#arpnetworks 2009-12-01,Tue

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***nuke^ has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
nuke^ has joined #arpnetworks
............................ (idle for 2h19mn)
dbgi has joined #arpnetworks [05:03]
RadaI'll take up a 100 too
no wait
just one rack
999.989 left to sell
...... (idle for 25mn)
***heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [05:44]
........ (idle for 38mn)
dbgi has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [06:22]
dbgi has joined #arpnetworks [06:33]
sbp_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:40]
mike-burnsGoing to buy milliondollardatacenter.com for this? [06:46]
...................... (idle for 1h47mn)
jeevcan't believe we're sending more troops
how gay
i'm scrapping the datacenter, i didnt' have enough funding!
d^_^bup_the_irons: are you around? [08:36]
***schmir has joined #arpnetworks [08:42]
schmirup_the_irons: do you still offer the fbsd 8 beta program? [08:43]
***visinin has joined #arpnetworks [08:52]
sroutejeev: Sorry to hear of your decision. Please send my $10,000 deposit back to me c/o my suite at Caeser's Palace, room P-2 [09:01]
***dbgi has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [09:02]
jeevlol [09:07]
.... (idle for 19mn)
***dbgi has joined #arpnetworks [09:26]
................. (idle for 1h24mn)
jeevyou know what would be cool, a SIP client on the computer, using the modem to connect to a phone [10:50]
***obsidieth has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) [10:55]
.... (idle for 17mn)
vtoms has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks
..... (idle for 24mn)
schmir has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [11:36]
......... (idle for 41mn)
dbgihi [12:17]
......... (idle for 43mn)
feemyou know what would be cool
making babies out of soap
jeevthey have those
they're called americans, they've been brain washed continually
feemoh [13:02]
mike-burnsI get it. [13:04]
mike-burns, you know damn well it's true too
mike-burnsAre you brainwashing me? [13:07]
feemunilateral statements are totally not signs of brainwashing unless they're said by americans [13:08]
jeevnope [13:08]
feemduh [13:08]
mike-burnsOh okay. [13:08]
jeevdamn i love git
the little piece of crap data entry thing i'm making is fun with git
up_the_ironsyeah git is pretty awesome [13:22]
feemthis channel is stupid [13:27]
***feem has left [13:27]
jeevweirdo [13:32]
..... (idle for 20mn)
http://jalopnik.com/5416300/possibly-the-greatest-single-picture-of-all-time [13:52]
..... (idle for 22mn)
***schmir has joined #arpnetworks [14:14]
...... (idle for 29mn)
Thorgrimr has quit IRC ("leaving") [14:43]
Thorgrimr has joined #arpnetworks [14:49]
schmir has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
vtoms has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
....... (idle for 30mn)
nc__ has quit IRC ("leaving") [15:28]
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks
vtoms has quit IRC (Client Quit)
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks
coil has quit IRC ("http://znc.in")

coil has joined #arpnetworks
.... (idle for 17mn)
vtoms has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [16:01]
...... (idle for 28mn)
d^_^bup_the_irons: ping? [16:29]
.................. (idle for 1h25mn)
***heavysixer has quit IRC () [17:54]
......... (idle for 40mn)
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer
......... (idle for 43mn)
heavysixer has quit IRC () [19:17]
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer
..... (idle for 23mn)
dbgi3 has joined #arpnetworks [19:47]
.... (idle for 18mn)
dbgi has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [20:05]
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [20:16]
vtoms has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [20:24]
............ (idle for 57mn)
dbgi3 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [21:21]
............. (idle for 1h4mn)
srouteHmnn, this little part of cyberspace is attracting a few strange birds lately it seems. [22:25]
***obsidieth has joined #arpnetworks [22:33]
jeevall your datacenters are belong to me [22:34]
obsidiethhehe [22:38]
can you be at kern.securelevel: 2 and still run xorg [22:49]
***dbgi3 has joined #arpnetworks [22:52]
........... (idle for 53mn)
schmir has joined #arpnetworks [23:45]
DaCasure, just set machdep.allowaperture to the right level before you switch to securelevel 2
see xf86(4)

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