#arpnetworks 2009-10-04,Sun

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ballendrives are power hogs [00:00]
up_the_ironsso the 2nd CPU, rated at 80W, didn't hit the radar
I was *very* suprised by that actually
it makes the decision of 1 CPU or 2 a non issue
ballenyea it is interesting [00:00]
up_the_ironsbesides just the cost of the sucker
nevertheless, I just pulled the trigger on ordering another box
this time, I'm getting the L5430's
same as E5430 but low voltage
ballennehalems? [00:02]
up_the_ironsno, one generation earlier
the 5400's, not 5500's
nehalems are still too expensive
nehalems are damned fast though
have two 5520's in a box at work
compared against another box that has a 5420 in its noticable
up_the_ironsFor VMs, I don't think the CPU is the main bottleneck. I could get the extra speed, but I'd still max out at disk I/O
ballen: what is the box doing though?
ballen5520 box is running ESXi
5420 is a web server
up_the_ironsF' it, maybe my *next* box I'll try the 5500's
ESXi is a hungry mother though
ballenoh and its loves those CPUs [00:06]
up_the_ironshahaha [00:07]
ballenI have... 10 vms running now
or so
going to run out of disk space before anything
up_the_ironsballen: let me know when you get to 30 ;) [00:07]
ballendoesn't touch the CPUs
yea I don't have the disk space
at least with my current provisioning
I do have like 22 gigs of ram free too
up_the_ironsdbgi: i'm not gonna set your rdns up w/ RFC 2317, like the FAQ says, I want to try the "regular" class C style; meaning, you don't have to change much on your side
ballen: you must give 'em a lot of disk
ballenyea using local SAS drives
in RAID 5
only had 1.4T
my devs do bio work, so they VMs need a retarded amount of space
dbgiup_the_irons ok cool thanks man [00:09]
ballenbest $7k we spent though
dropped 5 servers so far in my env
and put them on this box
up_the_ironsballen: nice [00:11]
ballenif you ever need to p2v a FreeBSD, let me know ;-)
FreeBSD box*
dbgiup_the_irons im learning this while im doing it, so easier is better, i appreciate it [00:12]
ballenugh... classless reverse dns deligation... [00:12]
dbgithough im not sure what you mean by class c style [00:12]
up_the_ironsballen: p2v?:) [00:14]
ballenphysical to virtual
moving a metal install to a vm
up_the_ironsah gotcha
i've done plenty of those, not w/ freebsd though
ballendump and restore work surprisingly well for it
just boot with a FreeBSD 8 "live" cd
and put into the cd fixit env
ftp over the dump file
partition, etc
make sure fstab works for the new env
make sure rc.conf is fixed for the new env
good to go
also if you have a custom kernel... install the generic one before doing the dump
up_the_ironsdbgi: what are the IP(s) / hostnames of your DNS servers?
ballen: yeah, sounds similar to how i p2v'd linux boxes
ballendamnit to freaking hell Ferret doesn't compile on OS X [00:21]
dbgi206.125.172.78 up_the_irons [00:21]
up_the_ironsdbgi: ok [00:22]
dbgimy friend coil in here is helping me, hes knows freebsd really well and admin sum servers, and had done dns, just never from a vps with ips owned by a company like this
so its kinda a learning experiance for us both
up_the_ironsnon RFC 2317 sub-class C delegation is new to me too ;)
but recently i've read -- http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/avoid-rfc-2317-delegation-example-1.html#SuperdomainBIND
dbgi: is your bind running now?
dbgiup_the_irons yes its running now [00:34]
up_the_ironsok [00:35]
ballenomg, thats so much better
rfc-2317 is hell
up_the_ironsrfc 2317 is easy, be a man
ballenhah [00:36]
up_the_ironsi've set it up for countless of people and it wasn't that hard..
i actually having trouble getting his example working
ballenits just urgly
up_the_ironsdbgi: can i log into your VM and look at your dns setup? [00:42]
dbgiyes sure [00:43]
dbgi: hah, you did an RFC 2317 "style" setup ;)
wrong zone name
dbgimy friend coil did it
hes been helping cause i dont know much about it
whats wrong with it up_the_irons? can u fix it by any chance?
up_the_ironsdbgi: workin on it [00:47]
dbgithank you so much [00:47]
ballenwhy are there so many search engines written in java... [00:49]
up_the_ironsdbgi: resolver was only listening on localhost; fixing... [00:49]
dbgiwhats wrong with java?
oh ok
ballenit means I need to install JVM... and thats not happening on FreeBSD [00:50]
up_the_ironsballen: why are the Hive guys trying to abstract the integer? which is already an object in Java. and Object of an Object [00:50]
i don't get why there is that 'a.ns.*' glue record in the bind example
why don't i straight "NS" it to the downstream
thats fine to me
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dbgithere coil is
scoilhi [00:56]
dbgi[03:56] <@up_the_irons> i don't get why there is that 'a.ns.*' glue record in the bind example
[03:56] <@up_the_irons> why don't i straight "NS" it to the downstream
scoilyea idk either [00:57]
dbgii know very little about bind, coil knows it pretty well [00:57]
scoili wouldn't say i know it pretty well [00:57]
dbgio ok'
better then me then
up_the_ironsscoil: dbgi: i think i have it almost working [00:58]
dbgiyou know, no other place could u get help like this from the people who work and run the company
sweet up_the_irons, thats awesome
scoilyeah never seen this before
we both appreciate it very much
up_the_ironshehe, no problem [01:00]
dbgiseriously though, its awesome [01:00]
up_the_ironsI aim to please [01:01]
scoiljust what are you doing
so i'll know
dbgidbgi is a customer for life i think [01:01]
up_the_ironsscoil: i'll let u know once i'm done [01:02]
dig: couldn't get address for 'a.ns.': not found
i am hating bind right now... [01:18]
dbgisorry man [01:18]
ballenup_the_irons: should use djbdns ;-) [01:18]
up_the_ironsballen: i've been meaning to switch for a long time, just too many projects... [01:19]
ballenballen was very much kidding [01:19]
up_the_ironsdbgi: not your fault; i'm trying a different delegation scheme here, that should be easier for customers in the future, so it is worth the time spent
ballen: well, getting away from bind would be nice. i want to switch resolution to "unbound" and delegation to "nsd"
if i dall asleep im really sorry
ill read up in here if i do
ballenup_the_irons: ever hear of http://xapian.org/
another search engine
with a ruby lib here: http://github.com/ryanb/xapit
up_the_ironsballen: sounds familiar
dbgi: no problem, don't wait up ;)
dbgiyou sure?
ill read up in here when i get up ok
my eyes are all blurry
and really, thanks you soooooooooooooooooo much for the help, i really appreciate it
ballenup_the_irons: it powers gmane.org's search [01:27]
up_the_ironsdbgi: no problem, get some rest :)
ballen: ah, nice
dbgithanks, gnight all [01:28]
alright.. for the record, i can't get that dude's instructions to work; switching back to regular RFC 2317, which has never been a problem in the past
also for the record... I'm fairly sure there's no way to do fuzzy logic search with a key/value db that doesn't involve load the entire contents of a set into memory first
the only workable model I could come up with is storing permutations of the data and do normal include? on the set
....... (idle for 33mn)
up_the_ironsdbgi: i *think* your rdns is working; i dunno why I had so much trouble with this one after I put it back to RFC 2317... maybe things are cached somewhere, you had a long TTL. I'm just gonna leave it alone for now; see the changes I did to /etc/namedb [02:13]
.......... (idle for 47mn)
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ThorgrimrMoanin [04:59]
obsidiethelo [04:59]
..... (idle for 22mn)
up_the_ironsmorn' [05:21]
ThorgrimrHey up_the_irons
Can I run dns for ipv6 on an ipv4-only host?
up_the_ironsyeah but why would you want to? [05:29]
ThorgrimrI'd like to run reverses etc for my stuff, but our primary dns boxes are ipv4
Either that, or I need to add another IP to this box to satisfy the two dns requirement
up_the_ironsyou can do it, there's no technical reason you can't [05:31]
ThorgrimrAlright, thanks [05:33]
up_the_ironsnp [05:33]
ThorgrimrHave you got sample reverse zone files up anywhere (for v6)? [05:35]
Nat_UBhttp://www.isi.edu/~bmanning/v6DNS.html#named.conf [05:39]
ThorgrimrYeah, but I thought ip6.int was deprecated over ip6.arpa? [05:41]
up_the_ironsi use ip6.arpa [05:43]
ThorgrimrAnd we are assigned /64s? Or /48s? [05:43]
up_the_irons/48 [05:49]
ThorgrimrOkay, got a few too many 0's in my config [05:51]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Well howbout that crap... use the right prefix length in the reverse zone and it actually starts responding :) [06:08]
mike-burnsMuch as I like Sinatra's minimalism, it doesn't give you anything. If I built my own Tender I'd use Rails and Searchlogic. Maybe throw some freetext search engine at it if I discovered a perf problem.
And if I wanted to host my own blog I'd just use Wordpress.
But that's me; I'm lazy.
up_the_ironsif anyone is interested in KVM and OpenBSD: http://scie.nti.st/2009/10/4/running-openbsd-4-5-in-kvm-on-ubuntu-linux-9-04
hot of the presses
Thorgrimrcool [06:25]
up_the_ironscd $bed [06:26]
Thorgrimrg'night [06:30]
...................... (idle for 1h47mn)
BeBoo_O.o [08:17]
............. (idle for 1h0mn)
scoil11:46 Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)a
that's from my isp's dns
but i see it works from the vps
***ballen|away is now known as ballen [09:23]
sentabi has joined #arpnetworks [09:36]
ballenup_the_irons: .... did you sleep last night? [09:40]
mike-burnsup_the_irons doesn't sleep; he waits. [09:41]
ballenscoil: did you try resolving that reverse pointing your client at arp's DNS server
would be a good troubleshooting step
scoilno i havent [09:43]
scoilyea [09:43]
ballenjeev: wierd [09:43]
scoil, check how much longer it's cached for
scoil3600 [09:44]
jeevyea it doesn't work on my arp box either [09:46]
ballenscoil what is the IP of you VPS
jeevballen, probably
ballenjeev: just checking [09:46]
scoilwell thats one of them
the ns is
Using domain server:
Host not found: 5(REFUSED)
ballenso I be able to query it scoil?
;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server
** server can't find SERVFAIL
ballen> server
Default server:
** server can't find REFUSED
scoil66.172.125.206.in-addr.arpa is an alias for 66.64-
66.64- domain name pointer myfet.us.
so what does this mean
ballenmeans your BIND server refuses to serve it
could be a few things
make sure theres no ACL's etc
can you query other domains on it remotely
scoilUsing domain server:
Host google.com.cfl.rr.com not found: 5(REFUSED)
jeevscoil, it still says 3600 ? [09:50]
scoillol wtf google.com.cfl.rr.com
i asked for google.com not google.com.cfl.rr.com
jeevheh [09:51]
ballenscoil: your local dns prefix [09:51]
scoiljeev: iidk how do i check [09:51]
ballenquery for google.com.
note the ending .
scoilUsing domain server:
Host google.com not found: 5(REFUSED)
ThorgrimrSounds like recursion is disabled [09:52]
ballenyea basically BIND won't do recursive lookups for you
which is good
for this type of server
whats the zone entry for the reverse zone
scoilzone "64-" { type master; file "/etc/namedb/"; }; [09:54]
ballenreload named and check the log file any errors [09:55]
scoilrndc: neither /etc/namedb/rndc.conf nor /etc/namedb/rndc.key was found [09:56]
ballenusing freebsd?
/etc/rc.d/named restart
scoilyeah fbsd
no errors
ballenon the local machine can you query for the IP? [09:59]
scoilusing its self for the dns yes
not arp's dns
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coil_but it resolves? [10:00]
ballenthen it sounds like its not the zone file, but an issue with how named is serving the zone [10:00]
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Guest89298but its working? [10:02]
ballenwell your local dns resvolves locally... so the zone file locally works fine [10:02]
Guest89298well i'm just confused with what freenode is doing [10:02]
ballenby chance could you paste your named.conf into a pastie [10:03]
Guest89298how come freenode was able to resolve it
yeah let me load up pastebin
that is interesting
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jeevmephisto looks good [10:05]
ballenyea its decent, has had a history of long terms of inactivity though [10:06]
jeevahh [10:06]
scoilhttp://pastebin.com/m3a370f22 [10:06]
ballentheres also Feather that uses Merb [10:06]
jeevballen, the one you told me.. requires a server and stuff man
i dont want to get into things where i need to make sure another db is running in the background
it's too much
ballenscoil: 3537 IN CNAME 68.64-
so the CNAME is showing up
nvm, thats just upsteam
i.e. Arp's NS server
which is a good thing, but doesn't help
i want to set up my blog
what do i do
i already got the tagline for it
ahmadinejad.org, calm down -- it's just a domain name.
coillol [10:19]
jeevwonder if up_the_irons has tried VIA from starbucks
if it's anything like the chipset, it'll fail
i tried it
ballenscoil: add allow-query { any; }; to options section at the top of named.conf and restart named
also for good measure use /etc/rc.d/named forcerestart
named not running? (check /var/run/named/pid).
wrote key file "/var/named/etc/namedb/rndc.key"
Starting named.
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coil_hey it resolves [10:31]
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coiloh only on freenode [10:33]
jeevgod named is gay
ballenit doesn't appear to, to me
ballen is confused
jeev: it really is
jeevworks for me from other servers
what really is
ballennamed [10:35]
jeevahh yea [10:35]
ballencoil: well with that option in there you should also have: recursion no;
and allow-query-cache { none; };
coilok [10:36]
ballenso people can't use your named server to lookup anytihng but your domains [10:36]
you could enable that
i use djbdns :)
ballencoil: alright thats all I got so far. I need some breakfast and coffee [10:37]
jeevtinydns foR LiFe [10:37]
ballenjeev: you would [10:37]
i enabled those
or added the options
jeeveh [10:38]
ballencoil: is this a /28 [10:41]
coilyes [10:41]
ballenstarting at .64? [10:41]
coilyea [10:42]
ballenchange your zone entry to: zone "64-" {
and make sure you zone file matches
coildo i have to change the serial [10:43]
not for now
coilso would be [10:45]
ballenyou don't need to change the filename
this probably is equivalent to what was there, but worth a shot
coilohhh [10:47]
ballennote: its zone "64-"
i.e. 64/28
coilyeah got you [10:47]
ballenk, I'll be back in a bit [10:48]
go there
trace it
ballenlet me know if it works [10:49]
jeevi used to have the way to do it from command line
i forgot
ballenjeev: yea deligation is working correctly in this case [10:50]
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coil-> Authority: NS-record for 64- = [10:50]
jeevit shouldn't continued to trace to his server [10:50]
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coil__what about ipv6, do i have to do the same setps with it
get it delegated first?
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Fudgezilla has joined #arpnetworks [11:52]
FudgezillaGo fuck yourselves [11:52]
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jeevlol [12:00]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [14:00]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [14:28]
up_the_ironsscoil: coil Guest24065 ballen: I wouldn't change the zone name, it must match what I have in mine: http://pastie.org/private/k4jlwvgr6gxp32tv5s5sg
IPv6 is also delegated (just did that now)
IPv6 is way easier IN NS
ballenyea like I told him they're pretty much equivalent [14:33]
up_the_ironsthat's all there is to it [14:33]
ballenhis server is refusing a query
directly to it
up_the_ironsmm.. indeed
although i thought i saw that working last night
(it was refusing)
dig @ 66.64-
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 23321
ballenout of zone, or named not allowing queries [14:36]
up_the_ironsyeah [14:36]
coilok so change it back?
change the zone?
64- [14:44]
up_the_ironsthe zone name *must* match what I have in my DNS: 64-
gtg, bbl
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jeevdid you try VIA from starbucks
like it
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coilok i changed it
and i'm getting refused to myself now
Host not found: 5(REFUSED)
that's from the vps
config to pastebin
coilhttp://pastebin.com/m55602bd9 [15:00]
jeevthe .rev file contents [15:00]
coilhttp://pastebin.com/m187967b1 [15:01]
jeevive never seen reverse delegated with cname [15:01]
coilit's something he wanted to try [15:01]
.... (idle for 15mn)
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ballen|away is now known as ballen
ballenjeev: thats std regarding the RFC [15:19]
......... (idle for 41mn)
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [16:06]
jeevnever seen it [16:12]
apparently the .rev file had a syntax error in it
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jeevwhy didn't i notice that
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coil_wtf [16:17]
jeevcoil, it'll take some time for the cache to expire probably [16:17]
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jeevdns isn't instant [16:17]
Guest27384yeah i'm using the round robbin
so i guess i'm just getting the same server over and over
jeevwell if you're using round robin
you likely have it in YOUR cache
clear your cache and try the roundrobin again
or try kubrick.freenode.net or anthony.freenode.net
they're LA and OC
coilidk how to clear it in fbsd [16:18]
jeevjust try to /server kubrick.freenode.net, i dont either.. i use my own dnscache from djbdns
and clear it by taking it down and up
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well i'm satified
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jeevwhat server worked [16:20]
Guest98745well i tried a different host
i'm on brown
Guest98745sup dbgi [16:24]
dbgiis it going well? [16:24]
it works
working on ipv6 now
Guest98745go a head and think of some hosts [16:27]
dbgiok [16:27]
search in there and come up with some sub domains
dbgiok [16:28]
.... (idle for 16mn)
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..... (idle for 21mn)
obsidiethservfail. [17:12]
coilits suppost to
unless it broke
obsidiethwhats an ip to dig
or host.
i wont have any cached, we'll fin dout
coil206.125.172.66 is the only one with an entry
it should be myfet.us
obsidieth17:15:57 Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL) [17:16]
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coilobsidieth idk
it was working
and named is still running
jeevi think you've destroyed every single cache on earth [17:18]
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coil_see it's working [17:18]
toddftime to look to the stars [17:18]
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coil__its working
ballenholy hell it works
what'd you do to fix it
64- IN SOA
coil.scoil.info. (
that needed to be on the same line
and it fixed it
ballenah [17:21]
jeevballen, im waiting for youto try to cinvince me to use that blogging software [17:22]
ballenmeh [17:22]
obsidiethidk [17:22]
ballenuse whatever you want [17:22]
jeevi'm looking for encouraging words [17:22]
coil__lets try ipv6 [17:22]
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coil_hmm [17:23]
obsidieth[o@venom:~] host coil.scoil.info
Host coil.scoil.info not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
[o@venom:~] host
Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)
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Guest5032well coil.scoil isn't a host [17:23]
ballencoil.scoil.info doesn't resolve [17:23]
Guest5032that's my email [17:23]
obsidieth.66 ets a servfail [17:25]
Guest5032ur a serv fail [17:25]
ballendig -x @
; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> -x @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 58332
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;78.172.125.@206.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR
Guest5032? [17:26]
ballenballen shrugs [17:26]
..... (idle for 23mn)
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...... (idle for 28mn)
ballen has quit IRC () [18:33]
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....... (idle for 30mn)
ballen has joined #arpnetworks [19:43]
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scort has joined #arpnetworks [20:03]
scortif i was to install pf, would there be anything special i need for the vps
like i know i have to recompile the kernel, but i dont have to enable any specia devices or anything, right?
fyi, allow ICMP from up_the_irons monitoring server
up_the_ironsballen: you can't dig with "-x" directly on his resolver b/c he doesn't have the entire class C. this is what works: [20:04]
ballenno idea what that IP is though [20:04]
up_the_ironsdig @ 66.64- ptr [20:04]
ballenup_the_irons: ah [20:05]
up_the_ironsscort: ballen: allow icmp for [20:05]
scortdns isn't working on about half the irc servers i've tried [20:05]
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up_the_ironsscort: keep the serial port in the kernel if you want out-of-band w/o VNC [20:05]
coil_it works on freenode fine [20:05]
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scortok [20:06]
up_the_ironsscort: Guest90705: i think you guys destroyed every cache on earth, like jeev said ;) [20:06]
scortlol [20:06]
up_the_ironsyou should reduce the TTL to 5 minutes [20:06]
scortok [20:06]
up_the_ironsuntil you have everything worked out [20:06]
scortso thats...
up_the_irons300, yes [20:07]
ballenballen hates proofing papers [20:08]
up_the_ironsjeev: and no, i haven't tried VIA yet; i'm against individually plastic wrapped products (produces a crap ton of waste) [20:09]
ballenisn't VIA instant coffe? [20:09]
up_the_ironsyup [20:09]
I'll stick to my espresso
up_the_ironsif i make my own coffee, it is french pressed
there is nothing better than pressed coffee, compared to drip
you waste nothing (no filter), and it is 10x stronger
ballenyea I do up the french press as well
but have been making primarly espresso
for the last month or so
up_the_ironscool [20:13]
Guest90705lets see if ipv6 works [20:13]
ballenwaiting till I get a new job before I drop 1k+ on a new espresso machine and grinder [20:13]
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scortblah [20:14]
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........... (idle for 54mn)
visinin has joined #arpnetworks [21:08]
ballenwoot proof reading done... not to ensure LaTex didn't muck my figures up [21:14]
jeevoh ballen
you try VIA from starbucks ?
up_the_irons, servers come in plastic
ballenclosest starbucks is like 30 minutes away
I make my own coffee
jeevoh [21:15]
ballennot a fan of instant coffee [21:15]
jeevyea i guess
i like all kind as long as i can make it sweet
ballenthats what she said [21:15]
nasty shit
ballenDrinking: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/287/38146
quite strong
BeBoo_coffee is nasty [21:17]
ballenBeBoo_: blasphemy [21:17]
BeBoo_ballen: tea ftw kthx [21:17]
ballentea is good [21:17]
BeBoo_speaking of which... [21:17]
jeevdid anyone see Year One ? [21:17]
BeBoo_i should make some [21:17]
ballenbut coffee... isss better [21:17]
BeBoo_coffee causes kidney stones
you have fun with that
ballensince when? [21:20]
However, in a latest survey maintain that kidney function is influenced by too much coffee or caffeine intake. It could lead to some problems for example diuresis, detrusor instability and kidney stones.
Caffeine intake has to be controlled or it can cause the painful medical situation of kidney stones. In a current examination, participants with a history of kidney stones were provided a dosage of caffeine equal to that found in two cups of coffee.
ballenwell I'm boned [21:29]
dj_gokuHi. [21:29]
BeBoo_HI. [21:29]
dj_gokuI think I broke my vps :( [21:29]
BeBoo_BeBoo_ hands you a tissue [21:30]
visininhow did you break it? [21:30]
dj_gokuI rebooted it, but it hasn't came back up. [21:30]
BeBoo_dj_goku: connect to the vnc console
It is recommended that people prone to kidney stones ought to control their intake of coffee to less than two cups or 16 ounces per day. Caffeine is discovered in other beverages such as soda which have to be limited to amount alike as well.
dj_gokuBeBoo_: Sorry, I read about the vnc console. But have not idea how to connect. [21:33]
BeBoo_dj_goku: http://www.tightvnc.com/
download and install
enter the ip, port and password given to you
you should see your console
scorthow does that work [21:35]
BeBoo_how does what work? [21:35]
scortthe vnc console
even if you, say..take your network interface down
BeBoo_still confused on the question.
visininscort: it's provided by the hypervisor [21:36]
BeBoo_the vnc console is running on the host
not in the vps itself
visininexactly [21:37]
scortahh ok [21:37]
BeBoo_you can reboot and see the qemu bios post
i thought that was funny
that console access is a godsend... i failed to enable a flag on my filesystems after a kernel rebuild and it went into single-user
yeah it's very cool
BeBoo_i'm a linux dork... i used to use freebsd all the time but no one ever offered freebsd vpses... i never saw arp until recently
well, actually teknicaL found them
dj_gokuI can't vnc to the IP of my vps. [21:40]
BeBoo_its not your vps' IP
you were given an ip, port and password at signup. not sure if it's in the email but it's definately in your portal
it's a different IP
i assume it's the host's IP
dj_goku feels dumb
BeBoo_? [21:43]
dj_gokulocked up at boot [21:44]
ballenits shown there [21:44]
dj_gokuwell past post. [21:45]
ballenhmm [21:45]
dj_gokuanyone have a openbsd vps in here? [21:45]
nah fbsd here
dj_gokuits at setting tty flags [21:45]
ballenup_the_irons: your presence is required [21:46]
BeBoo_dj_goku: you'll need to boot into single user most likely to see what's going on [21:46]
dj_gokuballen: did you compile a amd64 or i386 kernel [21:46]
ballenusing the generic 64 [21:46]
BeBoo_i built an amd64 kernel
no problems here
dj_gokusame here
how do I boot into single user mode?
BeBoo_don't know on openbsd
never used it
i assume there is a boot menu like freebsd has
scortbah i dont think rdns is working fully [21:47]
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dj_gokuoh, well I know how to, just not sure how to reboot the vps. [21:48]
BeBoo_that has the option to boot normally or single user [21:48]
***coil_ is now known as Guest35813 [21:48]
BeBoo_try ctl-alt-delete inside the vnc window [21:48]
scortsome vnc clients have a "send ctl-alt-del" menu button [21:48]
BeBoo_the vnc client may be able to send ctl-alt-delete as well.
check the buttons or menus
dj_gokuhaha, I can ctrl + C
BeBoo_i use a mac so i have a different vnc client [21:49]
dj_gokuBeBoo_: what do you use? [21:49]
scortdj_goku are you using tightvnc [21:49]
dj_gokudj_goku has a mac also
BeBoo_"Chicken of the VNC" [21:49]
dj_gokuaye [21:49]
BeBoo_weird name for an app
but i love it
nice and fast
dj_gokuyah [21:49]
ballenFYI Chkick blows
BeBoo_:X [21:49]
ballenJollysFastVNC [21:49]
BeBoo_how DARE you [21:50]
ballenis the new one [21:50]
dj_gokuballen: am using that currently. [21:50]
ballenthat owns [21:50]
ballen: you have a mac?
dj_gokudj_goku doesn't know what to do. [21:50]
ballentheres a Sen CTL-ALT-DEL deal in one of the menus [21:50]
visininreal men telnet into VNC servers, type the commands manually, and draw out the current state of the screen on graph paper [21:50]
ballenBeBoo: of course [21:50]
BeBoo_visinin: lol @ telnet [21:51]
visininor netcat if you're into that [21:51]
BeBoo_ballen: do you use terminal to ssh or an ssh client? [21:51]
visininthat's kinky stuff though [21:51]
dj_gokuballen: openbsd doesn't use CTRL + ALT + DEL [21:51]
ballendj_goku: send a email to support@arpnetworks.com
to get attention of Garry
visinindj_goku: http://www.openbsd101.com/tipstricks.html#tt1 [21:51]
BeBoo_or say his nick a few hundred times [21:51]
dj_gokuI seriously don't know what I could of done wrong. [21:51]
BeBoo_lol [21:51]
ballenup_the_irons, up_the_irons, up_the_irons, up_the_irons
BeBoo_lol [21:52]
dj_gokuvisinin: yeah its in the FAQ on openbsd.org [21:52]
BeBoo_BeBoo_ waits for the ban hammer
visininah cool [21:52]
BeBoo_ballen: do you use terminal to ssh or an ssh client? [21:52]
ballennaaaah [21:52]
visininhaven't used openbsd in a while [21:52]
ballenterminal [21:52]
BeBoo_bah [21:53]
dj_gokuvisinin: but, its booting the kernel just has stopped. [21:53]
BeBoo_i'm looking for an ssh client for the mac [21:53]
ballenwhat in the hell is wrong with terminal [21:53]
dj_gokuBeBoo_: terminal is good [21:53]
BeBoo_i build putty from source and can run it under x11 but it's slow [21:53]
ballenyou on Leopard or Snow Leopard? [21:53]
BeBoo_SL [21:53]
dj_gokusl [21:53]
ballenso whats wrong with Term [21:53]
BeBoo_only feature i really really want... is sending of keep-alive packets when connected over ssh
my firewall closes idle connections
ballenyea that'd be nice [21:53]
BeBoo_=[21:54] <ballen> ssh doesn't have that option [21:53]
ballenthe cmd line [21:54]
BeBoo_nope but ssh clients dp
sending of NOOP commands
i might use putty even tho it's slow
=[21:54] <BeBoo_> and i haven't figured out exactly how to use keys using ssh
ballenBeboo_: sshd_config on server add:
KeepAlive yes
ClientAliveInterval 60
BeBoo_oooo [21:55]
ballenor quicker if you'd like [21:55]
BeBoo_60 is what i usually set it to [21:55]
ballenI run into the same problem
fucking Junipers
dj_gokuBeBoo_: like authorized_keys? [21:56]
scortBeBoo_ you gotta download puttygen.exe and make a key
then put that in authorized_keys
ballenBeboo_: also if you don't have sshd_config access
ServerAliveInterval 60
dj_gokuconfig is how I setup multiple key pairs [21:57]
up_the_ironsi'm here, just reading scrollback... [21:57]
ballenhah, see it worked [21:58]
up_the_irons: I fubared my VPS.
sent you an email.
2 days old and I already broke it.
BeBoo_i know how to _make_ keys
i don't know how to use them when connecting to a server using ssh
in terminal
ballenuse them normally
cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
id_rsa.pub from the client
authorized_keys in the server side
if your on a Mac
and the key as a password
up_the_ironsdj_goku: did you recompiled your kernel? [22:01]
BeBoo_ah [22:01]
ballenssh-agent will pop up a nifty thing and ask you to add it to your keychain [22:01]
dj_gokuup_the_irons: yes sir.
BeBoo_: Host
User dj_goku
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
add something like that to your ~/.config
up_the_ironsdj_goku: LOL, then you need: http://scie.nti.st/2009/10/4/running-openbsd-4-5-in-kvm-on-ubuntu-linux-9-04
i just wrote that yesterday ;)
dj_gokusaid :(
up_the_ironsdj_goku: your kernel locked up b/c you didn't disable mpbios [22:02]
up_the_ironsdj_goku: can you tell me your VM UUID (found within portal) [22:02]
ballenup_the_irons: wth is eBay4R
dj_gokuup_the_irons: /msg
BeBoo_: then after you add that you can: ssh user@
BeBoo_: if the cert doesn't work you might add the fqdn/ip after Host
BeBoo_dj_goku: cool. i'll try it out
i'd rather keys
up_the_ironsdj_goku: get out of VNC (it only lets one user connect at a time)
so i can DRIVE
dj_gokudone [22:05]
watch out... up_the_irons might speed
ballenvrooom [22:05]
dj_gokuhehe [22:05]
BeBoo_BeBoo_ gets his cop hat on
oops... sorry i was in ballen's kink box
ballenand again thats what she said [22:06]
BeBoo_BeBoo_ gives up_the_irons a speeding ticket [22:07]
up_the_ironshehe [22:07]
ballenis that what they call it now [22:07]
up_the_ironsdj_goku: you're back up; i just performed what the blog post i pasted earlier said [22:09]
dj_gokuup_the_irons: cool thx! [22:09]
up_the_ironsdj_goku: if you recompile your kernel again, be sure to "config -ef /bsd", then "disable mpbios" then "quit", before you reboot [22:10]
dj_gokualright, do you know if this is a problem in 4.6? [22:10]
up_the_ironsprobably [22:10]
dj_gokuok [22:10]
up_the_ironsopenbsd 4.5 started doing different things with interrupts
probably made it better and exposed a bug in KVM
dj_gokuup_the_irons: how did you fix it so if it doesn't happen again I don't have to bug you.
up_the_ironsdj_goku: you mean if it hangs at 'setting tty flags' ? [22:12]
dj_gokuyes [22:12]
up_the_ironstry to not get there again by following my instructions ;) [22:12]
dj_gokuor did you just reset it?
I plan too.
up_the_ironsdj_goku: right now, there is no way for a customer to hard shutdown their VM (and subsequently start it again)
but I'm working on that feature
soon soon soon
dj_gokuup_the_irons: no biggie, just didn't want to waste your time is all. [22:13]
up_the_ironsright, i understand
i only waste my own time b/c i haven't given my customers all the tools to help themselves
dj_gokuup_the_irons: thanks again! [22:14]
up_the_ironsthe goal is to give customers as many tools to let themselves self-serivce their VM, as possible
just not quite there yet :)
no problem
dj_gokuup_the_irons: at first I was compiling for i386 then I was like hrm let me make sure its really i386 [22:15]
up_the_ironsppl who know me...
know that i must cd $starbucks
BeBoo_up_the_irons: what language are these tools written in?
or going to be written in
ballenof course you must [22:15]
dj_gokuPerl!! hopefully :D [22:15]
ballensudo cd $starbucks [22:15]
BeBoo_sudo rm $starbucks [22:15]
ballengone? [22:15]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons slaps ballen
"cd" is not a command
sudo sh -c "cd $starbucks"
is what you'd need
ballensudo popd $starbucks [22:16]
up_the_ironsbe back soon [22:16]
BeBoo_bah [22:16]
ballensudo rm -rf /*
yay for me, first draft submitted to these committee
dj_gokuhehe just got the vps fixed email :D [22:18]
this is why I'm not getting a flu shot
flu shots
ballenfuck shots [22:20]
dj_gokuflu shot is for old/young kids. [22:20]
jeevjust garbage poison to make you sick [22:20]
why do I not get this one: http://xkcd.com/645/
dj_gokubecause its in color? [22:23]
ballenmeh [22:23]
dj_gokuoh I know why

ballenwhy must it continue to rain...
why would you do that
LA went from hell
to freezing
in a couple days
dj_gokuballen: where are you? [22:24]
ballennorthern michigan [22:24]
dj_gokulol [22:25]
ballenhome town for a bit [22:25]
dj_gokuat least its not freezing yet? [22:25]
I need to find a new job before winter comes
visininLA? [22:25]
ballenand move [22:25]
visininwhat the hell [22:25]
jeevlos angeles [22:25]
visininyeah, yeah, I know [22:25]
dj_gokuhehe [22:25]
jeevliar [22:26]
visininfor a second there i thought you meant actually freezing [22:26]
ballenhah [22:26]
visininwell uh [22:26]
ballenI think LA is self-insulating [22:26]
visininlast year, right at the end of summer, they started sticking up "snow route" signs in downtown LA [22:26]
visinini remember thinking "no fucking way" [22:26]
jeevwhere you live [22:27]
ballenyea no way in freaking hell [22:27]
visinini used to live downtown, 6th and spring
there was one of those signs at 6th and grand
ballensolid use of city funds [22:27]
jeevah [22:28]
visininnow i live in ann arbor, mi [22:28]
ballenoh this is a sexy project: http://github.com/tjake/Lucandra [22:28]
visinini miss LA sometimes [22:28]
ballenVisinin: what ya upto in Ann Arbor [22:29]
jeevwhere you at now
visininliving with some friends, half-assedly trying to find work
finishing old projects that i haven't touched in years
you picked the wrong state to find work
ballenAnn Arbor is pretty bad
Flint is worse
visinini'm thinking of moving back out san francisco-way toward the beginning of 2010
i've heard terrible things about flint
ballenyea its pretty fucked up [22:30]
visinini grew up just down 75 in dayton, and it's awful there too [22:30]
ballenI'm up in Charlevoix
which is north of Traverse City
got a friend who lives in TC
ballenright on
crappy place to live
visininhaha [22:32]
ballennice in the summer though [22:32]
ann arbor's pretty nice, i've stayed here before
ballenfucking technology black hole [22:32]
visininafter living in LA for a few years, actually having seasons is really nice. [22:32]
ballenyea I imagine so if you grew up in MI [22:32]
visininyeah, i've heard that about a2
the guys i'm staying with are all on IT staff at umich
seems to work out alright
yea downstate is decent
north of the various cities isn't much
wouldn't mind living in grand rapids for a bit
but will likely end up on either coast, or TX
dj_gokumost in here sysadmins/programmers? [22:34]
ballenI'm a SA
and programmer I guess
visininprogrammer, lazy sysadmin [22:35]
ballenalthough I'd hate to be associated with those types ;-)
fucking have to start a new programming project at work tomorrow
so lame
dj_gokuhehe [22:36]
ballenredesign a search page
code base is in Perl
dj_gokuyay! [22:36]
ballenballen wants to kill himself [22:36]
dj_gokuballen: the Perl part or? [22:36]
ballenits messy too
yea the webapp is all perl
not 2
just mod_perl
dj_gokuhehe [22:37]
ballenApache 1.3
which I don't mind
dj_gokuI haven't messed with old web Perl. [22:37]
ballen1.3 is solid [22:37]
dj_gokuOnly newer stuff. [22:37]
ballenI hate perl
a lot
used to Ruby
jeevi hate having to code anything, i wish i could just think it up and it'd do it [22:38]
dj_gokuhehe [22:38]
ballenexport function from the brain
need a C bridge lib
much rather be working on this project: http://unilogiclabs.com
feel free to signup, code: arp_networks
jeevwhat is the benefit to ruby [22:41]
ballenwork in progress as they say
jeev: its clean
and very "agile"
jeevis it web based orrrrrrr [22:41]
ballenits anything based
Rails is a web framework built on Ruby
how about security wise
ballenRuby itself is just a language [22:42]
jeevwhat are some cool, well known shits out there that run on ti
nerddRuby is nice [22:42]
ballenjeev: Twitter [22:42]
jeevballen, i said cool
runs fine with apache ?
ballenyes with Passenger [22:42]
jeevhmm, is it fast?
faster than php
ballenoften slower
but php is lame as hell
php is insecure as hell, even if you code securely
it'll be insecure soon.
if i am serious at learning to code in a language
that's for the future
which language should i learn
dj_gokujeev: c#? hehe [22:46]
i can't man
i've tried so many times, all i can do is system() lol
ballenyes C# the language of the fuuuuture [22:47]
jeevi mean like
python or ruby
ballenphython or ruby [22:47]
dj_gokuprobably python more, but. [22:47]
take your pick
dj_gokujeev: what ever you like the best. [22:48]
ballenif you want a more C like lang, checkout Scala [22:48]
jeevi dont know the benefits of them [22:48]
ballenjeev: who cares just pick the one thats easier for your to program in [22:49]
dj_gokuthey are mostly all fundamentally the same, just syntax/semantics are different [22:49]
jeevhmm [22:49]
up_the_ironsBeBoo_: the serial-over-SSH feature is conserver (http://www.conserver.com/), start/stop VM and tunneling VNC over SSH is mostly written in shell with some batch scripts in Ruby [22:50]
Guest3581310:51PM up 1 day, 2:59, 5 users, load averages: 1.52, 1.22, 0.75 [22:50]
dj_gokuup_the_irons: if you need testers when you implement it I wouldn't mind :) [22:50]
up_the_ironsoh that RPS sausage is great
visinin: sounds like u used to live right next to the major data centers in LA
dj_goku: i do, email me your SSH pub key and I'll let you have access (now)
serial-over-IP already works, I use it myself
up_the_irons: support or?
nerddjeev: The language that stands out the most of the mentioned ones is probably Scala since it's somewhat functional, built for the JVM and it has some libs that makes concurrent programming easier [22:55]
jeevahh [22:55]
dj_gokuup_the_irons: support@ or? [22:55]
up_the_ironsdj_goku: sure [22:55]
jeevnerdd, i've said it a lot before, i lack the ability to focus
so i need something that's simple
that'll keep me interested
dj_gokuup_the_irons: sent [22:56]
ballenScala is more complicated than Ruby or Python
as its closer to Java
dj_gokujeev: basic? [22:57]
jeevheh [22:57]
dj_gokujeev: what are you wanting to write/produce? [22:58]
nerddAre there any web frameworks built in Basic? And how would you google them? [22:58]
ballenhah [22:58]
jeevsome web stuff
database for data entry
save to pdf
use sql..
nerddjeev: Pick Rails [22:59]
jeevi guess i'll look at examples [23:00]
ballenRails is sooo bloated though [23:00]
jeevahh [23:00]
ballenwhats a Django app take in memory [23:00]
nerddYeah, but Rails is easy, and you'll learn Ruby.. After Ruby you don't want to go back to say.. Java [23:02]
jeevnever done java [23:02]
dj_gokuup_the_irons: I guess email me or tell me what I need to do to get going. I am going afk. [23:02]
up_the_ironsdj_goku: sure, will do [23:02]
dj_gokuI didn't like the one java class I took.
I mostly write perl/c++.
nerddI was happy doing java until I got a Rails assignment.. Then I got fired, did Rails full time for fun, and now I'm back in the java world - only reason I'm doing Java again is because I get paid for it. [23:05]
dj_gokujeev: have you looked into any webish languages yet? [23:06]
***scort has quit IRC ("when I raise my trigger finger all you fuckers hit the deck!") [23:17]
up_the_ironsjeev: ya know what's funny, i got a Dell 5324 (I broke down, yeah, but I'm gonna see if I like it; for $140 i'm not gonna complain), and then I noticed that is the exact model you recommended me to get a while ago
up_the_irons is looking at old irc logs
Guest35813does that mean your bored? [23:20]
up_the_ironsno, i was actually trying to see how well google indexes it (not very well) [23:21]
logs from how long ago? lol
***teknicaL has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [23:29]
up_the_ironsGuest35813: like, 9-3-09 [23:30]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away
Element has joined #arpnetworks
Element is now known as Guest24826
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Guest35813 has quit IRC ("Reconnecting")
coil_ has joined #arpnetworks
dns works again
lets see for how long....
***coil_ is now known as Guest56184
Guest24826 has joined #arpnetworks
Guest5618411:47PM up 1 day, 3:56, 5 users, load averages: 1.29, 1.34, 1.37 [23:47]
up_the_irons, that switch is elite
up_the_ironsGuest56184: you should see if your irc client can stop renaming you to "GuestXYZ" all the time ;) [23:52]
jeevup_the_irons, freenode does that
if you dont verify the password with nickserv
never did that to me
jeevsign on with another client
and dont verify the password
up_the_ironsi c [23:53]
jeevit'll give you like 120 sec to enter pw [23:53]
up_the_ironsjeev: i hope i can find the right console cable for that switch, b/c I don't think the one i ordered comes with one [23:53]
Guest56184yeah i set that option jeev
i'm just too lazy to identify
up_the_ironsheh [23:54]
jeevup_the_irons, generic serial cable. [23:54]
Guest56184and too lazy to login to my bnc on coil [23:54]
up_the_ironsjeev: cool, i have one of those... [23:54]
Guest56184its only for testing purposes
since once i login to my nick, i get cloaked
jeevmy little cousin has me farming his shit on farmville
i hate facebook
these little girls keep asking for help with their farm
Guest56184makes troubleshooting dns issues hard [23:54]
jeevand i keep ignoring them [23:54]
up_the_ironswhat the shit is farmville
wait, i don't wanna know
visininbahaha [23:56]
Guest56184a waste of time
stupid fucking facebook apps
facebook is gay

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