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jeev | heh
what's your next marketing plan | [00:22] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: I posted my usual on WHT today. I need to put something pretty on freebsdvps.com and openbsdvps.net (although the clickthrus are near 100%, so perhaps what is up there is fine). There's another board, uhh... webhostingboard.net, I should post there too | [00:24] | |
jeev | heh | [00:25] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: you have any additional ideas? :) | [00:30] | |
obsidieth | freebsdvps needs something with your special deal on it tbh
clickthrus would exceed 100%, somehow | [00:32] | |
up_the_irons | LOL
obsidieth: like the yellow box that is on http://arpnetworks.com/vps, should also be on freebsdvps.com? | [00:40] | |
jeev | yea up_the_irons
&referral=jeev put that too lets get it poppin | [00:43] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: hahahaha | [00:44] | |
obsidieth | yeah, something like that | [00:46] | |
up_the_irons | cool | [00:53] | |
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i think i got a good magnet page now...
just need to publish is *it
added a meta description tag, so when google re-spiders it, hopefully the new snippet will generate better click-thru rates | [02:24] | ||
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baklava | SEO is one thing I'd like to learn some more about. There seems to be an awful lot of misinformation out there | [05:39] | |
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up_the_irons | yeah, it's really useful to know; i just started learning a bit
wow, 6am, bed time! | [05:57] | |
baklava | that means it's way past mine | [05:57] | |
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mhoran | up_the_irons: There were so many little bugs I was experiencing due to the sleep() bug -- all fixed!
Even mutt was exhibiting weird behaviour -- gone. | [15:00] | |
jeev | mhoran, what do you use your vps for | [15:00] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: f'in nice :)
mhoran: glad to hear that's all resolved | [15:00] | |
jeev | up_the_irons, that southstreet place from westwood is moving to burbank
i wonder when it'll be ready | [15:01] | |
mhoran | jeev: Personal Web site, a wiki for me and my friends, and a Star Wars roleplaying forum I've been hosting for years. | [15:01] | |
ballen | mhoran: how'd you fix it | [15:01] | |
jeev | lol
star wars roleplaying ? | [15:01] | |
mhoran | ballen: up_the_irons disabled APIC at the KVM layer for my VM. | [15:01] | |
ballen | ah | [15:02] | |
mhoran | jeev: I don't really know much about it. Back when I was working #support for GamesNET, some guy asked me for hosting and I gave it to him. | [15:02] | |
jeev | ahh | [15:02] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: southstreet place? | [15:02] | |
jeev | http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=south+street+philly+cheesesteak,+burbank&vps=3&jsv=176c&sll=39.946682,-75.161294&sspn=0.01474,0.033023&ie=UTF8&latlng=793836861379566662&ei=eWCxSqDUBJiWiAPyjIyJAg&cd=1&usq=south+street+philly+cheesesteak,&geocode=FVR0CQIdmZ_y-A
oh crap they're already in bur pretty delish philly cheesesteak | [15:02] | |
up_the_irons | i try to avoid food like that.... ;) | [15:03] | |
jeev | why | [15:03] | |
up_the_irons | unhealthy | [15:03] | |
jeev | what the dilly
so what do you eat whole foods all day ? | [15:04] | |
mhoran | Haha.
I'd do that ... | [15:04] | |
jeev | i like whole foods
the glendale one is the best | [15:04] | |
mhoran | But there are many, many restaurants around my office.
Also, a Trader Joe's. | [15:04] | |
jeev | i've been to sherman oaks, burbank i think? ,westwood
the glendale one rules | [15:04] | |
mhoran | Do they have those out West? I'm sure ... | [15:04] | |
jeev | trader joes is ok but | [15:04] | |
up_the_irons | i just eat foods low in fat, generally | [15:04] | |
jeev | it seems like they have less stuff than you always think
up_the_irons, it's delish | [15:04] | |
up_the_irons | the longer you eat healthy, the nastier heavy foods taste ;)
like, I can't stand mayonnaise anymore; used to love it | [15:05] | |
ballen | damn Apple for taking away the tether hack in 3.1 | [15:07] | |
mhoran | 3.1 seems to break more than fix anything.
I've heard nothing but troubles withit. | [15:07] | |
ballen | all they did was back visual hard coded in a sense | [15:07] | |
up_the_irons | although I'll still go for a 900 calorie and 150% DV of saturated fat Coldstone's banana ice cream, any day
;) | [15:07] | |
ballen | since makes the carrier know you're an iphone | [15:07] | |
up_the_irons | ice cream never tastes bad | [15:07] | |
ballen | visual voicemail that is | [15:07] | |
mhoran | I'll stick with my G1.
up_the_irons: Yum. I could go for ice cream ... It's been a while. I should've passed on that blueberry muffin and gotten ice cream instead. | [15:08] | |
ballen | pizza and beer tonight for me | [15:09] | |
mhoran | Yum. That's Thursday night here. :) | [15:10] | |
up_the_irons | haha | [15:10] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Man, I was blaming a while bunch of VPS issues on the fact that this thing is in CA and I'm in Boston -- but it's 100% better now. Thanks for figuring that out! | [15:11] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: haha, no prob
if anyone else here on FreeBSD would like APIC disabled at the KVM layer, let e know s/e/me/ | [15:13] | |
Nat_UB | I've missed the scrollback...what does it seem to fix? | [15:14] | |
mhoran | Basically, nanosleep() is busted.
So anything using sleep() sleeps for too long. We saw this by running date; sleep 1; date It would sleep for some arbitrary amount of time. So something about the APIC code in FreeBSD misbehaving when coupled with KVM. (This was causing errors for my cron jobs, as well as weirdness with mutt -- which uses sleep when drawing mailbox load percentages, etc.) | [15:14] | |
Nat_UB | ahhh.... | [15:16] | |
mhoran | Also, ntpd wasn't working too well. Now it works like a charm. :) | [15:17] | |
jeev | i cant stand mayo either
it's disgusting, i used to be ok with it | [15:17] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: btw, in my testing, it wasn't an arbitrary amount of time, more like an integer multiple. 1 second would be 3 seconds, 2 seconds would be 6, etc... | [15:18] | |
mhoran | Yeah, same here jeev. | [15:18] | |
Nat_UB | interesting...not had issue with ntpd...and date, sleep, date seems to work ok | [15:18] | |
jeev | i'm actually curbing sugar | [15:18] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Oh, interesting. | [15:18] | |
jeev | i cant control my ice cream eating so im not gonna let myself eat any sugar
i wish i got sick of ice cream | [15:18] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: in the research I did, I found others having the same prob, and it has to do with the HZ="..." setting in the kernel | [15:18] | |
mike-burns | Why wouldn't I want APIC disabled at the KVM layer? | [15:18] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Very interesting. | [15:18] | |
jeev | i go to the gym, play ball for 3 h ours and pretty much have an ice cream orgy after | [15:18] | |
mhoran | mike-burns: SMP. | [15:18] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: if the guest and host are mismatched, then the clock ticks, or something, are off
mhoran: so 1 second becomes a "longer" 1 second ;) | [15:19] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Makes sense. I wonder what about APIC makes that work.
Right. Ah, makes sense. | [15:19] | |
up_the_irons | mike-burns: i'm not really sure... I haven't found a reason to APIC is an advantage, other than it is the default and it is on ;) | [15:20] | |
mike-burns | I need it for SMP though? I'm not sure that's worth it or if anything takes advantae of SMP. | [15:20] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: I'm pretty sure FreeBSD SMP doesn't work without APIC. | [15:20] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: yeah, I dunno | [15:21] | |
Nat_UB | if some have seen benefit...turn mine off...I test it too | [15:21] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Also, wondering why the HZ difference matters when APIC is on, but not off. | [15:21] | |
mike-burns | Next scheduled downtime I'll request APIC to be turned off. | [15:21] | |
up_the_irons | mhoran: this entire thread, seems to shed some light on it, but I don't understand a lot: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2009-09/msg00288.html | [15:23] | |
mhoran | up_the_irons: Ah, interesting. | [15:24] | |
up_the_irons | mike-burns: OK, I'll do that | [15:25] | |
mike-burns | up_the_irons: Awesome. | [15:25] | |
up_the_irons | 5 packages can be updated.
4 updates are security updates. Looks like next scheduled downtime will be very soon (note 4 security updates) | [15:25] | |
mike-burns | Oh damn, what are you running this on Linux or something? | [15:26] | |
Nat_UB | hehehehe | [15:26] | |
up_the_irons | mike-burns: yeah ;) | [15:27] | |
mike-burns | Oh, ha. | [15:27] | |
mhoran | Haha. | [15:27] | |
up_the_irons | show me a production quality stable KVM / QEMU port to FreeBSD and I'll use it instead ;) | [15:28] | |
mhoran | It's underway! | [15:28] | |
mike-burns | Yeah fair enough. You do what you have to so that I can run FreeBSD. | [15:28] | |
up_the_irons | that's what I hear
haha | [15:28] | |
mhoran | Too bad the Xen guys can't get their act in gear.
But KVM is proving to be pretty stable. Aside from the issues you've told us about. | [15:28] | |
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up_the_irons | mhoran: the Xen guys not being able to get their act together is pretty much why I started to migrate away | [15:32] | |
mhoran | Yeah.
I've been thoroughly unimpressed. In addition to frustrated. Probably start looking at KVM once our Xen environment goes to shit. But we're up and running now. | [15:33] | |
up_the_irons | yeah
people had to stay with Xen as of, say 6 months ago, because it simply was the more stable of the two. But now, KVM/QEMU has just past the threshold, it is now production ready; I have many VMs to prove it! ;) | [15:33] | |
jeev | heh
im running xen on a box i dunno, i dont do anything crazy to see what is stable and what isn't | [15:35] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: Xen is pretty stable, don't get me wrong
i've had Xen servers running for years | [15:35] | |
jeev | i dont even do anything with that box
i waste too much | [15:35] | |
mhoran | Yeah, KVM was just crossing the threshold when I started at Berklee, plus, I wasn't in a position to tell them to go with something else.
I actually proposed OpenVZ at a point, which I think would be fine for their needs. We don't virtualize other operating systems, and just need a separation between applications. | [15:37] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons shudders
mhoran: I ran Virtuozzo (the OpenVZ predecessor) back in the day, that's how I started in VPS's I had a lot of problems lost a lot of business sucked and I had to PAY for it!! paid out the butt; they basically sold me a beta system that they said was production | [15:38] | |
mhoran | Yeah, I'm familiar with Virtuozzo.
Good to know. I have a few friends hacking on an OpenVZ project at the moment, and they seem to be happy. However, they're not running a business off of it. So your input is more valuable than theirs. :) | [15:42] | |
up_the_irons | hahah | [15:43] | |
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up_the_irons | cablehead: come to think of it, Slide did not get back to me regarding peering. You must slap someone now :) | [19:28] | |
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jeev | if you're doing something serious
would you go get a "higher end brand" ssl cert like thawte or godaddy si fine | [19:45] | |
up_the_irons | IMO, it's all the same crap | [19:49] | |
jeev | yea | [19:49] | |
up_the_irons | godaddy uses high end crypto as well
i use godaddy, fwiw | [19:49] | |
jeev | yea me too but new business is crazy-sexual thing
has nothing to do with adult or porn godaddy says it does eloan but eloan uses verisign http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/ssl/ssl.asp?ci=9039#tabs what douches 199 is too much for a godaddy cert | [19:50] | |
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mhoran | SSL is complete BS. More when I'm not intoxicated. | [20:39] | |
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jeev | someone needs to beat me into setting up back up thingies on my servers | [20:59] | |
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ballen | blah | [21:39] | |
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jeev | if you're creating a certificate, 4096 bit
shouldn't dev urandom to null be enough entropy ? damn he.net sucks downloading kernel and it's going from 100-250 guess not untarring kernel did it | [22:27] | |
obsidieth | :( | [22:45] | |
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up_the_irons | jeev: godaddy isn't 199 unless you get their "super" cert or w/e, which is just marketing. i get the $20-$30 certs, and they are fine | [23:26] | |
jeev | yea but
the green bar is hot for idiots | [23:29] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: you'll get all that with the 20 cert too | [23:30] | |
jeev | ahh, had no idea
no green bar is https://www.godaddy.com no ie on | [23:31] | |
up_the_irons | jeev: do you get green for: https://www.arpnetworks.com/ | [23:32] | |
jeev | nope
no error, no pop up just not green even firefox goes green, the left side | [23:32] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons shrugs
i thought my cert was good ;) | [23:33] | |
jeev | it is
just not sexy enough | [23:34] | |
up_the_irons | well, then go for $199 i guess ;) | [23:34] | |
jeev | i dunno
i'll see tomorrow | [23:34] | |
up_the_irons | Qsource: your peer booted me a few hours ago | [23:35] | |
jeev | jeev boots Qsource | [23:36] |
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