#arpnetworks 2010-03-19,Fri

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got any pics?
amdprophet: how much power do you think it'll consume? 1A, 0.5A ?
200W PS?
is it like this one? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816101262
great price at $269 free shipping
i guess u just pop in ram and a hd, huh?
........... (idle for 52mn)
dxtrup_the_irons: This is awesome. Just for the luls my ISP (I used their mail) are "Improving" the mail so I can't access it :D [01:03]
up_the_ironsdxtr: want me to send it somewhere else? [01:04]
dxtrOh no, btw. My current VPS got it btw
Before my isp started to improve it
up_the_ironsah ok [01:05]
dxtrUhm.. [01:06]
Okay. This is just plain awesome [01:14]
up_the_ironslol [01:21]
amdprophetup_the_irons: sorry ran out, yea that's the exact one i got, except $270 canadian so a bit cheaper ;)
once i get my compact flash raid controller, it shouldn't be using much power at all
using a mechanical sata drive right now
............... (idle for 1h13mn)
dxtrSo, what's the correct way to configure a subnet? add an alias for each ip? [02:46]
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up_the_ironsdxtr: yeah, just add an alias for each
amdprophet: ah, nice!
just got openbsd 4.6 installed on it... going to have to upgrade to 4.7 in like a week :(
up_the_ironsand i'm gonna have to make install images for 4.7, bah. every 6 months, a couple hours of headache ;) [03:28]
amdprophetrofl [03:28]
up_the_ironsamdprophet: which cf controller did u get? [03:29]
amdprophethaven't bought one yet, but i'm probably going to get the same one @manlydeadguy got
let me see if i can find it
up_the_ironsman i think i'm gonna get me one of these... [03:29]
amdprophetnice eh?

damn copy paste!
up_the_ironswow, nice
so it plugs into SATA?
amdprophetyup [03:32]
up_the_ironsand you just put in a CF?
that's hot...
amdprophetyea, or two [03:32]
up_the_ironsnice, so you can raid 1 it [03:32]
amdprophet@manlydeadguy is raid 1 them [03:32]
up_the_ironsone of my friends showed me this:
it'll take an atom MB
amdpropheti need to save my money a bit before i purchase that adapter, i've bought that rackmount atom 330, an c2d imac from a friend, and a google nexus one this past week... and i'm unemployed lol [03:33]
up_the_ironshe says he ran it at 60W, no problem [03:34]
amdprophetthat's the one @manlydeadguy has
it's a bit quieter than the supermicro one i have, but not rackmountable
up_the_irons@manlydeadguy has the m350? [03:34]
amdprophetalso a lot less space for throwing stuff in
yeah that's true
amdprophetit can mount to the back of a VESA compliant monitor though, which is really neat [03:35]
up_the_ironsi was kinda digging the 60W ps, because then you know it could never take more than half an amp [03:35]
amdpropheti still might buy one and mount it to the back of an extra monitor for a linux dev box [03:35]
up_the_ironscool [03:35]
amdpropheti need to toss all of these old boxes i have... i've got like 12 old compaq p4 1.7 [03:36]
up_the_ironshaha [03:36]
amdprophetmaybe i should go to bed... i might have to go to my grandma's funeral tomorrow afternoon
not sure yet, but better not risk it
amdprophet goes afk
same here...
cd $bed
......... (idle for 40mn)
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vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [06:41]
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dxtrUhm, is ssh a requirement to access the vnc? :) [07:16]
bob__you need a vnc client to connect to vnc [07:17]
dxtrWell, duh, but I can't access it :P
Tried both tightvnc and ultravnc
bob__i just use realvnc client
works fine for me - have you got the right port?
dxtrUhm, darn, hold on
Nevermind :)
bob__:) [07:22]
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Are you kidding me?
Can't type my password :P
.. and I can't type slash
bob^^?! [07:25]
dxtrWhen I type a slash it enter a question mark
I hate life
toddfdxtr: type shift-? ??
email support@ for a new password that is slash less ?
dxtrtoddf: It was more like: cd /etc/blaha [07:30]
toddfya know, at some point, admin'ing a unix system with a slash less keyboard is gonna be fun [07:31]
dxtr: you should install windows, so you can use backslashes
dxtr.. I am using Windows
Oh, right
backslash didn't work either so
bob^^wrong keymap? [07:35]
dxtrOkay, altgr+< and altgr+plus gives me backslash
But not a single button on the keyboard gives me slash!
Yay! But I managed to fix it now :P
I quit now. See you guys later!
bob^^laters [07:43]
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would my debit mastercard work for this?
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auhi heavysixer [19:11]
heavysixerau: hey [19:11]
auah, would my debit mastercard work for arpnetworks when signing up for a vps? [19:11]
heavysixerau: that's a question for up_the_irons [19:11]
auI will leave him a pm [19:12]
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au has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [19:42]
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