#arpnetworks 2009-11-05,Thu

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ChanServ sets mode: +o toddf [02:44]
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vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [06:34]
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Ta| has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [08:01]
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ThorgrimrWhere, oh where has my server gone :( [08:28]
.... (idle for 17mn)
jeevwho knows [08:45]
mike-burnshttp://bash.org/?5273 - ? [08:46]
jeevheh [09:03] <sroute> lost a machine... man, I wouldn't want to have to clean *that* place [08:47]
.... (idle for 17mn)
srouteup_the_irons: perhaps we'll see another SSL security advisory soon: http://www.links.org/?p=780
Nothing on FreeBSD advisories as yet. http://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories.html
TLS working group to submit a revised protocol http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg03948.html
This man-in-the-middle attack vector is brought to you by new Diamond-shaped Shreddies.
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jeevtime to hack everyone! [09:31]
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.... (idle for 17mn)
jeevlets hack 3dnow to make it work on kvm
or kvm to work on 3dnow haha
charter bringing 60 megs to cali
but what's the point if you could only sustain 15megs
***ballen|away is now known as ballen [10:01]
jeevoh apparently burbank/glendale is on docsis 3 [10:13]
ballenhow much are they charging for that [10:13]
jeev140 standalone, 130 bundled [10:14]
ballenfor 60? [10:14]
jeevlooks like arpnetworks will be hosted on charter soon! just kidding
yea, pointless. charter barely delivers 10 megs when you sub to 20
i mean sometimes it's fast, most of the times it sucks
ballenlame [10:14]
jeevthey seem to have 3-6 month periods where they're decent, then 3-6 months where they suck [10:15]
ballenmeh... shared bandwidth
I suppose all bandwidth is shared
its just at what level
I see qwest and AT&T are running fiber to the neighborhood, having a DSLAM in each neighborhood, then running short dsl runs to the house
jeevyea, i have that now
toddfcox in oklahoma city does good on what it promises, I pay for 15/1.5 and get every bit of it and more at times, supposedly going up to 50/25 soon, and I believe I'll get most of that too [10:18]
ballenah right
toddfbusiness class may make a small difference, dunno [10:18]
jeevtoo bad att is pathetic, too pathetic to just wire fiber to people
att wireless is suing verizon for their commercials
the funny thing is the maps they put on the commercials are true.
toddftoo bad cox is pathetic with its fiber, I can get 256k/s fiber with unlimited IP's for $95/mo (multiply by four, gee, we have just shy of the cost of a t1), and 10mbit/mo for $2k/mo .. its truly pathetic given what their cable side is gonna do (but no unlimited ips *sigh*) [10:20]
jeevunlimited ips ? [10:20]
toddfif the sales person and rumors hold true, my $89/mo for home business and $114/mo for office space business are both gonna get 50/25 [10:20]
jeevwhat, ipv6 ? .loo
toddfjeev: unlimited in that as long as I can justify it they keep them coming [10:21]
jeevthat's always been untrue [10:21]
toddftrust me, I can justify a lot with my equipment [10:21]
jeevthey just say that
they'd be stupid to give a hundred dollar customer something more than a /25 prob
toddfsomething tells me their unlimited promises would be greater than 5 I've been given [10:21]
jeeveven more than one ip!
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what was that blogging sutff you told me about last time
ballen_scanty-redis [10:29]
......... (idle for 42mn)
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ballen has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
sounds nasty
.... (idle for 19mn)
up_the_ironsThorgrimr: send me your SSH pub key and I'll give you access to our new management console, where you can soft restart, hard restart, boot, serial-over-IP, etc... your VM :) [11:34]
.... (idle for 15mn)
sroute: interesting SSL stuff [11:49]
Thorgrimrup_the_irons: Enroute [11:51]
up_the_ironsThorgrimr: tnx
Thorgrimr: you back up now?
ThorgrimrYessir, thank you
Trying the portupgrade again... not sure what the heck it did
up_the_ironstoddf: apparently they haven't heard about IPv4 run-out ;) [11:54]
Thorgrimr: see email for console instructions
cd $offie
Thorgrimrdanke [12:02]
toddfup_the_irons: some of them have, just that service offerings today don't reflect that; supposedly client side v6 will come within a year or so, but I will hold my breath till it arrives [12:15]
jeevwhereis ballen damnit
this scanty or redis thing doesn't work
or shall i see, the ruby thingy
did a make buildkernel on a somewhat utilized fbsd server
got 14 minutes
arp took 18 minutes
mike-burnsIf you just want a blog engine and don't care about the underlying technology, Wordpress is the way to go. [12:22]
jeevi think that providers need to offer vps's with 200-250 gig raid 1 storage
and it'll be really good
mike-burns, i dunno man i never liked wordpress
i want something secure and nice
whatcha think mike-burns?
i need security mainly, thinking about launching a blog on ahmadinejad.org
mike-burnsI don't know of any secure blogs. [12:24]
jeevthat makes fun of right wing politics and half the american population for being idiots
mike-burnsWordpress is the most popular, so there's that. [12:25]
anyway, this scanty issue is probably due to my ignorance of ruby
it's giving some errors
toddfsomeone want to point out `secure' blog software? I'll host it ;-) [12:31]
the most secure one
vi index.html!
toddfvi indeed is a secure blog [12:34]
maybe i should try putting scanty on linux first
mike-burnsWhat's the problem? [12:39]
jeevprobably missing some deps
i'm so glad i nistalled xen on a slack box and installed slack guests ;)
non vt hardware, that's what's so fun
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- blankslate (LoadError)
same on freebsd/slack
some stuff below too but still
mike-burnssudo gem install blankslate [12:44]
jeevi tried, maybe i didn't with gem
ERROR: could not find gem blankslate locally or in a repository
mike-burnssudo gem install JackDanger-blankslate -s http://gems.github.com/ [12:46]
that's not working by the way
i dont know how github or gem install works but maybe it's
masover-blankslate ?
yea, masover worekd
now, missing iconv
mike-burnscd /usr/ports/converters/ruby-iconv && sudo make install clean [12:50]
jeevjeebus, i hate this [12:51]
mike-burnsRelax, it's fine. [12:51]
jeevruby is cool though, no ?
is that what is to be learned nowadays ?
mike-burnsNo idea.
It was pretty hot five years ago. I think Scala or Erlang or something is big today.
jeevyay, works
five years? damn
mike-burnsMaybe six or seven. Whenever I started in Ruby, it was hot. [12:53]
so its' running but i dunno what to do now
maybe i'm just an idiot, i should really consider reading things
mike-burnsSo you have a server running somewhere, I guess?
Maybe port 3000, maybe elsewhere. Probably a config file.
jeev[2009-11-05 13:01:43] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=73374 port=4567
so i just launch that on 80 or something
mike-burnsYeah but don't use Webrick.
This is a Rails app, I assume?
jeevyea [13:03]
mike-burnsIf you're using Apache, look into Phusion Passenger. If you're using nginx then you care about things like memory and speed a little too much and should look into Thin. [13:03]
just nothing really
but webrick is bad ?
mike-burnsWEBrick is the easiest Rails/etc. Web server to get running, since you basically do nothing for it. It's perfect for developing a Rails site on your laptop, but it can't handle too much traffic.
Another easy route is Mongrel. You can just 'sudo gem install mongrel' and script/server will use Mongrel instead of WEBRick.
But you may want mongrel_cluster instead, since that can handle more traffic.
jeevhow much is regular traffic
like a meg or two is too much ?
mike-burnsTwo concurrent clients is too much for straight-up WEBRick or Mongrel. [13:09]
maybe i should plug it into apache
mike-burnsThat's not a fault of Mongrel, mind you; Mongrel isn't meant to be a full Web server. It's an application server for handling exactly one client really well. [13:09]
jeevgem install passenger;passenger-install-apache2-module [13:10]
mike-burnsYou will need either Apache or nginx. [13:10]
sroutesroute resists talking about Python [13:10]
mike-burnsSure, Python is irrelevant to setting up scanty-reddis. [13:10]
srouteoh for sure... I'm just interested in web server/app interfaces having been there done that over the years in python land [13:11]
up_the_ironsmy piece: if you're gonna run Rails or Rack apps, use Passenger. It is SO MUCH BETTER than managing Mongrels with nginx / thin / w/e...
it is the way web app deployment *should* be
mike-burnsYeah. [13:13]
up_the_ironsI have rails apps and sinatra apps sitting together on the same server, and Passenger serves them without me thinking about it [13:13]
jeevhmm brb [13:13]
up_the_ironsit is a joy [13:14]
jeevso i got passenger, set up apache for it [13:14]
sroutebut ruby hurts my eyes so I'm not likely to dive deep into Mongrel et al. Highest performance interface I've typically seen is either a) mod_proxy or any web server proxy module (which is applicable to Ruby apps and Python) or mod_wsgi (apache, python only); or mod_scgi I find works extremely well and have used it for years (some ruby folks use this too) [13:14]
jeevhow do i attach it [13:14]
sroutesroute heads off to read and understand Passenger [13:14]
mike-burnsPassenger is Rack's mod_wsgi. [13:15]
up_the_ironsi like python, but I can't stand that whitespace is significant; it is just a philosophical thing I don't agree with
you guys ever seen the language "whitespace" ?
mike-burnsI never noticed the syntactic difference between Python and Ruby. [13:15]
srouteincidentally, an arpnetworks vm running my framework of choice, returning a fairly simple html page with a couple of trivial db lookups -- I can churn out 900+ req/second [13:15]
up_the_ironsif not, this is truly a good read: http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/ [13:15]
sroutenot bad. [13:15]
mike-burnsup_the_irons: That's a SKI-combinator language using space and tab, right? [13:15]
up_the_ironsmike-burns: yup [13:16]
sroutere whitespace, likewise, I can't stand the use of "end" everywhere (ruby) or "{};" (many others [13:16]
up_the_ironsSO HILARIOUS [13:16]
srouteanyway, whatever fits our brains better is what we should use. [13:16]
up_the_ironssroute: but given the choice, I'd take "end" or "}" or ")" over whitespace significance. It is simply more explicit. Did you use a space instead of a tab in your Makefile, anyone? ;) [13:17]
srouteah, but I write a lot more code than Makefiles ;) [13:18]
up_the_ironsjust an example, DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT ;) [13:18]
mike-burnsHaskell has whitespace-significance. Luckily they made it such that the language is hard to learn regardless of syntax. [13:18]
up_the_ironsthe one advantage though, that I do like, is: it forces all code to be indented consistently [13:18]
srouteconfiguration files the world over have their own idiosynchracies... [13:18]
up_the_ironsmike-burns: LOL [13:18]
sroutethat's one of the main reasons I like Python... reading even bad code is easier, although I try to avoid having to do that. [13:19]
up_the_ironsyeah [13:19]
srouteagreed re Haskell; played a bit with it but... ugh. [13:19]
mike-burnsI'm a really big Haskell fan. [13:19]
sroutepart of my dislike for haskell probably stems from how long it takes to build the sucker! (half-kidding0 [13:20]
mike-burnsHa, ghc is a pain. They sped it up for the latest release. [13:21]
up_the_ironsi run xmonad, and indeed it took a long time to build haskell [13:22]
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sroutehaving said that, I have been meaning to force myself to actually learn a new language; from mainframes in the 80's to now I've had to work with a few but stopped in 2003 with Python; time to expand my brain again. [13:22]
mike-burnsWell I suggest Haskell. [13:22]
srouteup_the_irons: indeed I recently wanted to play with xmonad which is why I started playing with haskell briefly. Never got round to messing about with xmonad. I run a slightly hacked version of dwm here, which i quite like
tiling wm's are where it's at for me at least.
mike-burns: is there a decent web framework for Haskell? It might be more interesting for me and keep my attention if I can build a few toy solutions
mike-burnsThere is no decent Web framework for Haskell. [13:25]
sroutesad. [13:25]
mike-burnsThe most popular is HappStack.
I use Haskell for GUIs and daemons, mostly.
srouteIn python popular != decent necessarily
what gui platform?
mike-burnsGTK [13:26]
srouteare there nice bindings? cross platform (win and *nix)? [13:26]
mike-burnsThey're just the standard GTK bindings.
There are also really nice bindings but they're not as well-maintained.
There's some functional-reactive GTK binding (grapefruit-gtk, I think) that looks really hot.
up_the_ironssroute: yeah, i like xmonad. i was using wmii before that, which i also liked, but xmonad is nicer [13:28]
srouteoh I remember wmii too, hung out on their channel for awhile. dwm I prefer as it is simpler and my needs required a minor patch early on; recent versions obliterated the need for that. About the only thing that picked me was having to write a little routine for a decent status bar so I have a python daemon that does that now, using xlib to update the root window name area
mike-burns: is there a "simple" web framework for haskell? wouldn't mind looking at something deliberately slim first, just as an intro. Alternatively I could think of a daemon or two I've been meaning to write, including a policy server for postfix
mike-burnssroute: There's a Rack-like (WSGI-like) framework called Hack.
There's also a Haskell Web server named Hyena that you'll see referenced. IT's very minimal but gets the job done.
sroutethanks, having a look at some code... helpful to see something I deal with every day. [13:41]
............. (idle for 1h1mn)
so i've gotta understand this
passenger thing
how do i get this to work!
is it lack of documentation or lack of caring
mike-burnsLack of caring.
So you gem install it (which you did) and you run the Apache installer (which you did) and you set up a vhost.
What's not working?
when i point the virtualhost
documentroot and what not, what's supposed to happen? how is it supposed to actually execute, there aren't any php or html files
i mean i have to 'ruby main.rb' for it to listen on it's port
how does passenger happen to start it.. and do it by itself
mike-burnsIt runs public/dispatch.rb, approximately.
It was once the case that public/dispatch.rb was the entrance-point to a Rails app; I assume it still is.
But Passenger takes care of that; you just point DocumentRoot at the public/ dir and hit the vhost over HTTP.
jeevi've only got main.css in public [14:52]
mike-burnsAh, this is not a Rails app.
I hadn't looked at scanty-redis until just now.
jeev:< [14:53]
mike-burnsOh this is Sinatra? [14:53]
jeevyes [14:54]
mike-burnshttp://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide.html#_sinatra - there's this.
I've never deployed a Sinatra app.
You need a config.ru in the root of your app with that code in it.
works, weird
the config.ru that had come with it was fine
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mike-burnsOh cool. [15:03]
jeevi wonder how it works to restart it
tmp remove ? eh
mike-burnsYou're supposed to be able to touch tmp/restart.txt and that will restart it.
This worked for me for a bit, then stopped; these days I just restart apache.
i dont have a tmp
but lets see
worked here
so touch and remove it eh
cool, thanks for your help
i've gotta make this look sexy
mike-burnsAny time. [15:17]
jeevwhen i get some comfortable time, i'll try doing some cool stuff
had you heard about scanty before?
i think earlier you said you hadn't
mike-burnsI hadn't, no. [15:26]
seems simple
.... (idle for 18mn)
it looks good, i img src'd an image, looks very simple
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ballenanyone ever ship a car before? [18:29]
jeevmy friend has
...... (idle for 27mn)
mhoranThat sounds like fun. [19:01]
up_the_ironsjeev: you want 200-250 GB RAID 1 storage? (from earlier) And how much you think providers should charge for that? [19:13]
mhoranThey should pay me for it! [19:15]
vxpsame [19:15]
up_the_ironsjeev: when your sinatra stuff is up, let us know
....... (idle for 31mn)
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...................................... (idle for 3h6mn)
jeevit is
been up
up_the_irons, im saying like
if people want to save power, save space and stuff
i built kernel in 14 min on a dedi from krypt.com, basic core 2 duo i'd say
people should be willing to pay a little premium for that space
the hard drive space
up_the_ironsjeev: that space would probably cost more, i'm sure [23:04]
jeevyea [23:05]
up_the_ironsjeev: what is your site url? [23:05]
jeeveven if not raid 1 [23:05]
up_the_ironsthe sinatra one [23:05]
jeevwww.jeev.net [23:05]
up_the_ironshehe, nice [23:05]
jeevyou had one, no ? [23:05]
up_the_ironsone what? [23:05]
jeevrunning this scanty stuff [23:05]
up_the_ironsno, i think ballen does [23:06]
if people wanna go 'green'
they should get a vps like this
with a bigger drive
if that's what they need, you know
save the space
you gonna get 60 meg charter?
i'm not in a charter area
i'm in el-sucko land
vxpdown_the_irons [23:13]
up_the_ironslol [23:13]
jeevwho's el-sucko
earthlink ?
that's the only e i know for isp
.... (idle for 15mn)
up_the_ironsjeev: time warner [23:33]

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