#arpnetworks 2009-11-03,Tue

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***[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Tue Nov 03 01:48:26 2009
[FBI] has joined #arpnetworks
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coillol fbi [04:19]
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toddfI presume there is nothing preventing us from making our own logs [04:44]
mike-burnsI use a pen and paper for my IRC logs. Sometimes I scan them in. [04:46]
.... (idle for 19mn)
toddfalmost as good as pigeon carrier [05:05]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [08:29]
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up_the_ironscoil: you never saw [FBI] before ? that bot has been in here since the channel started ;) [11:35]
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***ersoy has joined #arpnetworks [12:24]
ersoyhello [12:24]
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mhoranHowdy. [12:31]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen
ersoyI saw your page in google directory
I want to vps
mike-burnsIn short, http://arpnetworks.com/vps and you can do everything via the Web. [12:37]
ersoyi want debian lenny, i do not want the control panel
When the system is activated?
mike-burnsASAP; as soon as up_the_irons does it. [12:42]
ersoycan i use iptables on vps? [12:42]
mike-burnsThat's the Linux competitor for pf right? [12:43]
ballenyea linux's default firewall [12:43]
mike-burnsIf so, yeah go ahead. If you want your system to be monitored you need to allow one IP to ping it. [12:44]
ballenersoy: you can do anything you'd be able to do on your own local box [12:44]
mhoranersoy: You can basically run anything.
You get root, it's your box, do what you'd like. :)
ersoysorry i dont know *bsd [12:44]
mike-burnsersoy: Do anything with your packet filtering, but allow to ping it. [12:45]
ersoySome system administrators do not allow iptables on vps
asked for it
how can i set rdns ?
control panel or named ?
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mike-burnsYou have to email support@ for rdns, currently.
(Note:I haven't looked at the control panel in months.)
mhoranFor a single rDNS entry, mail support@. [12:51]
ersoyand and finish
do you have ddos protection on your systems
mhoranup_the_irons will allocate rDNS for larger blocks if necessary. [12:52]
mike-burnsI know of no DDoS protection. [12:52]
ballenersoy, ddos will likely be a on response support issue.
in general do all you can to avoid such things from happening though
ersoywhat is the baklava mean? [12:58]
ballenisn't baklava a greek dessert [12:59]
ersoyyes turkish dessert :)
credit card problem is not from turkey?
................ (idle for 1h15mn)
jeevare you planning on getting any ddos? [14:18]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [15:28]
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for entertainment and also a security warning
mike-burnsWhile I hate his writing style, I can't think of a better way to write it. [16:38]
up_the_ironstoddf: is this related to NULL page mapping, or w/e? [16:39]
toddfyes [16:39]
up_the_ironsyeah ,that's been going around... [16:39]
toddfits a short read, I must leave for supper, you probably already are aware, just adding fuel to the fire [16:39]
up_the_ironsi sense some insecurities [16:42]
mhoranOh, finally made it to the OpenBSD mailing lists, eh?
Been on FreeBSD for months ...
up_the_ironsthe post by linus, referenced on the bottom, i had read before (when he first posted it ;)
mhoran: which one?
looks like Theo posted that semi-rant today...
mhoranAll the talk about mapping to 0. [16:46]
up_the_ironsah gotcha [16:47]
mhoran(Which allowed me to root my T-mobile G1. Hooray!) [16:47]
up_the_ironshahaha nice [16:48]
jeevi wish blackberry was more like the iphone [16:48]
mhoranBah. There is nothing good about the iPhone. [16:49]
jeevi bet i could have more fun with an iPhone if i were bored than a blackberry
frankly, other than sending messages, there is nothing fun on a blackberry
mhoranIf my phone did my laundry, I'd be happy. [16:49]
jeevanyone try rebuilding freebsd on their vps ? [16:49]
mhoranHm. That isn't so far-fetched. [16:50]
jeevi wonder how long it takes [16:51]
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mike-burnsmhoran: If you use your washing machine as your dirty clothes storage and you hooked some sort of computer with Internet to your laundry machine, you'd be halways there. [17:03]
mhoranGenius! [17:03]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen
jeevi need to consolidate my servers and retire some [17:19]
..... (idle for 22mn)
real 111m45.912s
damn, to rebuild 7.2-p4 on 'time make buildworld' but i ran qemu with -smp 2. woops
E5420, 2.5ghz x 4
that's a long ass time.
up_the_ironsthat seems quite slow [17:42]
jeevmaybe cause i didn't -j2 ?
or -j4 or whatever
CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.11.50 (2500.08-MHz K8-class CPU)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
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Ta|isman has joined #arpnetworks [18:09]
Ta|ismanhi [18:09]
up_the_ironswelcome Ta|isman [18:10]
Ta|ismanhow is your day going?
or evening depending
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Ta|ismanI have been speaking with OBsidieth, and he speaks highly of you
I wasn't quite understanding how he was explaining the thing though
so I figured I would come speak with you
up_the_ironsok [18:12]
Ta|ismanso I sign up on the site in the topic?
no paypal?
these are real dedicated resources, or user shasred?
up_the_ironsno paypal
arpnetworks.com/vps for more info
find something you like, click "Order"
RAM is dedicated, disk is dedicated
disk space, that is
CPU is shared
sup Ta|isman
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sup vx
how you doin bra
ok up
Imma git wun
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dbgi2 has joined #arpnetworks [21:57]
ballen has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o ballen
ballenhttp://status.slicehost.com/2009/11/3/dfw-interruption-2 hah
hmm since when did I become a channel op? I feel special now
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vxpmentally challenged [22:13]
ballennah not special ed [22:14]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away
ballen|away is now known as ballen
up_the_ironsballen: http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_log/arpnetworks?date=2009-11-01,Sun&sel=26#l22 [22:50]
ballenmmk [22:51]
up_the_ironsballen: we had a trolling problem [22:54]
will de-troll the channel if needed
up_the_ironsi probably shouldn't auto-op (freenode suggestion), but instead allow one to op themselves if needed
ballenwhichever [22:55]
***ballen sets mode: -o ballen [22:56]
ballencan I not op myself currently? [22:57]
up_the_ironsballen: yes, you can, but in case you didn't want to be op'd unless needed, you'd have to de-op yourself every time you joined [22:57]
ballenwhats the command to op myself? [23:00]
visinin/msg chanserv op #arpnetworks ballen
i think
up_the_irons"Rackspace has experienced a service interruption during tonight’s scheduled maintenance on UPS Cluster G." [23:00]
***ChanServ sets mode: +o ballen [23:01]
up_the_ironsballen: /mode #arpnetworks +o ballen
ballen: oh i guess the chanserv one worked too ;)
ballenah forgot to add the channel [23:01]
up_the_ironsso if rackspace had a power outage, god help us... [23:01]
ballenyea rackspace has been having some issues [23:01]
up_the_ironsi always find this a constant though: "The PDUs were down for a total of about 5 minutes"
makes me wanna install some local APC UPS's in my cabs
ballenyea damn things as somewhat expensive though [23:02]
and I'm paying a lot for UPS power already
N+1 redundant and all that stuff
ballenso I got an epic downtime notice today at work [23:03]
up_the_ironsbut still [23:03]
ballenwarning me of a downtime of 50 milliseconds [23:03]
up_the_ironsthings fail, no matter how hard you try
so you gotta be prepared, and a UPS would carry one through a 5 minute disruption
ballen: 50 ms, really?
ballenyea true [23:03]
up_the_ironsUPS = local rack UPS [23:04]
ballenyea, enterprise wide
telco and all
but still... 50 ms
ballenyea not worried about it
at all
up_the_ironshaha [23:04]
ballenthats less time then typical round trip
of a single packet
up_the_ironsyeah [23:05]
ballenthought it was funny though [23:05]
up_the_ironsLOL: "Service to Cloud sites has been restored and we are continuing to work with Cloud sites customers to bring them online"
wait, but if you're on the "Cloud"
it is never supposed to go down, it is THE CLOUD
the cloud needs a good catchy term for when it crashes
whats the antithesis of "THE CLOUD"
ballenhmm [23:08]
up_the_ironsballen: what makes clouds go away? [23:08]
visinini find that a lot funnier than i think it actually is [23:08]
up_the_ironsdryness? [23:08]
ballenhigh pressure [23:08]
up_the_ironsDROUGHT [23:08]
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up_the_ironsHIGH PRESSURE [23:08]
ballendrought is more antithesis of water/rain [23:08]
up_the_ironsHIGH PRESSURE COLLISION [23:08]
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ballennot catchy enough [23:08]
up_the_ironsballen: right, but if it is dry, there's little moisture in the air, so clouds don't form, no? [23:09]
ballentrue, thinking common mass media mindset here
something that would really stick
up_the_irons"Yeah all these constant issues with the Cloud Site is a very big concern for my company and I. We have spend a lot of time migrating over to Cloud Site and we have discovered that it is not as reliable as the 99.9% uptime Rackspace had promised" <-- this is somewhat typical, it is a "new" platform, it's gonna have kinks [23:09]
ballenheh [23:10]
up_the_ironsactually, 99.9% uptime still leaves room for like an hour a month, doesn't it?
up_the_irons breaks out bc
8.76 hours
a year
which I think they're still under
up_the_irons43.2 minutes a month, by my calculation [23:11]
for 30 day months
up_the_ironsi can see why google does away with centralized UPSs, and just battery backs the individual server
right, 30 days
ballenyea I absolutely love that model
wish someone would offer in server battery commercially
offers a number of benefits
so does Arp Networks offer six nines availability?
jeevi've gotta find out why it's taking 27 minutes for me to build kernel on my kvm box vs 19 on arp [23:15]
ballenbecause the ARP box is faster? [23:16]
up_the_ironsjeev: what command exactly you using to build your kernel? [23:16]
jeevtime make buildkernel KERNCONF=BOX
for example.
let me try running without -smp 2
our cpu differences are what, 166 mhz
maybe cause i'm using a .qcow2.. i mean i dunno
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up_the_ironsballen: never calculated exactly. I definitely don't want 45 minutes downtime per month. I'd say, realistically, we're looking at more like 5 - 10, and always off-peak and planned. Most outages are just for kernel security patches
up_the_irons raises fits at Linux
ballenup_the_irons, was kidding six nines of downtime is a crazy goal
like 32 seconds in a year
up_the_ironsjeev: i'm trying that on my new box, let's see
a common "idea" around the dot com bust
i've never understood this: http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=SUA3000RM2U&total_watts=50

WHY, APC, WHY can't you give me a UPS with twist-lock OUTPUTS
that's a deal breaker
can you do 208v?
jeevwhat you running on the new box
I have that in my rack at the moment
although I can't remember if they are twist lock
hmmm thinking
yes they are
because my PDU for the rack used to be plugged into the wall which is twist lock
up_the_ironsballen: I don't have 208V. See, that one you have, is perfect, I just need the 120V version
which I don't know if it exists
ballenhmm lame [23:24]
up_the_ironsL5-20R or L5-30R outputs would do fine
it has one
man, pricey
jeevi'm so annoyed [23:25]
ballenyea networked
bumps the price
jeevjust get the old school AP9616's
or whatever they were
that what i use and will always use
ballenyea 120v is lame [23:27]
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up_the_ironsthis would work:
but tripplite just doesn't look as nice
and doesn't have the reputation of APC
i'm a fan of APC products, been very reliable for me
ballenhmm Tripplite
yea I'd stick with APC
up_the_ironsyeah, look, the one i was looking at that has the right output: http://www.provantage.com/apc-sua3000r3xlnetpkg~4AMP91R1.htm
$1402.61 on Provantage
which isn't *too* bad
the tripplite is about $1000 on Provantage
so the savings would be $400, not too much if there were *any* problems with the tripplite
bought my Nikon D300 from B&H
why not a UPS
ouchie, $220 to ship
it *is* heavy
Provantage wants $188 to ship
ballenyea [23:42]
up_the_ironsProvantage doesn't charge tax, which is nice [23:43]
ballenI'd go with the white glove in home action [23:43]
i've had customers ship me stuff with FedEx White Glove
entire cabs
it was awesome, they do *everything*
up_the_ironsno twist lock outputs [23:49]
ah I change models ?
no pick
but referb is sure cheaper
ballenseems like this is not an area to go with refurb [23:53]
up_the_ironssrsly [23:53]
jeevup_the_irons, let me know how fast yours goes
mine is still in the 30's
upper 20's, low 30's, to build
but im doing a slightly lesser kernel, no wifi and shit
up_the_ironsoh yeah [23:56]
jeevmaybe it's just my kernel or qemu-kvm and stuff
im running git version
up_the_irons1088.33 real 890.37 user 132.80 sys
what units are those
jeev18 min
same thing
up_the_ironsk [23:56]
jeevwhat cpu [23:56]
up_the_irons18.133 mins
i mean
2.66 GHz
jeevmine is an E5420
up_the_ironsslightly slower [23:57]
jeevCPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.11.50 (2500.08-MHz K8-class CPU)
what qemu are you running
up_the_ironsbut i bet i have a lot more VMs running ;) [23:57]
jeevthought it was a new box
i'm only runing one
are you running it with qcow
up_the_irons$ dmesg | grep CPU
CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (2666.81-MHz K8-class CPU)
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
no, LVM
jeevroot 18792 41.8 12.9 1190688 1061084 pts/1 Sl+ 23:17 17:09 qemu-system-x86_64 disk0.qcow2 -vga std -net nic,model=e1000,macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:55 -net tap -monitor stdio -vnc -m 1024
wasn't like that before.
you think lvm/qcow would have that big of a difference

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