#arpnetworks 2009-12-20,Sun

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***digibsd5 has joined #arpnetworks [00:53]
digibsd5hello [00:53]
Buy a vps he'll be active in how temp [01:06]
.... (idle for 16mn)
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digibsd9 has joined #arpnetworks [03:53]
digibsd9hello [03:53]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [04:15]
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heavysixer has quit IRC () [07:36]
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sroute has quit IRC ("WeeChat 0.3.0") [08:29]
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devel4123 has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [08:57]
ziyourenxiang has quit IRC () [09:03]
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Dougy has joined #arpnetworks [10:25]
Dougyup_the_irons: ping ping ping
ping agin
again *
jeevoh god
who let the troll in, arf arf ar far af
i had /me waits for jeev to say something typed in
jeevscratch that, i hate people who use the term troll, it's lame to use the word troll
Dougyi knew you were gonna say something
i had
Dougy waits for jeev to say something rude
just didnt hi tenter
hit enter *
uh huh
Dougymeh, up_the_irons, emailed you [10:34]
jeeveh [10:41]
***ballen is now known as ballen|away
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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schmir has joined #arpnetworks
Dougyhay [10:54]
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heavysixer has quit IRC () [11:12]
...... (idle for 29mn)
ballen|away is now known as ballen [11:41]
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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....... (idle for 34mn)
ballen is now known as ballen|away [12:25]
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Dougy has quit IRC ("Public PJIRC @ http://pjirc.viper007bond.com/")
ballen|away is now known as ballen
ballennow now Dougy and Jeev play nice [12:58]
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blueshoes has left [14:21]
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visinin has joined #arpnetworks [16:28]
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jeevwow that britney murphy chick died
she had a cute ass laugh
what 32 year old dies from a heart attack
they probably slipped her a pill, some blackwater shit
***heavysixer has quit IRC () [18:04]
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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jlgaddisjeev: i'd slip her a pill [20:18]
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***ballen has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o ballen
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jeevthey're gonna pass teh bill
i'm glad.
the bill
ballenwhich bill [22:02]
jeevhealth care
i desperately hope america's health care is converted to socialism
ballenhmm [22:03]
jeevif they dont want to socialize anything else, that's fine. [22:03]
balleneither way [22:03]
jeevyou know it's a piece of shit country when all they care about is profitting off people not getting treatment [22:03]
ballennational health care would be nice as it would cover some people that need to be covered... bad because my income taxes are going to go up [22:03]
jeevdid your taxes go up or down during bush ? [22:04]
jeevyou got a big ass rebate, right?
then deficit, and all the bullshit money spent on the war
rebates are retarded
jeevyou need to get your prorioties straight [22:04]
ballenhey I'm all about saving money, i.e. stopping the war [22:04]
jeevhealth care needs to be socialized and revamped.
the true reason why we lack jobs is because health care is too expensive for companies.
ballenI have access to good insurance though... so I'm not really worried about it [22:05]
jeevi have good insurance too but what if i get something?
what if they deny me? what if they cut my insurance ?
ballenyea agreed, theres an issue [22:06]
jlgaddisthe whole "pre-existing condition" fucks a lot of people [22:06]
jeevit's not even pre-existing condition [22:06]
jlgaddishave a job & insurance, something happens, lose job. get new job, new insurance company says "no" because of pre-existing condition. [22:06]
ballenInsurance companies are generally the most scumbag companies in existing [22:06]
jeevbut just passing pre-existing conditions, i HOPE that happens
it's not fair
jlgaddisjeev: that's been an issue around here w/ lots of manufacturing jobs lost. (some) people have gotten new jobs, but they're now fucked when it comes to insurance.
ballen: agreed
ballenyou think a national health care is going to be any different though... just slower and more bureaucratic
highly inefficient organization just by its nature and size
jeevlook, it's slow change
if it doesn't help us, it will help others
the beginning is always difficult.
ballengovernment is not the way to do big business
trust me
jeevthis health care thing is going to be the biggest gift to the people of this country [22:08]
balleni work for the gov't
the gov't sucks at big business
jeevballen, then consider yourself part of the issue because you dont do your best to change things
i'd rather have the government handle that than insurance companies
ballenthen you've never had to deal with gov't organizations on a normal basis
gov't workers are overpaid first of all
and with any huge organization there are huge disconnects between each level
although... knowing someone thats worked in IT of an insurance company
its not much different
jeevwe need socialized health care
full socialized health care
ballenwhy [22:11]
jeevbecause, suffering shouldn't be profittable [22:11]
but how is the governement going to A, afford it, B manage it
if money wasn't an issue
I'd agree
everyone should have great healthcare
jeevsoon, we'll be out of the war. [22:12]
ballensure... for a few years
then there will be somewhere else
some other country or group the US has an issue with
the military industry demands it
that is what i think about war.
and what has happened in the past decade
i think it was all bullshit and manufactured.
ballenof course it was
it always is
its just people
people you are in power
but just people
jeevwow, jew lieberman voted yes
i mean joe.
the asshole.
i want to make a phone call to a senator
ballenlet me know how that goes [22:15]
jeevif i can catch them in the office, convince the receptionist to let me speak to them
i'll be more effective than obama
as hell
jeevnot too unlikely [22:16]
jeevi'd go up to this senator and talk to him, man to man
the only thing that makes it difficult is that im from iran.. well born there but i'm armenian.
ballenhe or she will bullshit you [22:16]
jeevand we all know.
they passed
passed the senate
ballenso now it needs to goto the house? [22:17]
jeevhow funny
mccain was born in panama
on a military base lol
ballenUS Territory at the time [22:19]
jeevit isn't the 50 contiguous
anyway, yea i think it has to go to house now
ballendoesn't matter
it won't make it through the house
jeevhow you figure [22:20]
ballenat least in any form that is goes in
the house has many more people
as such
takes much more to make everyone happy
jeevhope it passes.. but it's only a matter of time before cheney and his friends or whoever did the last one comes up with a new one. [22:21]
ballenGoering's points ring very true [22:22]
jeevlooks like the next 20 years will be plagued by conspiracy
thanks to fox news and the term patriotism
ballenheh [22:22]
jeev'patriotism is the virtue of the vicious' -oscar wilde
i just wonder who's next, after muslims.
jeevlets put bets on the table [22:23]
ballenjust look at the US and what country/culture they have screwed in the last 20/30 years
few in South America
jeevi dont think we'll ever go to south america. [22:23]
ballenyou don't remember Panama [22:24]
jeevi mean future. [22:24]
ballenand 10 years ago... would you of said I don't think we'll goto the middle east?
lots of oil in South America
the hatred of muslims has always been there by americans, because of israel.
ballenI suppose there has been a history the last 30-40 years yes
Iran-Contra affair and all
OPEC cutting off oil
jeeviran is a touchy situation
i like ahmadinejad.. but i think he's playing his cards wrong
ballenhe I'd say he should keep him and his country off the radar
jeevhe could become a more popular guy if he loosens it a little
i however do know why he is doing what he is doing
whys that
jeevhe realizes that israel has taken the mid east, they have access everywhere and in their eyes (and mine) they're terrible people (at least the zionists)
and he dosen't want iran to be taken over by them.
you may not want to believe my thoughts but.. just think about it outside the box and the bull that they give you here
and try to understand who the real issue is in the mid-east.
i dont blame you for not saying anything, most people dont want to talk about it
although i do blame, whatever.
ballenwell in my opinion
there will always been an issue
in the middle east due to religion
jeevwhy ? [22:30]
vxpjesus christ shut up [22:30]
ballenplus people being in shitty conditions
vxp, please be polite
jeevjust put him on ignore [22:31]
jeevballen, i think everything begins with the expansion of israel and the eviction of palestinians. [22:31]
vxpballen: please be polite by ending your life you cunt [22:31]
***ballen sets mode: -v vxp [22:31]
vxpemodevoice [22:31]
ballenk ignored [22:31]
vxpchrist i hate you all [22:32]
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that's what iran wants to prevent.
ballenany idea if vxp is a ARP user? [22:33]
jeevi doubt it [22:33]
ballenseems like I've seen him around [22:33]
jeevhe's probably a spy from some other provider
yea he's only given stupid comments
i know i give retarded comments but i've never ever seen him say anything good
ballenwell theres no reason to be a troll like that [22:34]
jeevwhat do you think about that map [22:34]
ballenseems like a valid reason
I think most of it comes down to entitlement, and polarization between people of different religions
then combined with people living in substandard conditions
jeevballen, there's a lot of reading you could do when it comes to the mid-east, stuff that you dont see on american tv. [22:36]
.... (idle for 19mn)
amdprophetwow, what was up with that vxp guy? [22:55]
ballenno idea [22:55]
guess hes not a fan of light debate [23:06]
amdprophetyea it would seem that way [23:06]
ballenI know Garry mentioned there was trolls that came through here once and a while
hence why he made a number of us Ops
amdprophetjealous competition?? ;) [23:07]
ballenthough I really thought Vxp was a customer
and why I just devoiced him and didn't kick him
ballen shrugs
amdpropheti would have done the same thing [23:08]
ballenon a much lighter note, Burts Bees - Honey Lip Balm is amazing [23:11]
amdprophethaha awesome [23:14]
ballenlive in a very dry area, chap stick is much needed [23:15]
amdprophetwhere abouts? [23:15]
ballenNew Mexico [23:15]
amdprophetoh wow, you're way down there [23:16]
ballenoh ya [23:16]
amdpropheti'm up in vancouver canada [23:16]
ballenwaaay up there
amdprophethaha [23:16]
........ (idle for 39mn)
***visinin has quit IRC ("sleep") [23:55]

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