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up_the_irons | atomic counters? nice
ballen: should be enough | [00:03] | |
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*** | ballen is now known as ballen|away | [01:23] | |
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nk has joined #arpnetworks | [03:17] | ||
nk | hello
can someone tell me if irc is allowed n the vp's | [03:17] | |
up_the_irons | nk: hey nk | [03:20] | |
nk | hello | [03:20] | |
up_the_irons | nk: yeah, IRC is allowed, but if you get DoS'd I'll get mad ;)
and probably null route your IPs nk: where'd you hear about us? :) | [03:20] | |
nk | nah, just for my eggdrops never got ddosed on my other vp's
google it hehe and on webhostingtalk | [03:21] | |
up_the_irons | cool
nk: you should be fine then | [03:25] | |
nk | :) | [03:26] | |
up_the_irons | a lot of the guys in here are probably connecting from their VPS, haha | [03:26] | |
nk | have to move from one of my old vps cause after 3 months they now say i cant user irc on it
i dont remember they having any restriction.. how well i move on to other lol | [03:28] | |
up_the_irons | nk: o'rly? sucks | [03:28] | |
nk | yah just have to transfer all the stuff, waiting them to unsusped my account
was having 2 many downtimes also so i guess its for the best | [03:29] | |
up_the_irons | it's kinda stupid not to allow IRC, but I understand it gets a bad reputation
well no one needs downtime, cancel 'em maybe they were getting DoS'd b/c of IRC ;) | [03:29] | |
nk | in like 3 months i opened at least 10 tickets about not been able to get in the vps
nah, i asked if it was anything i was running they said no lol now i see they didnt even looked what i was running or they will saw the bnc and egg | [03:30] | |
up_the_irons | i don't mean from you, i mean in general
maybe someone else got dos'd cuz of IRC and that is why they banned it ;) do you mind saying what provider that was? | [03:31] | |
nk | oh, yah possible
but i guess it was the package i had that didnt allowed santrex | [03:31] | |
up_the_irons | ah
santrex? never heard of 'em sidenote, the X7DWN+ motherboard is one bad ass board up_the_irons is building a new box | [03:32] | |
nk | but still got lots of downtime, irc sory beside | [03:32] | |
up_the_irons | gotcha | [03:32] | |
nk | people calling me, gonna run bbl to sigh up with u guys as soon they unsuspend and i take off my stuff from old vps | [03:33] | |
up_the_irons | nk: ok cool, ttyl | [03:33] | |
..................... (idle for 1h42mn) | |||
*** | heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks | [05:15] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer: wudup | [05:19] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: yo
how are things going? | [05:19] | |
up_the_irons | good, u?
Nat_UB: you rebooting?:) | [05:20] | |
Nat_UB | yea | [05:21] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: good | [05:21] | |
up_the_irons | Nat_UB: Nagios knows all | [05:22] | |
Nat_UB | Wow...caught me
Think it's hung up... | [05:22] | |
up_the_irons | vnc in | [05:24] | |
Nat_UB | I'm in...want's F5 pressed...is there an option key to send F5 via VNC? | [05:25] | |
up_the_irons | Nat_UB: i just hit F5
what does it want F5 for? | [05:29] | |
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Nat_UB | Still not doing anything says Boot: F5 | [05:32] | |
up_the_irons | Nat_UB: if you get out of vnc, i can take a look | [05:33] | |
Nat_UB | All yours | [05:33] | |
up_the_irons | Nat_UB: you just had to hit F1. it tried to boot from your 2nd volume (the non-bootable one) | [05:37] | |
Nat_UB | hmmm....I tried that...
You just hit F1 or is there a CTLR-F1 needed? | [05:38] | |
up_the_irons | Nat_UB: just F1 | [05:40] | |
Nat_UB | thanks! | [05:40] | |
up_the_irons | np! | [05:42] | |
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baklava | anyone happen to know VBA? | [06:04] | |
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up_the_irons | baklava: VBA?
visual basic... something? | [06:26] | |
Nat_UB | for applications....like Excel, Access etc | [06:26] | |
baklava | yea
this column is getting really annoying | [06:27] | |
up_the_irons | heh | [06:37] | |
...... (idle for 27mn) | |||
*** | heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks | [07:04] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: ping | [07:05] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer: pong | [07:05] | |
baklava | uh oh, I think I got it | [07:06] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: hey i am doing a query where i count the number of occurrences per date, and there are days where there are no occurrences at all, is there a way to get sql to return 0 for that date or do I need to just do that after i get the data back? | [07:06] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer: depends on how you do the query | [07:08] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: i am doing a count using "between" | [07:08] | |
up_the_irons | ok | [07:09] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: SELECT count(*) AS count_all, date(created_at) AS date_created_at FROM `patient_records` WHERE (`patient_records`.`created_at` BETWEEN '2009-08-21' AND '2009-09-20') AND ((`patient_records`.`new_customer` = 0) AND (patient_records.deleted_at IS NULL OR patient_records.deleted_at > '2009-09-20 14:10:15')) GROUP BY date(created_at) ORDER BY date(created_at) | [07:10] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons shrugs | [07:11] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: btw all that sql got generated from this: PatientRecord.new_customers.count(:conditions => { :created_at => from.to_date.to_s(:db)..to.to_date.to_s(:db) }, :group => 'date(created_at)', :order => 'date(created_at)') nice huh? | [07:11] | |
up_the_irons | mapping from one language to another, doesn't really impress me ;) | [07:12] | |
heavysixer | i like the hash syntax
it's very compact up_the_irons: so i guess my question is how do i get 0's returned for those dates? you said it depends on how i am doing the query. | [07:12] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons shrugs again
i don't fart SQL, so i dunno ;) | [07:13] | |
heavysixer | k ;-) | [07:14] | |
mike-burns | Wouldn't {:created_at => (from.to_date .. to.to_date), ...} also work? Is the #to_s required? | [07:19] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer loves to overuse .to_s()
;) | [07:20] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: it's true
mike-burns: thx ;-) | [07:20] | |
mike-burns | Ah okay. | [07:20] | |
heavysixer | will fix that now | [07:20] | |
mike-burns | Well I don't know if it will work, but it strikes me as something that should. | [07:21] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: i am just creating the ranges first and adding the arrays together at the end
(3.days.ago.to_date .. Date.today).inject([]){|accum, date| accum << [date,0]} | [07:21] | |
up_the_irons | ok | [07:22] | |
heavysixer | mike-burns: ah i see what you are saying no I need to use to_date because the first attribute might be a Time class and then I need to call to_s to get the correct formatting.
needed by the db. | [07:22] | |
mike-burns | Ah okay. | [07:22] | |
heavysixer | but maybe rails will do that for free for me since i am using the hash syntax
that seems like something it should do. | [07:23] | |
mike-burns | Right.
I figured you had the tests for this method and could quickly try it to see if you could reduce characters. | [07:23] | |
heavysixer | mike-burns: i do have tests but in this case i might be converting something that is already converted later
so it would not break a test | [07:24] | |
mike-burns | Oh okay. | [07:24] | |
heavysixer | yeah it appears to work without doing the formatting cheers for the help | [07:25] | |
mike-burns | Eh, still doesn't solve your original question. And I have no idea the answer to that. | [07:26] | |
heavysixer | no worries i'll just use array math
after the fact. | [07:26] | |
mike-burns | How many records are you loading into that array? | [07:27] | |
heavysixer | yeah good point
could be thousands | [07:27] | |
mike-burns | select count(id) from patients group by date(created_at);
That will give you counts including 0? | [07:28] | |
heavysixer | doesn't appear to | [07:28] | |
mike-burns | Oh, true, it won't.
No it'd need to iterate over existing date data. | [07:30] | |
heavysixer | right. | [07:30] | |
mike-burns | You could have another table with every date in it and join with that. | [07:30] | |
heavysixer | mike-burns: mmm don't like that idea ;-) | [07:31] | |
mike-burns | Nor do I. | [07:31] | |
heavysixer | someone should have done this already :-) | [07:31] | |
mike-burns | Why do you need the zeroes? What are you using that for? | [07:31] | |
heavysixer | mike-burns: plotting | [07:32] | |
mike-burns | When you iterate over the results, can you instead iterate over (from.to_date..to.to_date) and pull the results from a hash mapping date to result. Use Hash.new to default the value to 0. | [07:32] | |
heavysixer | mmmmm | [07:33] | |
mike-burns | I really cannot think of another solution. Oh, maybe instead of maintaining a table of every date you could use a subselect that creates such results.
This idea is very fuzzy in my mind and potentially impossible. | [07:36] | |
heavysixer | yeah i am reading about it now
http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/find-missing-date-ranges-in-sql/ | [07:36] | |
mike-burns | Yeah, that's what I meant! I didn't realize that'd be some complex though.
s/some/so/ | [07:37] | |
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heavysixer | i'm good at finding problems like that ;-) | [07:38] | |
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks | [08:15] | |
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ballen|away is now known as ballen | [08:37] | ||
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nuke^ has joined #arpnetworks | [10:27] | ||
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ballen is now known as ballen|away
ballen|away is now known as ballen | [10:47] | ||
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nuke^ | up_the_irons u around? | [11:23] | |
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or anyone else from staff
:p | [12:17] | ||
ballen | doesn't look like it, anything you need specifically? | [12:18] | |
nuke^ | was just wondering if would be possible to customize a vps to decreace the BW and give more ips instead, i dont use barely any BW | [12:19] | |
ballen | seems likely
not sure what the ratio for tradeoff will be could just email Garry | [12:20] | |
nuke^ | ok ty, will wait for some anwer on the email or see if he coes online
i send on the "contact" area | [12:20] | |
ballen | he'll get back to you, but since its the weekend I'm not sure what he's upto | [12:22] | |
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up_the_irons | hey nuke^
nuke^: it's possible to customize, i'll reply to your email | [14:01] | |
nuke^ | yo
im here :) | [14:02] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: how much b/w do you need, and how many IPs? | [14:04] | |
jeev | ips cost more than bandwidth! | [14:04] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: how'd you find us? :) | [14:04] | |
nuke^ | im nk, i talked to u earlier
:p | [14:04] | |
jeev | <- not staff, just my unnecessary opinion | [14:04] | |
up_the_irons | oh ok | [14:05] | |
nuke^ | i need 5 ips | [14:05] | |
up_the_irons | so a /29 | [14:05] | |
nuke^ | bw like 15 will be enough | [14:09] | |
up_the_irons | ok
nuke^: just replied to your email | [14:09] | |
nuke^ | ok
checking cool where do i order | [14:10] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: https://www.arpnetworks.com/order?product=vps&vps_plan_1=1
i'll know it's you select the /29 | [14:10] | |
nuke^ | ok | [14:11] | |
up_the_irons | under "extras"
and i'll adjust the bandwidth after some dude wants to tunnel the VNC ugh... time to set up that console server... ;) | [14:11] | |
ballen | heh
so how bandwidth are you trading for a /29? | [14:12] | |
up_the_irons | ballen: 50GB -> 25GB
basically cut in half | [14:15] | |
jeev | 1 gb per /24
im down i'll give you 100gb, i want 100 class C's NOW | [14:15] | |
nuke^ | done the order | [14:15] | |
up_the_irons | i have class C's, but they ain't cheap ;) | [14:15] | |
ballen | cash money | [14:16] | |
jeev | cash monies | [14:16] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: thanks, it'll be provisioned today (most likely at night)
nuke^: thought you needed to wait for your other host to unfreeze your account ;) | [14:16] | |
nuke^ | already done
i have all the stuff on me now :) | [14:16] | |
up_the_irons | oh nice | [14:17] | |
nuke^ | can i pm u 5 hosts so u rdns the ips to them, the old ones i use on the other box | [14:17] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: sure
cd $starbucks i lied nuke^: didn't get your order btw nuke^: you sure you got to the "Thank you" page?:) | [14:20] | |
nuke^ | hm nah i did submit order and got me all fields reseted and thats was it
guess was something wroung doing again | [14:26] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: start from arpnetworks.com/vps, select the $10 plan. maybe there was something wrong w/ the link I sent you | [14:27] | |
nuke^ | done now | [14:27] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: got it, thanks!
nuke^: you're a debian guy? :) | [14:28] | |
nuke^ | yeah, i like debian, ubuntu, i dont mess around much on linux, only on my vps's | [14:28] | |
jeev | who wants to convince me to change my vps to freebsd
i feel like i've stabbed slackware in the back | [14:29] | |
up_the_irons | nuke^: cool
bbl | [14:30] | |
ballen | jeev: change your vps to FreeBSD | [14:33] | |
jeev | why | [14:33] | |
ballen | because its better | [14:33] | |
jeev | hmm
i think that's convincing enough | [14:34] | |
ballen | good | [14:34] | |
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ballen is now known as ballen|away | [15:31] | ||
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ballen|away is now known as ballen heavysixer has quit IRC (Client Quit) | [15:43] | ||
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ballen is now known as ballen|away | [16:07] | ||
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ballen|away is now known as ballen | [16:38] | ||
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks | [17:02] | ||
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up_the_irons | w00t, successfully installed OpenBSD 4.5 on a VM for the first time
toddf: your notes worked perfectly | [17:25] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: n3rd | [17:27] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer: oh you don't even know | [17:27] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: the inject method is really cool
in ruby i just learned that today | [17:29] | |
up_the_irons | heavysixer: man you're late to the game ;) | [17:31] | |
heavysixer | up_the_irons: i noes | [17:31] | |
up_the_irons | srsly | [17:31] | |
.................... (idle for 1h36mn) | |||
heavysixer | up_the_irons: wow!!!!
up_the_irons: kent beck added a pledgie campaign Kent Fucking Beck | [19:07] | |
ballen | anyone around | [19:08] | |
Kent Beck just did a FLOSS weekly | [19:18] | ||
...... (idle for 29mn) | |||
heavysixer | ballen: what is FLOSS? | [19:47] | |
ballen | http://twit.tv/floss87
podcast | [19:48] | |
mike-burns | "Free Libre Open Source Software"
Those are indeed words. | [19:49] | |
ballen | indeed | [19:49] | |
heavysixer | ah
cool good to know. | [19:51] | |
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| [19:51] | |
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timburke has quit IRC ("Leaving")
timburke has joined #arpnetworks | [20:11] | ||
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ballen is now known as ballen|away | [20:36] | ||
ballen|away is now known as ballen | [20:47] | ||
.......... (idle for 48mn) | |||
toddf | up_the_irons: the instructions are valid through current still, would be nice to know if latest qemu with kvm support would manage to do better than the kvm userland piece or if updating the kernel/kvm userland piece would change anything, but thats for your new box to test, right? ;-) | [21:35] | |
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up_the_irons | toddf: yup, for a new box
i've spec'd one out, just waiting for a few more funds to collect before buying | [22:42] | |
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toddf: send me your pub key when you get a chance and i'll add you to my new customer console server i'm building / testing (running OpenBSD 4.5 :) | [22:58] | ||
...... (idle for 26mn) | |||
toddf: is there something equivalent to FreeBSD's "security.bsd.see_other_uids=0" in OpenBSD? | [23:24] | ||
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obsidieth | i imagined that being pretty universal, heh. | [23:43] | |
up_the_irons | obsidieth: i don't see it in OpenBSd sysctl though | [23:45] |
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