hi, is garry dolley logged in? he uses the nick up_the_irons sleep is what my ragged brain desires... does arp have a hosted dns service? nemith: no, there's several free services that'll do that for you nemith: One thing you can do is host primary DNS on your VPS, and use a free service to do secondary. The registrar I use - gandi.net - provides this service for no charge if your domain is registered with them. awyeah: thats not a bad idea i have godaddy as a registrar (yeah yeah..) and I would rather hump balsa wood than use thier service :) THere are services that offer secondary DNS for you, for example http://www.zoneedit.com/ and http://www.everydns.com/ Step 1: Move your domain name from GoDaddy to somewhere else. Step 2: Did you do step 1 yet? :) Yeah zoneedit is good, I've used them. twisted4life.com is also good. eventually i'll do primary on my own vps, then just swap secondary w/ somebody else awyeah: I like godaddy's ability to let me do v6 easily on the dns servers awyeah: and I haven't found anywhere that is cheaper awyeah: other than the annoying ads, what is bad about godaddy if you host your own dns? Hang on let me find the slashdot articles Oh this is gonna be good. http://blog.tigertech.net/posts/transfer-policy-violations/ And apparently that's not the first time they've violated ICANN rules. So maybe it's just more of a principled stand. The other reason I like Gandi... their slogan. Right on the top left of their page: "No Bullshit" They even trademarked it. I mean, how can you beat that. Alright - the time has come for me to leave the office. I'll probably be back on later tonight. awyeah: heh amyeah: if you point me to a registrar that equals or exceeds godaddy.com in pricing, I'd be happy to consider them.. toddf Hrm, I need to start using public keys for ssh. Remembering lots of passwords is annoying. Oh. Here's another thing. I've been trying to figure this out forever. Anyone know how you can enforce password expiration in freebsd? pw(8) has a -p flag that handles this. Yeah but freebsd doesn't enforce it. I've played with that one. You set an expiration date and it does nothing it goes in the passwd file for sure. Interesting. I've never tried it; thought pam enforced it. I got nothin'. heh It could just be that I was doing it wrong. I had posted a question on the bsd forums a while back, and got nothing Apparently nobody in the bsd world gives a shit about good password policies ;) Clearly. heh top ack