damn autosendcmd sorry for that :P still doesnt work up_the_irons: been meaning to ask about this for a while - qemu/kvm and the clock - code which relies on a timer behaves inconsistently. I assume that's a known issue, curious if there is a work around or ? It isn't hurting me, but everything I do a "ping" I'm reminded of it. s/everything/everytime/ what was snow leopard's final build unmber ? 1488 what's good storage for a crapintosh raid 5 maybe 2tb sroute: yeah, known issue. The work around is to disable KVM kernel mode PIC/IOAPIC/LAPIC, but this may negatively affect your SMP setup sroute: for all single proc FreeBSD VMs, I disable this extension by default, so there are no clock issues no problem