#arpnetworks 2009-12-07,Mon

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srouteAnother day another ? [00:19]
up_the_ironsdollar [00:19]
srouteDollar probably better than grey hair. Think I'll end up with both today.
... although at least I still have it. Hair that is.
man, it's cold in the office tonight, think I'm going to tidy up and go to sleep for a change. Artic air coming too close to Vancouver
up_the_ironsyeah it's really cold here as well [00:23]
jeevgod people are so stupid [00:25]
up_the_ironsyou sound surprised [00:25]
jeevi'm reading comments for the canal kililng thing
some people are saying the soldiers should stay in jail
others are saying "you dont know what it feels like to be in war.. it's kill or be killed"
stupid morons
you attacked a country which was no threat to you, did nothing to you, killed a million plus and then you're scared that you're there?
sroutewhere do you live jeev? (region, city) [00:29]
jeevi'm in cali
probably blocks from up_the_irons.
los angeles
up_the_ironshe lives real close to me [00:30]
If you don't think these Iraqi's are terrorists, then you have some serious issues...
who is that moron ?
srouteroger [00:30]
jeevwhat is a singlegirl doing giving her two cents
i'm glad i'm seeing a lot of people writing "they're doing what you and i would be doing if anyone invaded the U.S." (when speaking bout the "insurgents")
i need a tv/radio show.
Hope that you can justify your words when another 9/11 happens.
i can't beliee people still think iraqi's were behind 9/11
it's amazing
i wanna squeeze my fists and face and scream like a girl
sroutethat is surprising, after all these years.
what are you watching / reading?
jeevwas reading comments on cnn's site about the killings at the canal
you hear of it ?
srouteOddly, no, I didn't. Must admit I've not turned on CNN or US news in some time... and I'm a real news junkie. We have enough of our own crap going on up here in Canada at present. [00:43]
jeevi liked this chick in high school, the middle one

sroute, iraqi detainees were taken and executed at a canal causing turning them in would take a while to gather evidence and they'd "likely be back on the streets shooting at them again"
sroutegirl - what's not to like about girls in short dresses! canal - found some links on that. [00:46]
up_the_ironsdoes one think the fact that I preserve the FreeBSD default slices (separate /, /usr, /var, etc...) in the default install is of any consequence? Like, if I just made one big root (/) and swap, then called it a day, would anyone notice? On OpenBSD and Linux images, I just have one big root. Haven't got any complaints. *Not* preserving the FreeBSD defaults and just having a big root makes
resizing somewhat easier
i'd LOVE /
i'd complain but i dont want to send an email to you, att may see it as extra bandwidth and cap me ;)
up_the_ironsso +1 from jeev on a single / [00:49]
srouteup_the_irons: I'm not all that fussy about having the default slice arrangement when there is only one disk involved, and particularly when its a virtual disk at that, so it if makes life easier for you...
I'm ambivalent or +1 depending on which way the wind blows, hesitating only because I've not got the brain power at this time of night to guess what might trip other folks up.
maybe nothing. probably.
up_the_ironsi would bet nothing [00:51]
sroutethink so. nothing rings a bell. [00:51]
up_the_ironson OpenBSD, they didn't have any defaults before 4.6, so I just used a big / and swap. Never got a complaint. With Debian and Ubuntu, I also just made a big root and swap, b/c their defaults are kinda dumb. Again, no complaints [00:52]
srouteyup. And having /root, /boot and even /tmp off of a big / will reduce problems for less experienced admins.
... who find themselves filling one of those filesystems up ...
up_the_ironsright [00:54]
sroutelol gives them more time to get into trouble of course [00:54]
up_the_ironshaha [00:55]
jeevi need to ugprade
in place upgrade 32 bit to 64bit
i read some things
it'll break some shit but i can recompile those
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jeevfreenode is too unstable [01:00]
sroutecatch u folks in the daylight hours.. [01:11]
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Radaup_the_irons: #not-##freebsd is the offtopic channel of ##freebsd :) [03:25]
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toddfup_the_irons: wrt partitions, if people don't like what you provide, they should feel free to repartition during a re-install via serial console... IMHO
I know I did, but then again, not many people are like me, from the era when /,/usr,/var,/tmp,/var/tmp,/home,/usr/X11R6,and /usr/local all fit comfortably in a 1gb disk
personally I can't tolorate anything less than '/,/usr,/var,/tmp,/home' but thats because I understand the implications of separating writable areas from system binaries and that those mount points permit /home and /tmp and /var from needing suid or dev mount options as well as /tmp symlink games with /etc .. to mention a few obvious issues, further security..
I completely understand that from your perspective, one / is going to be most efficient both in terms of setup time and in terms of support time; anything more complicated and the customer can serve themselves. If you had stomache and fortitude like me you'd do the minimum slices for security reasons, but that would require some resistance to / only as default, perhaps even clearly stating defaults and how easy it is to change if other partitio
but seeing as I'm not you, .. I'm just glad to have OpenBSD listed as supported ;-)
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jeevanyone get a flight frmo orbitz? [10:11]
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dbgi-up_the_irons are you around? [11:02]
islandfoxup_the_irons: first email I sent was Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:01:47 -0600 ("VM Management Server"), next Sun, 6 Dec 2009 19:41:40 -0600 ("Custom disk image"), third Mon, 7 Dec 2009 06:36:31 -0600 ("Re: Custom disk image [Support]")
up_the_irons: did one/some of those not make it?
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toddfjeev: whenever searching for flights I always search a lot, kayak.com is my latest trophy for searching for good flight prices [11:55]
jeevyea i use it [11:56]
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up_the_ironsislandfox: I replied to both of those, did you not get them? [12:12]
islandfoxup_the_irons: hmm, only saw one reply, from Sun, 6 Dec 2009 23:40:41 -0800
didn't see evidence of any other messages in my logs
dbgi-up_the_irons do you mind if i pm you? [12:26]
up_the_ironsislandfox: http://support.arpnetworks.com/discussions/support/789-vm-management-server [12:32]
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up_the_ironscd $office [12:35]
dbgi-yes? no?
ok nvm then
islandfoxup_the_irons: got it, thanks! not sure why I'm only receiving some of your emails, odd, it's unfiltered... [12:41]
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jeevraid 10 ssds
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Mystikal has joined #arpnetworks [15:49]
Mystikalany admins? [15:49]
jeevshould probably send an email [15:51]
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Mystikalk [16:07]
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mick_laptopjeev: sorry to have missed your /msg [17:08]
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jeevthat sprint gps sharing shit is crazy [19:12]
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Mystikalemail sent [19:34]
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markofverohi... can anyone tell me if we can or will be able to run NetBSD on an ARP Networks VPS?
I know it currently isn't 'supported'
but does that mean we simply can't / aren't allowed to
or just that ARP Networks won't be held responsible for what happens to our data, etc., should we choose to do so?
toddfmarkofvero: it probably means there hasn't been enough demand for it that ARP Networks has setup a template install
I suspect if you provided an iso image you'd be permitted to install from it, the VM's are KVM so if there's anything netbsd doesn't do properly under linux KVM that'd be your biggest concern
markofverowould there be a way to boot the NetBSD installer outside of the template install system, in that case? (I'm not a customer yet, unfamiliar with the ARP system)
ah, thanks
toddfI'm not aware that ARP Networks does backup of vm images, I expect its my responsibility to safeguard my data in ways other than depending on my lifes history to stay safe on a VM
the concept of the template install system is simply .. ARP Networks installing a given OS and rev which saves ARP Networks time when bringing up a VM for you by copying the template and making basic IP configuration adjustments etc
if in doubt, support@arpnetworks.com is a good place to submit your request
jeevhey todd
what's up
toddfme apparently ;-) [20:41]
jeevmy kvm server is still idling bah
smashed up
toddfso I heard [20:43]
jeevi need to upgrade 7.2 32bit to 7.2 64bit
scared to try
toddfinside KVM or outside? [20:44]
toddfon OpenBSD it'd be as simple as copying in amd64/bsd.rd and booting it since /boot on amd64 or i386 can boot amd64 or i386 kernels [20:45]
this will be easy, i'd have to just rebuild ports
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ballenping [21:57]
jeevpong [22:01]
ballenalways around aren't ya [22:01]
jeevalways near a computer
ballenheh yea
snowed a foot since 4PM today
jeevthe computer is to me what coffee is to you [22:03]
ballensupposed to snow till 2 or 3 tomorrow
computer wakes you up? Keeps you up?
jeevyep [22:04]
ballenexcites your mind
provides euphoria in unexplained ways?
jeevcoffee doesn't do squat to me
i just drink it cause i can make it sweet
ballencup a day keeps the doctor away [22:05]
jeevhahaha [22:05]
balleni have a half a mil of new hardware to setup in two weeks... [22:05]
what's it for, work ?
genomics work
jeevahh [22:06]
ballenfun stuff
two Sun M4000s tanked today
two weeks old
pretty sure a power blip fucked up the internal drives somehow
jeevsun still uses sparC
or produces
ballenyea those are [22:07]
jeevis it even beneficial? sparc?
what's the benefits nowadays
ballenwho knows
its just heavy duty hardware... all they're doing is being array controllers
btw I didn't design these systems
such a waste
lets throw a 32GB quad core spare machine... that prolly cost 50k a pop and attach an array
and make it a fucking nas
jeevheh [22:09]
ballenoh and 15k sas drives
for the array
450 gig ones
bet those were cheap
jeevsend me one [22:10]
only cool thing about them are the XSCF management modules
basically a complete computer to manage the computer
good thing i work for myself
would be nice
jeevso i have something going live and i'm not ready for it
i should get to work ?
ballenprolly [22:12]
jeevbut i'm lazy [22:12]
ballengood enough
for me
just was thinking I should go brush me teeth... and amazon shows a recommended item of a sonic care toothbrush.... creepy [22:17]
i had a more creepy incidence with a phone call.
spoke bout something, next morning.. woke up, that something was ..
lets just say, unbelievable.
ok i'm really getting annoyed at firefox
it's taking so much ram, i know i run vista
but it just grows after usage and shit, nothing else does
why does it leak so much
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up_the_ironsmarkofvero: I simply never got around to making NetBSD templates. I don't know how stable NetBSD will be (it might be perfect, just never tried) [23:09]
mick_laptopjeev: perhaps time to upgrade your OS? ;) [23:13]
jeevyea, to windows 7
when i get ssd for my desktop
im using that swwhatever iron
google chrome without privacy issues
it's fast
up_the_ironsman, /dev/ttyu0 on FreeBSD 8.0 doesn't seem to actually work... [23:39]
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jeevanyone hear about that global warming thing [23:54]
nerddnerdd is from Denmark.. COP15 has been all over the news for the past 6 months here. [23:59]

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