Not ideal, but I hate making a second pot in the am. up_the_irons: got your message, thanks. sroute: np! if I change my password in the portal, will that also change my password for vnc and serial console? hi hello firebug sucks whats firebug It's an HTML/CSS/JavaScript debugger for Firefox. Since been copied for IE and Webkit. ah crashing too much? na i'm trying to understand how it's formatted in css and firebug is being a weenie i wish it would jus tell me, here. this is the code you need What about developer tools for FF? "View Style Information" ctl shift y click on the element in question... you know what i'm not ? a developer sroute, if i could cut your brain and eat it and i'd learn to code i'd do it right now I hear that works with sroute . Firebug also gives you inspect element Firebug is pretty great. ... and with inspect element you can see the style / inherited styles in a pane in firebug; much the same info as the other view I pointed you at. Chrome inspect element is getting pretty good these days too one plus Firefox and its tools gives you is the ability to edit html/css on the fly in a page, and preview it in the browser; to my knowledge Chrome doesn't do that. Somethings in chrome seem a little nicer. and memory usage is better too in chrome for example, i have writing: the next line, writing is longer.. so it's not formatting it properly rather than aligning everything.. it makes it weird magically, it worked so this guy who set uip this code with a nasty framework.. i'm trying to pretty much make it with cheap p hp when you type in a date, it automatically adds / what should i be lookig for perhaps paste a snippet - use this one it's framework man i can't figure anything out i think it's jquery ui found it, some javascript stuff fun Heh, nice. typical freebsd faggotry freebsd rules jesus rooted my box in like 2 seconds who was it heh freebsd rules i think so oh shit haha guess i'm glad to be running openbsd This exploit only works if they have access to your machine. I'm fortunate not to have local users. Although I still secure the machine as if I do... must admit my local freebsd workstation is however a security mess. Time for a wipe one of these days. yeah it's a local root lol@ `i don't have local users' mike-burns: lots of people have local users though ergo yeah `i'm not exploitable' ^ lol@all of you Hey, whoa, I'm not saying I'm invincible. I'm just observing that this only works for local users. mike-burns: and actually, every system has local users; tons of system users; even if they can't login, doesn't mean you can't use 'em. Wordpress + SQL injection could probably that code run as some user like "mysql", then escalate to root, then create a new user, that _may_ be able to login learn how to read 01:43.41 <@up_the_irons> mike-burns: and actually, every system has local users; [ ... ] ^^^ Yes, these systems are quite exploitable, I know. But a local exploit is less of a "drop everything to fix this now" than a remote exploit, no? I'm fortunate not to have "local human users" other than myself. ;-) mike-burns: yeah, that's probably fair remote root exploit has higher priority, definitely uh nice naivette if we are going to be precise. Only one machine runs PHP for only one app. All other public apps are secure from sql injection; many apps use no sql whatsoever. XSS and other exploits also protected from. Ports locked down; no password logins; auto ban repeat offenders; keep up to date as possible; run portaudit nightly; subscribe to number of security mailing lists and feeds; and so on - no naivette, I assume everyone out to get me. My own stupidity? Certainly no protection from that but I try. didnt read that stop blogging lol I'd kick vxp but she is mildly amusing. nice punctuation feem Hi hello nc underscore underscore is that an important part of your name unfortunately another user is in posession of the nickname 'nc' also, someone else is using 'nc_' my chat client forced the use of 'nc__' Ah, that r00t just hit freebsd-security. freebsd rules why dont you repeat that another 500 times that's me in the corner. is that you in the spot. light? i'm losin' my religion gross arab isent a chik Subject: Recall: CoreSite-70 Innerbelt Emergency Maintenance Advisement Man, these guys are so bad at e-mail. coresite ? in LA ? Boston. ahh i got an offer for la with one uplink though what part of boston? It's actually in Somerville. oh nice i live 5 minutes from Somerville (70 Inner Belt Rd. Somerville) Ah. I didn't realize there were more Bostonians in here. hehe mike-burns and I live in Boston. ah cool i didn't know mike-burns was in massachusetts i only know one or two other people on irc who are from the boston area maybe next time nc__ does a sad or smiley fac e you can go slap him lol i disabled that script Except for real! haha -- interesting. mhoran: you have stuff at CoreSite too? and yeah, they suck at emails i once complained.. was like, "why are you sending me a word doc? email doesn't work?" Heh. like srsly, why can't they put the maintenace advisement in the fucking email instead they have to put it in a word doc attached to the email Yeah, not impressed with their e-mail abilities, but their site is solid. #fucktards that's true, guess i should pick my battles... I set my previous employer up with a cab there. I still have the master account, I guess, so I get all the spam. cool They had just purchased it I think when we moved in. Was cool to watch it grow. I think it used to be an Internap site, then Internap built a new facility next door, and has been slowly moving over. They're pretty much the cheapest colo in Boston, plus the pay-for-what-you-use power is unheard of around here, so that's great. Berklee is at Hosted Solutions, and they suck. They're primarily focused on their own "hosted solutions", so they don't really care about people who run their own networks. It's obnoxious not being able to just walk into the DC. I have to sign in, sign out, and have them open our cab. Plus, their remote hands service has screwed stuff up for us pretty bad before. Never used CoreSite remote hands. up_the_irons: How have you found the Any2Exchange? I was hoping to get hooked up with that but it never worked out. mhoran: yeah, metered power is awesome mhoran: Any2 has worked out great so far lots of peers for the LAX/SJC one do you find it helps offload enough traffic to make it worthwhile? I joked about bringing ours back online and peering with Youtube to offset our traffic to/from them. :-) :-) It's back! blovett: i find it worth it, yeah i want a 1 million square foot datacenter who's in with me to do it we'll build it out sure. I need 10 square feet. 999,990 left to sell! i'll take a 100 999,890 left to sell. This is going to take awhile.