#arpnetworks 2010-01-27,Wed

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***schmir has joined #arpnetworks [00:03]
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nerddIs there any gotchas I should be aware of before running freebsd-update to get from 7.2 to 8.0 on my vps? [00:59]
up_the_ironsperhaps have some good coffee next to you [01:05]
bob__lol :)
i tried it the other day on a 'real' box and something went horribly wrong
up_the_ironsjust make sure you have VNC and/or console server access in case you need out-of-band access [01:05]
nerddup_the_irons: Oh, heh - good you mentioned that. I'll just mail my pubkey to support ;) [01:10]
up_the_ironsnerdd: :) [01:10]
amdprophetup_the_irons: gitosis sure is neat!
thanks for writing that article up
up_the_ironsamdprophet: it's awesome
nerddnerdd loves gitosis [01:13]
amdprophetbeing able to manage the config file using git itself is just... amazing [01:13]
up_the_ironsyeah, it feels so... right [01:15]
schmiranyone tried http://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite? [01:16]
jlgaddisheh heh
oh, nevermind. i misread that.
up_the_ironsnever heard of it
in Perl, LOL
sounds interesting though
branch level access,neato
schmiryeah, would have probably tried it already if it was written in python [01:29]
up_the_ironsnerdd: pub key added, fire away [01:30]
nerddup_the_irons: Thanks! :) [01:30]
up_the_ironsnp [01:31]
..... (idle for 22mn)
bob__is it possible to 'expand' disk space at a later date?
the 20gb i've got will be fine for now but i'm just wondering what happens if i need more in the future :)
up_the_ironsbob__: yes, it can be expanded. takes about 10 minutes of downtime [01:59]
bob__ah, great :) thanks [02:00]
up_the_ironsnp:) [02:00]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Wed Jan 27 05:35:50 2010
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schmir has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [06:53]
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shin has joined #arpnetworks [10:48]
shinhi [10:50]
toddftoddf hears a pin drop [10:51]
infraredcricket cricket [10:51]
shinI'm interested in a FreeBSD VPS, thing is I'm in Peru and I think latency might be an issue [10:52]
infrareddownload the 100mb bin file [10:53]
shinwell, for SSH use mostly
bandwidth is not the issue
I've pinged arpnetworks.com and I'm getting like... let me see
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 846.781/1020.977/1141.532/74.904 ms
infrared74? [10:54]
shinyeah, lots of fluctuation [10:55]
infraredi get ~89ms [10:55]
shinwell my question if there's some VPS host I could ssh for a couple minutes [10:55]
infraredand it's fine for me [10:55]
shinwell you're not in Peru :P [10:56]
infraredno. i'm in the US [10:56]
shinyup [10:56]
infraredshin: want me to create a tmp account on my vps for you? [10:56]
shininfrared: that'd be awesome [10:56]
infraredone sec
shincool, let's see
it's kinda slow, but it's not that bad
toddfinfrared: you're extremely trusting ;-) [10:59]
infraredtoddf: what can he possibly do? [10:59]
shininfrared: i've logged out [11:00]
infraredshin: yup [11:00]
shinwell thanks! I think I can manage that level of responsiveness [11:00]
toddfinfrared: localhost DoS or worse are far more common than remote. *grin*. 'sup to you what you do.. I wouldn't, but that's just me ;-) [11:00]
infraredtoddf: :) it's over now anyways. i removed it [11:01]
<-- uber paranoid
shinim paranoid too, but I'm glad infrared helped me out with this :D [11:01]
toddf*grin* [11:02]
infraredinfrared wants a commision
shinso, are FreeBSD VPS also kvm/qemu guests?
or do you run Xen for BSD guests?
..... (idle for 22mn)
toddfarpnetworks has some xen for old vps's they're migrating away from from what I have seen here on channel
<-- client only
kvm is the wave of the future
jeevopenbsd is! [11:27]
toddfja, jeev promises to port kvm to openbsd, and we'll all be happy [11:27]
jeevhey, 60 watt L5506 vs 130 watt Core i7 920..
is the power savings really worth it
toddfnot when you compare to a fit-pc2.com (10W) [11:36]
i bet openbsd uses more power than windows 7!
toddfapm -L! [11:38]
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jeevwonder how many fit pc2's i can stuff into a cabinet lol [11:41]
site is updated now
wrong channel
toddfwonder what this A4 chip is all about [11:46]
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amdprophetARM processor... not sure what's unique to it though [12:01]
toddfmade by apple, ARM, nice [12:01]
bob__looks like a nice device [12:13]
toddfwhat I'd love to see is iGlasses or any HUD in glasses style device .. of any flavor, even if it was only the display [12:20]
jeevman i set up kvm again on my system and launched fbsd
i dont see good performance, it's annoying me
toddfI'm sure up_the_irons has some haxxorz that makes us wanna just pay him to take care of things.. [12:25]
jeevno it was fine in my last installation [12:26]
toddfcould be as simple as running an older, more reliable, stable, and faster version of kvm/loonix [12:26]
jeevi dunno what is causing this [12:26]
toddfa quirk particle is stuck in your computer's frontal lobe [12:26]
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jeevmaybe it's openbsd [12:33]
toddfloonix+kvm -> freebsd inside kvm, yeah its openbsd, uh huh [12:40]
jeevit's always openbsd. [12:41]
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schmir has joined #arpnetworks [15:16]
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up_the_ironstoddf: for the record, all customers are off Xen. KVM all the way. I still have some Xen VMs on old hardware, for things like backups, nagios, etc... [15:37]
amdprophetis nagios pretty good? [15:37]
up_the_ironsit does the job
not exactly the best piece of software but it gets by
bob__opsview is handy up_the_irons - it's based on nagios, but with a decent web interface
we moved to it in work recently, so far so good - and it supports clustering really easily as well
toddfI have yet to use nagios and be satisfied, sure it sends notifications if things are down, but suffers from ETOOMANYBUTTONS and seems to generate tons of nagging down messages as well as frustratingly common false positives [15:45]
up_the_ironsbob__: ah cool, good to know [15:45]
bob__yeah, it takes a *lot* of tweaking to stop the false positives [15:46]
toddfI've got zabbix in the queue to test, that it stores its info in a database instead of custom flat file memory dumps makes it seem more plausibly sane [15:48]
bob__i tried that, didn't really get on with it
iirc it was too snmp-based to work with the kit we use
actually to be fair, we tried zabbix a *long* time ago, it might be a lot better now
depending on how big your networks are, netxms was quite nice (though very much based around its own client rather than a www page): http://www.netxms.org/screenshots/
toddfzabbix has one barrier taken down for me netxms doesn't.. zabbix is in openbsd ports ;-)
jeev should get an iPad, it will take care of any iPeriod he might have
up_the_ironsLOL [16:00]
amdprophettoddf: LOL [16:04]
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ballenso whois getting an iPad? [20:18]
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baklava has joined #arpnetworks [22:00]
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amdprophetballen: i'll probably be getting one, it'll be neat to show clients their websites on it instead of my macbook pro [23:25]
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