufferable asshat, but in this one specific instance he was right ;)
up_the_ironsjdoe: oh i don't doubt it; he's probably right.. i just don't care ;) [14:37]
I could have sworn I did a freebsd over serial. I know I've done a linux install over serial.
... freebsd still has two disconnected steps for serial, one for the boot process, and then a tty for users
up_the_ironsjdoe: yeah, i've done linux over serial a few times; but i just remember there was a lot of places to tinker [14:39]
cedwardsup_the_irons: can you tell us what the VPS host is running? the guess was Ubuntu, but I'm curious. [14:40]
jdoeI don't really remember, most of the time it's been through a remote console that did some or all of the work for me. [14:40]
up_the_ironscedwards: Ubuntu 9.04
cedwards: I publish the KVM/QEMU version I use:
that surprises me actually. When I had xen/host related questions at linode or slicehost it was all top-secret.
jdoeusually the only thing they REALLY care about not-telling you is how many guests per box ;) [14:43]
cedwardsas geeks it's just as interesting to know how the system is setup.
it's not like telling me what xen/kvm version they used is going to put them out of business. like i'm suddenly going to come into a rack full of servers and support team.
up_the_ironscedwards: I find that hypocritical. Basically, I'm making money of software I didn't write and barely contribute to, so I *must* give back in some way. One of the ways is publishing my small changes, and the other is testing for the Ubuntu maintainers
jdoeI agree, but I kinda see where they're coming from too.
if they invested X time/monies into their setup, why give that info away for free?
CESSMASTERup_the_irons: i bet money doesn't hurt [14:45]
up_the_ironsCESSMASTER: LOL, srsly
jdoe: sure, *their* setup they can keep secret. but the things they didn't invent, they should disclose (like Xen / Linux / etc.. versions)
RandalSchwartzthey should keep secret how many hamsters are spinning on treadmills :) [14:46]
up_the_ironsjdoe: I don't have to tell people what hardware I buy or how I put the network together, b/c that is stuff *I've* truely invested in (in time and dollars) [14:47]
jdoeup_the_irons: right, that's what I'm saying. Not giving out versions would be weird. [14:48]
up_the_ironsjdoe: right [14:48]
jdoeNO, I AGREE. [14:48]
up_the_ironsjdoe: I KNOW
I hold down shift, like a real man.
up_the_irons typed that while holding down shift
RandalSchwartzChuck Norris could make that all capital without shift *or* lock [14:50]
up_the_ironstrue dat [14:51]
RandalSchwartzChuck Norris can follow a null pointer, and end up anywhere he wants to be. [14:51]
up_the_ironshahahha [14:51]
CESSMASTERlet's not start this again [14:51]
up_the_ironsi gotta tweet that [14:51]
RandalSchwartzChuck Norris ran an infinite loop in 28 seconds.... twice. [14:52]
CESSMASTERlast time somebody reived chuck norris's fame, he started a political blog [14:52]
RandalSchwartzChuck Norris isn't political... if we disagree, we're just wrong. [14:52]
up_the_ironsLOL [14:52]
CESSMASTERhuckabee 08 [14:52]
RandalSchwartzhuckabee 04! [14:53]
CESSMASTERpalin 12 [14:53]
RandalSchwartz08 isn't a valid octal number [14:53]
cedwardsOur current development codename at work is "Chuck Norris". It's funny hearing project managers throwing it around all day. [14:54]
up_the_ironshaha [14:54]
RandalSchwartzMy contract boss was Ed Norris... I used to send out memos about him saying "Ed 'Chuck' Norris said..." [14:54]
cedwardsI want to get it on tape when the project manager finally announces "Release Chuck Norris"
..and then the apocalypse happens.
RandalSchwartzevery project should be named Kracken for a while
then we could all "release the kracken"
cedwardsactually, the codenames were Kracken vs Chuck Norris. not surprisingly, Chuck Norris won. [14:56]
RandalSchwartzWhen Harry McCracken left PCWorld magazine, the Twit show that week was named "release the mccracken" :)
... http://blogs.pcworld.com/techlog/archives/007041.html
cedwardsI still have quite a bit of migration to finish if I'm going to migrate my linode before billing tomorrow.
always surprises me how much "stuff" ends up on a server after two years.
jdoedepends on what you do with it, I guess.
I had one on slicehost for 2.5 years, no significant cruft
... it was just a mail/dns server though.
WraithanI have a ton of cruft on my linode... because I didn't have a laptop for a while and my desktop was busted [15:11]
cedwardswell, time to go pick up my kids. i need a break anyway :) [15:11]
WraithanSo I used my linode via my girlfriend's laptop so I could do development [15:11]
up_the_ironsyou should log everything you do on a server (build log). might sound time consuming, but trust me, the time you save when repeating the same thing, is enormous
you never have to figure out something twice
WraithanHmm, I should do that
I recently resetup my desktop and had to go through some stuff that I couldn't quite remember
DaCaor automate it from the beginning [15:12]
WraithanWraithan is hoping he doesn't ahve to stay on linode through the end of the month [15:12]
up_the_ironsyeah, i log everything i put on my T61 (main laptop). when I got an X300, it was easy peasy to set up ;) [15:12]
WraithanDaCa: not always possible or worth it
Documenting it, that'd be worth it but going through the effort to try and automate the whole setup sounds like more work than needed
DaCabut it's much more fun than documenting :) [15:14]
WraithanI am too busy for that sort of 'fun' [15:14]
up_the_ironsDaCa: but when you document it, you learn it well [15:14]
jdoeup_the_irons: yeah. You should be doing that even if it's just a one-off, makes disaster recovery less.... stressful [15:15]
up_the_ironsjdoe: right. the way i see it, there is no such thing as "one-off". i can't remember a time where I did something only once. [15:16]
CESSMASTERthere is OCD medication [15:17]
Wraithanlol [15:18]
you should see how shiny i get my shoes...
CESSMASTERand how thoroughly you wash your hands [15:18]
up_the_irons(shoe shining is THE perfect OCD task)
jdoe: LOL
WraithanI am OCD about keeping my phone's screen free of smudges... I have a nexus one...
I sometimes stop mid text message and clean it, only to clean it again when I am done
up_the_ironshahaha [15:20]
WraithanIt'd be good if I was kidding... but I am not.
up_the_ironsmy iphone is so old, i no longer feel compelled to keep the screen clean [15:20]
jdoe... man, my iphone looks like a junior high kid's forehead. [15:20]
Wraithanhahahaha [15:21]
jdoemore grease on it than a big mac.
jdoe doesn't care.
WraithanJohn Travolta's hair has nothing on your phone? [15:21]
CESSMASTERmy phone is great, I got it in like spring 2006 [15:21]
up_the_ironsguys, that's called "face juice" [15:21]
CESSMASTERmaybe 2007 [15:22]
WraithanCESSMASTER: I was rocking the same flip phone from 06 until about 1.5 months ago when I got my nexus one.
which I <3
CESSMASTERI kind of don't want to spend money on a new phone because I'm in canada half the year anyway [15:22]
WraithanYeah, and we all know they don't have cell towers in Canada. [15:23]
toddfup_the_irons: if you take a type A personality with an arguably good cause, the defense of said cause tends to be less than polite, and there you have Theo in a nutshell. *shrug*.
to some people anything that doesn't work by default is broken, thus kvm _is_ broken by that definition.
CESSMASTERi have two cell phones, an american one and a canadian one [15:23]
RandalSchwartzchuck norris doesn't need a cell phone. he knows your thoughts, and that's enough. [15:24]
WraithanWhy not get one with a SIM [15:24]
CESSMASTERthat would involve switching providers [15:24]
Wraithanworth it imo [15:24]
CESSMASTERmaybe i'll get around to it [15:24]
toddfI prefer to see it as 'needing a little tweak to work better' but thats me being non type A and having been labeled 'the workaround king' I guess its in my nature to accept things which can work with workarounds ;-) [15:25]
WraithanWraithan goes back to hacking, and hoping a ARP slot opens up [15:25]
RandalSchwartzbetter than an up_the_irons slot. :) [15:25]
up_the_ironstoddf: you can defend a good cause without being inpolite; the idea that "we can be rude because we don't owe anyone politeness" is something I don't really understand. It doesn't cost anything to be nice, IMO [15:25]
jdoetoddf: eh, in this specific case it's explicitly KVM being broken though. The only "tweak" I can think of would be... er... well why DOESN'T it get the SMP info from acpi instead? [15:25]
up_the_ironstoddf: regarding kvm being broken, i don't care about that argument. it works "enough" for me :) [15:26]
CESSMASTERTheo has hemmorhoids from sitting and hacking all day, that's why he's always angry [15:26]
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jdoe misses the GOBBLES vs. OpenBSD trolling :(
nbariup_the_irons, know you are bussy but can you please check the issue with my bill [15:28]
up_the_ironstoddf: i tend to find workarounds acceptable; i mean, if I have a need for something, and the only way to satisfy it is to implement a workaround, or not get anything at all; i'd do the workaround [15:28]
jdoeup_the_irons: no compromises! binary blobs hide vulns! [15:29]
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up_the_ironsoh i tend to not like binary blobs too
that's why i buy intel...
like, low-end graphics, but the drivers are open source
instead of nvidia closed garbage
jdoenvidia's okay. ati's is garbage for sure. [15:31]
CESSMASTERdidn't ATI release full specs for some of their shit?
(and presumably expect someone else to write the drivers for them)
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jdoeno they're also contributing developers, I think.
I dunno, the "radeon" driver is pretty solid noe.
radeonhd is ... unpleasant.
toddfup_the_irons: I respect those who unfailingly settle for nothing but workaround free code/solutions/etc .. to them that `we' capitulate and `accept' the workaround means we're not actively solving the problem; perhaps .. [15:40]
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nbari is now known as nbari|away [15:51]
jdoeyawn. [16:01]
jwfoxjrok, time to start building my FreeBSD box in VirtualBox to make sure I don't forget anything. :) [16:13]
jdoedon't forget to replace sendmail :p [16:16]
jwfoxjrjdoe: I use postfix anyway :) [16:21]
jdoelike I said [16:22]
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up_the_ironstoddf: i can see that [16:31]
jdoelol dongs. [16:32]
visinin:3 [16:36]
i've been meaning to change my username to lol for a while but i keep forgetting
WraithanI've never tried *BSD I should probably install it in a VM or something someday [16:53]
cedwardsWraithan: probably. [16:55]
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Wraithanup_the_irons: one thing I am concerned about is if I get a VPS and need to move up in size, is that pretty much frozen right now due to the orders lock as well?
My 540 on linode is getting to be a little slim, for me, so in the near (next 2 months) I'll probably need to move up to a 768
Wraithan is already planning on offloading some stuff to the work server for a month or two during my transition
because I don't want to pay for a more expensive linode :(
up_the_ironsWraithan: a 512 -> 768 upgrade shouldn't be a problem [17:42]
Wraithanup_the_irons: sorry for all the pestering you even though I am not paying for the service (yet) [17:45]
up_the_ironsWraithan: oh, no worries
not a bother
Wraithanup_the_irons: Once the orders open back up (and assuming I like it) I'll probably be telling everyone I know, since I know a lot of Linode users who would like to pay less and are more advanced users like myself [17:47]
up_the_ironsWraithan: ah great :) Referrals tend to be common around here; I don't advertise and yet people still knock at my door, hehe [17:48]
cedwardsI've already got a few people pending as well.. [17:49]
up_the_ironswow [17:49]
WraithanYeah, I have 2 friends that are waiting on me to tell them if I liked it [17:50]
up_the_ironspretty sure you'll like it [17:50]
cedwardsI've got at least two, probably three that'll sign up after my approval..
up_the_irons: are you thinking a month before signups are ready again?
WraithanI like spreading the word on good deals, saving my friends money makes me happy [17:51]
up_the_ironsso what is it that makes you guys come here? lower price? freebsd is an option? both? I figure I know the answer, but I've never asked directly
Wraithan: hehe nice
WraithanLower price, and being able to run whatever thing I want
I don't really care about BSD, it is neat and possibly will be using Clang as default in the near future which is exciting, but, I like my Arch Linux
up_the_ironscedwards: yeah probably beginning of june i'll have a new box ready to go; before then, some slots will inevitably open up, so anyone interested should email preorder@arpnetworks.com and i'll email a special order link as slots open [17:52]
WraithanWhich actually uses a BSD style init [17:53]
up_the_ironsWraithan: word [17:53]
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WraithanI have friends that <3 BSD though, so they will be stoked [17:54]
up_the_ironshehe nice [17:54]
WraithanThe Linux/BSD choice to me is a lot like car choice, most of us have opinions on what we want our cars to look like but in the end they all (hopefully) just get you from point a to point b which is the main concern [17:56]
up_the_ironsWraithan: ya know, that's a real interesting way to put it. I like it :) [17:56]
cedwardsup_the_irons: did I hear you say there was a referral bonus as well? not that these prices don't sell themselves, but incentives are nice ;) [17:56]
WraithanFeel free to take that [17:56]
up_the_ironsthat really sums it up it up
Wraithan: thanks :)
WraithanWraithan drops wisdom like my ATT drops calls
Oh snap!
up_the_ironscedwards: yes, there is; a free month if you refer someone and they stay
Wraithan: nice!
Wraithanugh, time to clean my desk
back in a bit
cedwardsup_the_irons: I assume "stay" means.. X months? [17:58]
up_the_ironsgood luck
cedwards: maybe like 3 months, but i'm not very strict in either case (ya think I have time to keep track of it all? ;)
cedwardsdoes bsd not have a periodic / cron hourly? [18:04]
WraithanFreeBSD comes with a cron tool afaik
Desk is clean
amazing what a week of hacking does to my desk
have 7 weeks until launch of a gian warehouse app
RandalSchwartzcron may be off by defaul
no wait... it has to be on. :)
I don't have cron in /etc/rc.conf
and yes, there are periodic's
cedwardsRandalSchwartz: it's on, but I notice I have /etc/periodic/{daily,weekly,monthly}, but no hourly. [18:08]
RandalSchwartzyes - no hourly
you can just add that to a crontab
cedwardsin Linux I'm used to /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} [18:09]
Wraithancedwards: those are just dirs called by your crontab [18:09]
RandalSchwartzapparently, nothing to be installed needed hourly :) [18:09]
Wraithancrontab -e
check it out on a linux system you'll see that
It is just some helpful defaults is all
You guys probably know more sysadminy stuff, but I am a developer and most of it is black magic... co-worker showed me that you can resize a LVM partition while it is hot.
I didn't believe him, then he proceeded to do it
I damn near shat a brick... resizing a live FS is something that is ingrained deep in my head that you NEVER EVER DO
RandalSchwartzwith zfs you can do that too. :) [18:12]
cedwardsWraithan: shrinking you shouldn't do, but extending is just fine. [18:12]
RandalSchwartzsince you're merely changing the quota size [18:12]
WraithanIt was always pounded into me to never do it on a live FS [18:12]
RandalSchwartzsimple number update and... "bing" [18:12]
WraithanIt seems so dangerous! [18:13]
RandalSchwartzyou can grow a partition live on OSX too, as I recall [18:13]
WraithanThis was Reiser running on our server [18:13]
RandalSchwartzjust not shrink it
Reiser, the deadly FS?
WraithanRandalSchwartz: still magic.
hahaha yeah
"Oh this must have been setup before he went fucking nuts" - Quote from our sysadmin at work
RandalSchwartzheh [18:14]
WraithanOur sysadmin is a good guy, he puts up with a lot from us developers [18:15]
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Wraithanincluding our comments about "can't we just throw more hardware at it?" [18:15]
RandalSchwartzo/~ I'm mr heat reiser... I'm mr sun. I'm mr wife atomizer... I'm mr 101... o/~
(cue sax riff)
WraithanMr 5? [18:16]
RandalSchwartz"a hundred and one"
the original line was that
... http://www.santasearch.org/music.asp?PID=1&SongID=1821
I want to do that at karaoke now. :)
WraithanAh cheaper hosting means I can run Hudson or the like on my VPS without having to cry about ram
I keep meaning to write my own CI
RandalSchwartz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k83NlMFJUoc
there we go
WraithanGirlfriend is here, time to go out to dinner, later folks [18:19]
.... (idle for 17mn)
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jdoeRandalSchwartz: presumably you're Mr. Heat Riser, unless you're feeling stabby. [18:51]
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jdoeRandalSchwartz: ah, that was intentional and a joke that I missed utterly. I'm a moron. [21:25]
RandalSchwartzwhich joke? [21:25]
jdoethe reiser thing from a couple hours ago. [21:25]
RandalSchwartzoh hjeh [21:25]
jdoeshows me for not reading scrollback. [21:25]
RandalSchwartzok [21:25]
jdoeNO. [21:29]
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