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jlgaddis: up_the_irons: thanks again!
up_the_irons: jlgaddis: no problem
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DigiBSD: hello
how to connect to my vps
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mike-burns: I agree with Vxp, and am a customer. For the record.
That's all.
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DaCa: I think he was extremely rude
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jeev: eh
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dja: hmm cant seem to get VNC to work
nevermind, working now
up_the_irons: :)
dja: tried pressing F12
brought up dashboard ;)
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up_the_irons: dja: if you're on OS X, you hit Fn-F12 to send a "real" F12. Blame your OS for masking your keys ;)
dja: that was Fn-F12, F12 on its own was increase volume, I made that mistake too ;)
I changed the shortcut for dashboard, and Fn-F12 worked
up_the_irons: dja: ah cool
dja: got it all setup, just waiting on portsnap to finish extracting.. then to update to 8-STABLE :)
up_the_irons: ah nice
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ChanServ sets mode: +o ballen
ballen: up_the_irons: you around?
up_the_irons: ballen: yeah
ballen: is vxp a customer?
up_the_irons: honestly, i don't know
i don't think so
ballen: ok
up_the_irons: i imagine he'd have given me grief by now if he was
ballen: likely
up_the_irons: but things are still smooth sailing, so...
ballen: good, glad nothing came of it
assume my actions were warranted ?
up_the_irons: yeah, he was being a dick anyway
did u even do anything? i think you just devoice'd him but this isn't a +v channel anyway (yet)
ballen: yea thats all I did
would be nice to be able todo that
up_the_irons: yeah, just never looked up exactly what mode i need
ballen: yea
up_the_irons: and then i need to auto-voice new people
ballen: yea
up_the_irons: so, bah
ballen: up to you
up_the_irons: just low on the radar
ballen: I can just kick people instead ...
up_the_irons: i imagine devoice is less caustic
ballen: yep
that was my thought at the time
up_the_irons: yeah, devoice would be better than kick, ban, etc...
ballen: ya
DaCa: +q is similar, it's a nice kick, they stay on the channel but can't talk
up_the_irons: so i wonder what the difference between "devoice" and "quiet" is
ballen: implicit right to voice vs. not
DaCa: devoice is for a moderated channel
ballen: yea
so freaking tired today
up_the_irons: ah
ballen: ran a Capistrano command today that shutdown 20 servers at once
up_the_irons: DaCa: can a channel be "moderated" but everyone gets voice by default? (until it is taken away)
ballen: r u fucking serious?
ballen: yea it was on purpose
shutting down for the holidays
up_the_irons: oh ok
ballen: lol
up_the_irons: i could never read that as a good thing ;)
but i guess it is
ballen: lmao
yea epic fail is that was an accident
up_the_irons: srsly!
ballen: would have shut down nearly 3/4 of my production env
up_the_irons: hah
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DaCa: up_the_irons: I am not sure, maybe you can get chanserv to have autovoice everyone, but honestly, if that is what you want, +q would do the same job
up_the_irons: DaCa: so i just +q someone causing probs?
DaCa: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml has info about the modes
up_the_irons: ah ok
DaCa: up_the_irons: indeed, it would be like a devoice
up_the_irons: DaCa: roger
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ballen_test: test
***: ballen sets mode: +b %ballen_test!*@*
ballen: neato
up_the_irons: so you tried +q ?
ballen: [18:49:08] Your message couldn't be sent to the channel
***: ballen sets mode: -b %ballen_test!*@*
up_the_irons sets mode: +b %up_the_irons!*@*
up_the_irons: lol
ballen_test: test
up_the_irons: testing 1 2 3...
i can still hear me
DaCa: you are op :)
***: up_the_irons sets mode: -b %up_the_irons!*@*
up_the_irons: DaCa: you mean i'm awesome
DaCa: that overrides
Nat_UB: Testing
up_the_irons: DaCa: gotcha
well, +q is quite nice then
***: ballen sets mode: -v ballen_test
ballen_test: test
ballen: yea devoice doesn't do shit
up_the_irons: ballen_test: it doesn't matter cuz this isn't a "moderated" channel
ballen_test: yes yes, was just tetsing
***: ballen_test was kicked by ballen (ballen)
up_the_irons sets mode: +v up_the_irons
up_the_irons: ...
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ballen: anywho, that'll work well
up_the_irons: yeah
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Sumbry: cablehead: I'm sorry. You can come back. :)
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up_the_irons: omg Sumbry was here
ballen: who's that
also kneecapping is my new favorite verb
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