#arpnetworks 2009-09-22,Tue

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up_the_ironsyeah, i always buy from a trusted vendor if I do Cisco on ebay
how does one make a "fake" Cisco switch anyway? I've always wondered....
ballenballen shrugs
with a soldiering iron?
ever see these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833150065&cm_re=Cisco_48-_-33-150-065-_-Product
up_the_ironsballen: never seen 'em [00:03]
ballenahh FYI anything labeled smalled business from Cisco is Linksys

if you want, my best friend works at Cisco, I'll ask him if those switches are any good
up_the_ironsballen: cool [00:06]
ballenlikely they are crap [00:09]
up_the_ironshaha [00:11]
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ballenso back to my problem of indexes and such
on post creation
I could populate a set that exists for each friend which the id of the new post
obviously this is crap load of sets
and creating a new post will slow down as number of friends increase
i suddenly have new found respect for Facebook, et. al
they use mysql as a last stop, with crap loads of memcache in front of it though
up_the_ironsballen: have you looked at cassandra? [00:17]
ballenyea [00:18]
up_the_ironsit's pretty wicked fast [00:18]
ballenindeed, and distributed where Redis is not
Although you can make redis distributed by some app side code
up_the_ironsyeah [00:19]
ballenits written in java though
and I have somewhat of a religious issue of putting JDK on FreeBSD
up_the_ironsyeah, unfortunately, all the distributed + key/value + mapreduce + ball of wax, things are Java [00:20]
ballenyea [00:20]
up_the_ironsthis will change [00:21]
ballendamn people running linux [00:21]
up_the_ironswould be nice to at least see a python implementation at some point, then maybe C [00:21]
ballenpython would be to slow
C would be good
hence Redis
up_the_ironssurely not slower than java!
you blasphemer
ballenhah, Java is fast
faster than Ruby and Python
which I consider about equal
well at least Python 3 & Ruby 1.9
up_the_ironsdon't make me bust out "/usr/bin/time -v java hello.class"
ballen: Python is way faster than Ruby, just do "/usr/bin/time -v hello.py" compared to hello.rb. about 10 times faster after the initial run (when it compiles to the .pyc)
always a fun website
up_the_ironsI don't think they ran the bytecode version...
really is quite a bit faster than ruby
Lua is pretty damn fast for an interpreted language
can't go wrong with C though...
fast, fast and fast
Scala is interesting
as well as Clean
Clean was designed for math though
which most of those tests are
up_the_ironsah [00:30]
ballenYea Lua would be good to learn one of these days [00:31]
up_the_ironsi "learned" enough of it to write some cool imapfilter scripts
it has a nice structure
ballenhttp://www.keplerproject.org web framework for Lua
I really don't think the language is the barrier in most cases though, its often the database
oh nice, Ohm does its sorting inside of Redis
sort in C > Ruby
up_the_ironsah nice [00:43]
ballenso I've settled on using a set for each user that maintains an index of friends posts
pretty sure its most the scalable option
up_the_irons"I see scripts to rebuild / verify "indexes" in your future"
ballenyea yea yea
it shouldn't be needed
only if there is a crash while its doing cleanup before a delete of a post
and then all I'd have to is crawl through each user's set and validate the story still exists
also I love that the sinatra app is currently only 11MB in RAM so far
feck have to deal with when new friends are added [01:02]
up_the_ironscool [01:04]
ballenwoot it works
minus the add/remove friend thing
up_the_ironsnice [01:20]
ballenquite quick too, of course its doing like two friends [01:21]
up_the_ironshaha [01:21]
ballennot quite testing at scale
I can see why Twitter has gone through so much growing pains
especially if you just hacked together a solution
up_the_ironsyup [01:23]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [02:44]
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mike-burnsErlang and Haskell are also fast, if you're looking to write a fast server quickly.
Just sayin'.
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jester1The problem with Twitter wasn't Ruby, it was Ruby on Rails. [06:12]
mhoranThere really isn't a problem with Twitter. Any language wouldn't have scaled as they wanted. The site saw massive growth, and any framework would have had to be modified to cope with that load. [06:25]
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nuke^morning [07:00]
mike-burnsYeah, the problem with Twitter was the DB and the infrastructure. [07:11]
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mike-burnshttp://www.gtk-apps.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/111075-2.png - OTOH, LaTeX preview sounds kinda nice.
(Referencing an old conversation in here.)
mhoranOh, that's pretty. [11:13]
ballendo you have to generate the preview or is it automagical [11:15]
mike-burnshttp://code.google.com/p/gummi/ - not sure, couldn't really figure it out from here. [11:16]
oh well
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up_the_ironsmike-burns: neat lookin [12:10]
mike-burnsI'm not giving up vim any time soon (nor writing papers), but it's certainly pretty. [12:11]
up_the_ironsyep [12:13]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen
ballen has quit IRC ("Leaving...")
Nat_UB has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) [13:23]
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Nat_UB has joined #arpnetworks [14:09]
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nuke^hi up_the_irons [15:54]
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anyone there? :p [16:19]
up_the_ironsnuke^: hey [16:21]
.... (idle for 19mn)
im having a problem, only the ip ending in *.66 seems to get me eggs on irc, all the others i get this
Couldn't listen on port '35678' on the given address. Please make sure 'my-ip' is set correctly, or try a different port.
tried all, changing ports nothing
up_the_ironsnuke^: what's your full IP address [16:45]
nuke^ [16:45]
up_the_ironsnuke^: you don't have the other IPs assigned to your eth0
nuke^: assign 'em, and it'll work
nuke^i think i messed up
it should be eth0:0 ip1 eth0:1 ip2 right?
up_the_ironsnuke^: they all can be on eth0. "sudo ip address add x.x.x.x dev eth0"
nuke^: the eth0:1, eth0:2, etc... is an old method
nuke^oops i did ifconfig eth0 [16:56]
up_the_ironsnuke^: should be alive again [16:58]
nuke^ty [16:58]
up_the_ironsnuke^: next time you do that, hit the VNC console. or, in fact, you should probably be doing those changes from VNC until you know how to do it right ;) [16:58]
nuke^vnc console its new for me i never used it on my others vps, i believe they dont use this metho [17:00]
up_the_ironsnuke^: yeah, they probably don't. a serial-over-IP method is coming soon too [17:09]
nuke^i had another question, or better help, i looked that i have ipv6 on the vps, i never use it or anything, any way u cold tell me or point me somewhere i could read/learn anything how to use it over irc [17:13]
up_the_ironsnuke^: it's pretty similar to IPv4, you just have a lot more addresses. I also pre-configure VMs with IPv6 support, so all you need to do, really, is connect to an IRC server's IPv6 address, like: bitchx irc.ipv6.freenode.net [17:19]
nuke^and if i want it to resolve to something, the ipv6 address? [17:20]
up_the_ironsnuke^: not sure what you're asking [17:21]
Thorgrimrreverses, I'd guess [17:21]
nuke^cant ipv6 rdns to something
up_the_ironsnuke^: http://support.arpnetworks.com/faqs/main/reverse-dns
nuke^: same thing applies for IPv6
nuke^ty :)
sry about all the question, new thing for me
up_the_ironsnp [17:25]
nuke^for what i read, i can use for example freedns.afraid nameserver since i have an account there, to control the ipv6 subnet [17:30]
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cablehead has joined #arpnetworks
irc.freenode.net sets mode: +o up_the_irons
nuke has quit IRC (Killed by ballard.freenode.net (Nick collision))
up_the_ironsfreenode death [17:36]
ThorgrimrKilt him dead [17:36]
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ThorgrimrWell, damn... I went on a ride too [17:45]
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nuke^ergh split
did u saw my last line about freedns
up_the_ironsnuke^: nope [18:13]
nuke^for what i read, i can use for example freedns.afraid nameserver since i have an account there, to control the ipv6 subnet [18:14]
up_the_ironsnuke^: neato
nuke^: give me a couple name servers, and i'll set the delegation
thats yes?
up_the_ironsneat, but better [18:14]
ns1.afraid.org ns2 ns3 and ns4
my IPv4 endpoint, my side of the ipv6 tunnel woudl be my ipv4 on the vps right?
up_the_ironsnuke^: you're not tunneled, so that would not apply
look for "native IPv6" somewhere
up_the_irons is signing up to afraid.org for see how it works
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hm hey ask to create a tunnel
it was what i was doing
on hurricane electric
up_the_ironsyeah [18:22]
nuke^the ipv6 would be like 2607:f2f8:3100::/48 -> 2607:f2f8:3100::1 or 2607:f2f8:3100::2 right?
not 1 i see now
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up_the_ironsnuke^: click "Add reverse IPv6 subnet", then input "2607:f2f8:3100::/48" [18:35]
then added 2607:f2f8:3100::2 to nuke.nuke.nuke for testing
is this correct?
up_the_ironsnuke^: looks right [18:39]
nuke^/dns 2607:f2f8:3100::2 doesnt resolve to nothing. hm [18:44]
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up_the_ironsnuke^: i think they take a little time to update
garry@ice:~ $ host 2607:f2f8:3100::2 domain name pointer nuke.nuke.nuke.
nuke^: dig +trace -x <ip> is your best friend, when doing DNS stuff
nuke^hehe cool
was gonna say to check if everything was cool here
but i guess it is
up_the_ironsnuke^: i'm not sure how the tunnel settings come into play, since your VPS has native IPv6 [18:52]
nuke^its working so all good, hehe
ty u :)
up_the_ironsnuke^: cool :) [18:55]
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up_the_ironsnuke^: now you're talkin
nukeAFK: ^^ :)
nuke^hehe [19:05]
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Rickhow long does it usually take for a new vps to be set up and made available? [19:39]
ballenup_the_irons is the one that sets them up
if hes around not a long time, usually does it later in the day
Rickah [19:42]
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ballen has joined #arpnetworks [21:32]
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visinin has quit IRC ("sleep") [23:45]

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