#arpnetworks 2009-09-13,Sun

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baklavanope :)
I mean, could you send that root password to baklava@example.com instead? I'm having problems with my other e-mail.
up_the_ironswhoa, LOL
cool, then if you sign up, that'll be two for today ;)
baklavabaklava hands up_the_irons a rake for the money. [00:04]
up_the_irons would have gone into porn if he wanted to rake in dough
jeevheh [00:05]
speaking of porn
jeevheh [00:07]
ballenGur novyvgl gb haqrefgnaq gung guvf vf ABG fgebat rapelcgvba.
wtf is that
baklavaI'm trying to deicde whether or not my desire for FreeBSD is worth the money right now [00:08]
up_the_ironsbaklava: you're looking at pgrmr's $6 plan's huh? ;) [00:09]
jeevwhats pgrmr [00:09]
ballenanother vps [00:09]
jeevahh [00:09]
up_the_ironsjeev: http://www.prgmr.com/xen/ [00:09]
jeevyea i'm looking
if you need the bandwidth
i'd try it one day maybe
this is perfect for me
i dont even need this one!
up_the_ironsjeev just loves me
even their colo is cheap
up_the_ironsuntil their he.net goes out [00:12]
baklavaup_the_irons: not the $6, but their longer contracts are tempting with good VPS stats [00:12]
up_the_ironsnobody serious about being a service provider can be single homed [00:12]
baklavathey don't have HVM [00:13]
up_the_ironsbaklava: gotcha
right, it's all paravirt
jeevyou try he yet ? [00:13]
ballenNetBSD is a pain [00:13]
up_the_ironsjeev: no [00:13]
ballenyou want FreeBSD [00:13]
up_the_ironsballen: my ns2 is still NetBSD 3.0 ;)
under Xen, heh
ballennot saying its not a good OS
just more of a pain
baklavayou can do FreeBSD, but you have to do a bit of a workaround... at the end of October, 8.0 is supposed to be released with paravirt support [00:14]
ballenI'll believe it when I see it [00:14]
baklavathough Kip has been absent on the FreeBSD-Xen mailing list so it's not looking great [00:14]
up_the_ironsi wonder if that is losing momentum b/c HVM solutions are becoming a viable alternative [00:15]
baklavawell there are howtos for the FreeBSD setup and it's in the FreeBSD handbook for 7.0 on Xen 3.0, but it's a little different with 3.3 [00:15]
up_the_ironschip manufacturers can get their chips to run any faster (I have a 2.4GHz Xeon that I got in 2003 ;), so they just pack more features; and one big one right now is HVM [00:16]
baklavaRed Hat is supposedly putting their eggs with KVM [00:16]
up_the_ironsGiven that KVM got accepted into the linux kernel, that's not really surprising
Xen has been crying to get in, but Linus, et. al. have sighted numerous problems, and have refused to do so
ballenyea Xen isn't doing so hot, at least from what I've seen
XenServer is a pain the ass compared to ESX
up_the_ironsit really sucked when a Xen box I administer started kernel panicking every 5 minutes, which I suspect was the new kernel based NFS, and I couldn't do anything about it. Cuz I can't upgrade the Linux kernel without Xen having done so first [00:18]
ballenand doesn't run FreeBSD worth a shit [00:18]
baklavathe prgmr guys are releasing a Xen book published by NoStarch in October so at least they're involved [00:19]
up_the_ironsthat's cool [00:20]
jeevTo formalize this, I will guarantee 99.5% uptime - this means that if service is down for more than 3.6 hours in any given month, affected customers will get a service credit that is equal to 25% of what they paid for the month in which the SLA was not met. (Note, this is down from 100%, but also note, I do pay this out. Many customers actually have complained about not being billed... turns out it was that because of the service credits due to my mist
99.5 ? lol
i'ven ever seen anyting so low
i dont blame him but still
baklavabut yea, I'm wary about running production machines with the current FreeBSD issues in Xen
yea, you can see his blog with posted downtimes
unfortunately, money is just an issue for me atm... at least until I find out about this job by the end of the month
and don't want to be jumping all over the place, so I have to choose carefully ;)
up_the_ironsi think ballen would freak if I had 3.6 hours of downtime in a month, OH SNAP ;) [00:22]
baklavaokay, my girlfriend is getting frustrated, I've gotta go :P [00:22]
up_the_ironsbaklava: l8r! [00:22]
baklavatalk to you guys later, thanks again [00:22]
up_the_ironsnp, see you later [00:22]
Wierd can't find any info about that company

solid website
jeevgod RHEL is gay [00:25]
up_the_ironshahahahaa [00:25]
ballenRHEL is indeed gay
prolly should nuke it and install FreeBSd
up_the_ironsthat site reminds me of: https://www.trit.net/corp/
Qsource: ^^ you should remove 'Website coming soon', has been that way for years :)
Qsource: other than that, it is actually a very no non-sense, to-the-point, site :)
<title>AAP Communications, LLC</title>
<p>AAP Communications.</p>
they even have some html in there
up_the_ironsbah, that wouldn't validate
they need a <div>
passes HTML 4.01 Transitional
up_the_ironshttp://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Ffreebsdvps.com&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.654 [00:29]
ballenanywho what's everyone's opinion on applying to that job posting, with no company info
i.e. chances of getting owned
up_the_ironsgive it a try; DigiSynd (my day job) was "stealth" for almost 18 months. and yeah, it was hard to hire b/c people saw the site and thought "who the heck are these guys?" [00:31]
go create a Hadoop cluster
up_the_ironsheh, Hadoop [00:34]
rhel user!
.... (idle for 16mn)
up_the_ironsthat's pretty scary [00:59]
ballenaahahahah [01:00]
sleep time [01:07]
***ballen is now known as ballen|away [01:07]
up_the_ironsg'night [01:07]
baklavaup_the_irons: the new one is from me :P [01:14]
up_the_ironsbaklava: aah!
baklava: nice :)
I was wondering, but wasn't sure...
baklavahehe, didn't want to ask again huh [01:15]
up_the_ironsdidn't want your gf to get mad ;) [01:15]
baklavawell I was supposed to go to this Korean restaurant with my girlfriend and I'd been waiting for her to finish getting ready... then when she was ready, I'd started talking to you a bit and asked her to give me 5 minutes [01:17]
up_the_ironsah, haha [01:17]
baklavawell, I tried to keep her from going to lay down on the bed and watching tv while she waited, but she insisted... 7 minutes later, I asked her to go and of course she started not feeling good
fast forward to now, I'm still starving, she said she can't go, and is laying in bed sleeping
so that month was my dinner :P
i owe her one
up_the_ironsbaklava: alright, gimme about 20-30 mins and your VM will be cooked and ready to serve [01:20]
baklavadelicious [01:21]
baklava: to confirm, you wanted the extra 5 IPs for $4 extra?
baklavayep! [01:24]
up_the_irons keeps cooking
baklavabaklava stuffs his napkin in his collar. [01:25]
ballen|awayoh the metaphors!
up_the_ironsspeaking of metaphors... anyone into git (the version control system?)
my co-workers and I had a pun-off
the formatting kinda sucks, but you'll get the idea: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/869359/puns.txt
....... (idle for 31mn)
baklava: served [02:03]
baklavabaklava bangs his fork() on the table! [02:04]
up_the_ironshahhaha [02:04]
...... (idle for 29mn)
baklavajust logged in, looks good. thanks! unfortunately, I won't be able to play with it much until tomorrow :| [02:33]
up_the_ironsbaklava: no problem
baklava: then the fun awaits you tomorrow... :)
baklavaand breakfast, I hope [02:34]
.......................... (idle for 2h8mn)
ThorgrimrThorgrimr thinks up_the_irons needs to hold git classes too [04:42]
up_the_ironsheh [04:43]
ThorgrimrInteresting discussion it was (puns) [04:45]
...... (idle for 27mn)
Nat_UBirons: Reboot as necessary...thanks! [05:12]
....... (idle for 32mn)
up_the_ironsNat_UB: ok [05:44]
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up_the_ironsNat_UB: done
Nat_UB: you should have a /dev/ad1
completely raw, unformatted. do with it as you please :)
ThorgrimrHe fill the other up with pics already? [05:50]
Nat_UBirons: Thanks [05:51]
up_the_ironsThorgrimr: sure did
Nat_UB: np
Thorgrimrfigures hehe [05:54]
....... (idle for 32mn)
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......... (idle for 42mn)
Thorgrimrhmm ports or packages... [07:08]
Nat_UBports [07:08]
ThorgrimrSo, what.. the new system uses a 'csup' rather than cvsup? [07:09]
Nat_UBI use freebsd-update for src and portsnap for ports... [07:10]
Thorgrimrhmm, portsnap looks interesting [07:11]
...... (idle for 28mn)
mhoranportsnap is great!
freebsd-update, as well.
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......................... (idle for 2h1mn)
ThorgrimrZzzz okay, who's suckin up all the bandwidth :) [09:40]
***ballen|away is now known as ballen [09:51]
....... (idle for 32mn)
ballen is now known as ballen|away
heavysixer has quit IRC ()
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visinin has joined #arpnetworks [10:53]
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forcefollow has quit IRC ("leaving")
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.... (idle for 15mn)
ballen is now known as ballen|away [11:28]
.... (idle for 19mn)
ballen|away has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [11:47]
vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [12:00]
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks [14:02]
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....... (idle for 33mn)
visinin has quit IRC ("sleep")
bigs has left
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ballen has joined #arpnetworks
Nat_UB has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
Nat_UB has joined #arpnetworks
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [15:49]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [16:27]
.... (idle for 16mn)
ballen is now known as ballen|away [16:43]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [17:17]
......... (idle for 43mn)
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.... (idle for 19mn)
ballen is now known as ballen|away
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ballen|away is now known as ballen
heavysixer has quit IRC ()
Thorgrimr has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [18:38]
ballen has quit IRC ()
Thorgrimr has joined #arpnetworks
vtoms has left [18:55]
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks [19:49]
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...... (idle for 29mn)
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks [20:25]
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....... (idle for 32mn)
ballen has joined #arpnetworks [21:02]
Thorgrimr has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [21:08]
................. (idle for 1h23mn)
ballenup_the_irons: Ever see: http://www.sun.com/startupessentials/overview.jsp [22:31]
......... (idle for 41mn)
***ballen has quit IRC ("Leaving...") [23:12]

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