#arpnetworks 2010-04-03,Sat

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TomD_ has joined #arpnetworks [06:37]
TomD_hi guys. thanks for getting my account setup so quickly :) [06:37]
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nick is now known as raouldlv
raouldlv is now known as nick
nick is now known as raouldlv
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raouldlvhow many vcpus does the $20 package come with?
im not familiar with QEMU
oh, and hello
finkraouldlv: 1 i think?
raouldlv: i just got mine last night
raouldlvfink: nice
finkyea, i'm rebuilding the kernel & world now [17:05]
raouldlvtop -P will show you how many cpus [17:06]
finkraouldlv: i can pm you dmesg or pciconf [17:06]
RandalSchwartzrebuilding? [17:06]
raouldlvcool that would be nice
fink: ^^
ooo rebuilding world? you have access to single user mode?
RandalSchwartzyou do, actually
you have serial console *and* vnc console
finkraouldlv: yea as randal says there's vnc, but i'm not using it
we'll see what happens ;)
raouldlvfink: looks like 1cpu :) [17:08]
finkyea [17:09]
RandalSchwartzbut the I/O interrupts happen on a different cpu
so it's actually better
i have FreeBSD 8 running on Xen full virt right now
IO bottlenecks :/
RandalSchwartzI have freebsd 8.0 -p2 with root on ZFS
nothing like booting zfs
can't ever go back to something less now
I'm using zfs-snapshot-auto
raouldlvguys i thikn im addicted to FreeBSD [17:13]
RandalSchwartzerr.. zfs-snapshot-mgmt [17:13]
raouldlv:) [17:13]
RandalSchwartzI keep 10 minute snapshots for 90 minutes
then 30 minute snapshots for 12 hours
then 3-hour snapshots for a week
then daily snapshots for 3 months
all automatic
raouldlvO_O [17:14]
RandalSchwartzand that's for / on down [17:14]
raouldlvdifficult to set up, RandalSchwartz ? [17:14]
RandalSchwartzportinstall -c zfs-snapshot-mgmt
then edit the conf :)
raouldlvsounds awesome [17:14]
RandalSchwartzso if I blow editing an /etc file, I can fetch about 30 different versions of it :)
or my .zshrc
or I install something that breaks things
oh - and my /usr/ports is stored compressed
but my homedir isn't
and I can change my mind later
zfs. rocks.
raouldlv/usr still UFS?
and /var?
was wondering about mysql performance on ZFS
RandalSchwartzyou can tune quite a few things
change the checksum to a cheap one, for example
would *not* recommend turning it off though
no /usr and /var are zfs
I have *no* ufs on my system
raouldlvhow long have you had arp, RandalSchwartz ? [17:20]
RandalSchwartz... http://pastebin.com/VMmg4NR8
only 4 months
raouldlvyou like it? [17:21]
RandalSchwartzso far!
I burned my old machine five days ago
so I'm definitely on now
raouldlvARP is recommended 100% on webhostingtalk for freebsd [17:23]
RandalSchwartzyeah - Garrey's a good guy
oops. Garry
raouldlvGarry's the bossman? [17:23]
he hangs out here
as up_the_irons
raouldlvah [17:24]
RandalSchwartzand his terminal probably just ping'ed :) [17:24]
raouldlvoh you mean when you hilighted up_the_irons ?
this might be a dumb question, but does ARP let you run IRC clients?
RandalSchwartzof course
it's your box
raouldlvgood :)
some providers dont allow IRC at all
not even clients
RandalSchwartzof course, you'll have to ensure that your IRC clients obey your agreement
so be careful
as in, your irc server can't be used for forbidden activity
raouldlvwhat about torrentzzz? [17:27]
RandalSchwartzsame thing
wasn't listed in the forbidden
just things like "Illegal"
so as long as you're legal, no worries
keep in mind you have bandwidth limits
raouldlvoh, I'm 21. Legal [17:28]
RandalSchwartznot sure what happens if you blow those [17:28]
raouldlvhaha [17:28]
RandalSchwartzno I mean, legal torrents [17:28]
yeah it was a joke :)
jlgaddisraouldlv: the general rules seem to be 1) don't do anything illegal, and 2) don't be a retard. adibe by those and you'll be okay. [17:29]
and if you get warned, pay attention
raouldlvjlgaddis: I like those rules. [17:29]
....... (idle for 34mn)
finkRandalSchwartz: you use zfs on arp? [18:03]
RandalSchwartzYes using zfs
booting off zfs for /
raouldlvbtw, fink, i hate you.
you just suck less than macports
so i use you.
RandalSchwartzempty lines?
I no longer use "fink" on my laptop
I use macports exclusively
fink were you trying to say someting?
I just got two blank lines from you
jlgaddis [18:12]
RandalSchwartzjlgaddis? :) [18:12]
jlgaddisjlgaddis grins [18:12]
RandalSchwartzmy irc client refuses to push just a blank :) [18:13]
jlgaddis<space><enter> =) [18:13]
RandalSchwartznope - that gets erased
blame emacs. :)
you could also put in a color code with no text and send, but this channel is +c
no color
RandalSchwartzand thank god
because my client doens't know color
raouldlvno emacs color :( ? [18:17]
RandalSchwartzirc.el was created before irc had color
it has only a half-assed file transfer as well, so I just disabled it
raouldlvupgrade to irssi :) [18:17]
RandalSchwartzsimpler than trying to explain to people that I can't [18:18]
raouldlv+tmux [18:18]
RandalSchwartzirssi doesn't run inside emacs [18:18]
jlgaddisthank $deity [18:18]
parser error: $deity undefined
jlgaddismy $deity = 'FSM'; [18:20]
RandalSchwartzuse constant DEITY => 'FSM'; [18:20]
jlgaddisthat's better [18:21]
raouldlvLook, you can't all be athiest. One of you has to be athier than the rest.
that's just how superlatives work.
jlgaddisheh [18:21]
raouldlv;) [18:22]
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...... (idle for 25mn)
finkRandalSchwartz: sorry that came from me doing mergemaster, and went into the wrong window
raouldlv: i freaking love macports, btw
RandalSchwartz: any tips or gotchas for zfs on arpnetworks vps?
RandalSchwartzfollow the instructions precisely
this works - http://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GPTZFSBoot

the only thing is the ether interface is different
oh wait, not referenced there
but yeah, you need to add the right config in /etc/rc.conf
right - echo 'ifconfig_re0="DHCP"' >> /etc/rc.conf
that's not gonna work
add your proper config line
"em0" is the name of the emulated if
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finkRandalSchwartz: forgive my stupidity, but how did you boot a freebsd install dvd on an arpnetworks vps? [19:13]
RandalSchwartzfink - if you ordered a freebsd machine, freebsd 8.0 release disk is in the virtual cdrom permanently
so you "boot" from "cd"
finkoh [19:20]
RandalSchwartzuse the console or vnc interface to "reboot"
actually, you can trigger reboot from the web
and then just be sure to press F6 during boot up to select the boot menu
or maybe it was F12
yeah, I think it was F12
finkdo you think those will work ok over a modem connection? [19:21]
RandalSchwartzconsole will
vnc not so much
to get console mode, you have to give your public key to support@
finkah ok
well i guess no zfs this weekend then :)
RandalSchwartzif you submit it, Garry might do it
he works weekends sometimes
or maybe his minions do :)
finkthey work on the weekend?
oh ok
get your pub key into support@
I think that's how it works
see your login page
finkyes, looking now
RandalSchwartz: thanks for your help
RandalSchwartzno problem
people here helped me when I started
just paying it back
finki had no idea about the virtual cdrom [19:27]
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finkwas that in a support doc i missed/ [19:28]
RandalSchwartzI think I asked Garry
as in, I asked him how I was supposed to wipe my disk
and he said "oh, the cdrom is mounted permanently"
finkthat is cool [19:29]
RandalSchwartzwhich also means you always have a rescue disk
you can boot the cd, fix things, then reboot to your HD
finkyea, exactly [19:29]
RandalSchwartzthis is far far far better than my previous hosting
more money for less service, capability, etc
finkwhat did you use before? i have some stuff on slicehost [19:30]
I had a dedicated server
never again
I'm really liking the idea of a VPS
yea me too
RandalSchwartzI won't be the only one bitching if the cpu fails :) [19:31]
finkslicehost gives great service [19:31]
RandalSchwartzslicehost doesn't offer freebsd configs though [19:31]
finkbut no freebsd and arp has more than twice the ram for the same price... [19:31]
RandalSchwartzI asked them
finkright [19:31]
RandalSchwartzactually, the $20/month deal is so incredibly good, I might just buy one of those for a throwaway box
throw an asterisk server on it or something
finkthe only thing i miss about slicehost is the nice dns webadmin
RandalSchwartzyou can install webmin on freebsd :) [19:32]
finki thought about that but the latency from west coast to east coast is too great for a voip thing
does webmin work with djbdns?
RandalSchwartzinsightcruises.com web is on an EC2 box for $120/month [19:33]
finki always do hacky stuff with tinydns & dnscache [19:33]
RandalSchwartzinsightcruises.com mail/dns is on a $20/month special at ARP
with a lot of spare room
so I'm thinking of moving insightcruises.com web over to ARP
finkhuh cool [19:34]
RandalSchwartzsave my client $120/month [19:34]
finkyou run this site or the company too/ [19:34]
RandalSchwartzso he can pay me instead :)
no - I'm just their CTO
finkRandalSchwartz: that's your added value [19:34]
RandalSchwartza side benefit is I go on nearly every cruise [19:35]
finkthat looks really interesting
damn i want to go to patagonia
RandalSchwartzI have about 330 days at sea :)
more than some of the staff members
finknice [19:35]
RandalSchwartz366 sea days actually
just updated my spread sheet
51 sailings of geekcruises, and I've been on 47
finkthat is pretty awesome
you've spent a year at sea
do you get net access while you're there?
RandalSchwartzsatellite, 40 cents a minute, 800 ms ping time, 200 kbps typical
but that doesn't stop me from firing up IRC. :)
most shore sites have internet cafes
so I do essential things from the ship, but wait until a 2 hour block of shore time to update my podcasts etc.
RandalSchwartz *so* tweeted that
finki've never been on a cruise; is it overall a fun experience? do you get tired of seeing the same people? how's the food? do you share a room? can you work in your room or are there common areas? [19:50]
au40 cents a minute is bad [19:50]
RandalSchwartzyes. no. great. sometimes. yes and/or yes.
40 cents a minute is opportunity cost
you learn to connect, do your stuff, disconnect
and/or share
turns out, you can hub with a few others, and only one needs to connect :)
as it turns out, I spend about $200 for internet for the week
but that's on top of a $1000 room bill, and $500 bar tab :)
so it seems small in comparison
that's a good sized tab
RandalSchwartzit's not that impressive
well drinks are $5
finkoh [19:55]
RandalSchwartzor more [19:55]
finkof course
hey vnc over a modem is actually not bad
RandalSchwartzahh, there you go
just beware of sniffing
that's an insecure link
you can go secure once your ssh key is in
finki emailed
i'm going to try this zfs install
follow every step exactly
finkok [19:57]
RandalSchwartzexcept for the one that says "dhcp"
use your hardwire setup instead
finkthanks for your help, i'm sure i'll bug you
ok, gotcha
RandalSchwartzthe VPS do *not* get DHCP
learned that the hard way :)
.... (idle for 17mn)
finkRandalSchwartz: did you use a 4gig swap? or stick with the default 1.5?
i'm assuming it doesn't really matter
just twice your ram
or do i need a bigger swap because of zfs
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RandalSchwartzI left swap at 4G
just because I have 2G of real
but I have 120G of disk
if you have smaller, use smaller swap
I think for insightcruises.com, I used 2G swap
since that's a 20G dis
sorry, watching 7 windows here
not the same as watching Windows 7
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finkRandalSchwartz: is the freebsd 8 disk included with the vps 8 RELEASE or 8 STABLE? i don't remember [21:19]
jlgaddisrel [21:19]
finki'm asking because the zfs instructions imply that you don't have to install a zfs aware boot loader with stable
jlgaddis: ok thanks
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woohoo it worked [21:55]
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