obsidieth: it was a potential customer, though.
so i would guess whoever showed up a little bit before me.
up_the_irons: ah
my domain freebsdvps.com keeps getting higher on google when searching for "freebsd vps" (now in the #5 slot). I wonder why, I haven't added it anywhere recently, and I don't think others have either. SEO mysteries
obsidieth: :D
up_the_irons: but hey I'm not complaining... ;)
let me bing it...
nowhere on bing... you suck bing
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up_the_irons: visinin: you had some questions?
visinin: yeah
pertaining to DNS specifically
i haven't run a DNS server in a few years and I've forgotten how a few things work
I was originally considering tinydns, as I've used it before, but the opinion nowadays seems to be that maradns is better
up_the_irons: maradns? i actually haven't heard of it
tinydns and unbound are the BIND alternatives I've worked with
visinin: I hadn't run across unbound, thanks for the tip
up_the_irons: np
visinin: there are a few things I don't remember, though
the first is how to set the initial DNS record of the nameserver
mhoran: *shudder* djbdns
visinin: I believe I had to do it through my domain registrar last time
that initial mapping from IP to ns1.mydomain.com
and the other bit is how to set up reverse DNS
up_the_irons: visinin: the initial mapping is done through your registrar
each one is different, but the idea is the same (give ns1.* and ns2.* some IPs ;)
visinin: gotcha
i'll look into that with my registrar
and then does the DNS server I run handle the rdns too?
up_the_irons: visinin: if you want me to delegate reverse DNS to you, yes, that server can handle it. but with only 1 IP, I don't know why you'd want to go through that. you may want to read: http://support.arpnetworks.com/faqs/main/reverse-dns
jeev: djbdns is awesome!
up_the_irons: visinin: for IPv6, however, it does make sense to delegate.
visinin: gotcha
isn't rdns a good idea if I'm going to be running a mailserver, though?
I remember reading somewhere that some mailservers use reverse DNS as an anti-spam measure, but I might not be remembering correctly
cablehead: jeev: for sure
mhoran: why the shudder?
mhoran: djb tools are scary.
I'm runing UNIX, not djbNIX.
cablehead: i'll take djb's eccentricities over bind
is there anything like postfix is for qmail for dns yet?
visinin: i mentioned maradns earlier
and up_the_irons mentioned unbound
and the maradns site has links to loads of them
up_the_irons: cablehead: Tv likes unbound, and I'm using it as a resolver, works pretty well
visinin: reverse DNS is a good idea, yes, I'm just saying you don't have to do it yourself (if I set the PTR record for you, it's done, nothing left do)
visinin: gotcha.
up_the_irons: if you had like 64 IPv4 IPs with me, then I'd recommend (actually require ;) delegation
but for 1 IP, why bother
cablehead: up_the_irons: what are you using for your server these days?
up_the_irons: BIND (yes, bad, I know), but I want to change it out soon
cablehead: ^
if it wasn't for all the security problems, I'd be happy with it
I don't really mind having a different file for each zone or changing serial numbers
cablehead: up_the_irons: gotcha, yeah once you've mastered it, i'm sure it's not too bad
visinin: maradns looks promising
up_the_irons: cablehead: yeah, it's not bad; esp. given "DNS & BIND, 2nd ed" was a book I actually managed to read cover to cover ;)
cablehead: have you used maradns before?
cablehead: up_the_irons: no, just looking through its doco now
up_the_irons: cool
cablehead: i like that you can set the A and PTR record in a single entry in djbdns' config .. it doesn't look like you can do that with maradns - it's config looks pretty straight forward still
up_the_irons: cablehead: yeah, that's a nice djbdns feature if you actually want A and PTR to match, but I can think of several cases where you wouldn't want this; and yet, I didn't see how to override this default behavior
cablehead: up_the_irons: + creates just an A record, looks like ^ creates just a PTR record
up_the_irons: cablehead: ah, neato
cablehead: . is pretty awesome too, gives you an A, NS and SOA record in one shot ..
up_the_irons: cablehead: yeah, I've used . before
so cryptic though
I don't mind, much
at some point it feels a little funny though
cablehead: up_the_irons: for sure :)
although in practice i find i only really use a couple of '.'s for my roots, = for the canonical name of each of my boxes, a + for their other names, and then @ for the mx's .. so cryptic, but usually just 4 symbols to remember
up_the_irons: cablehead: haha, cool; still cryptic ;)
cablehead: up_the_irons: haha, yeah
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up_the_irons: new blood
Thorgrimr: welcome to IRC
mhoran: up_the_irons, or anyone else, really. I want to be alerted when utilization of my server spikes -- not just crosses a threshold, but actually spikes, from say, 10% utilization to 100%. Threshold is too weak, since it only notifies if I cross a certain point. I want a special type of notification if there is a spike.
up_the_irons: mhoran: so you want the differential
mhoran: Sure, that should do it.
up_the_irons: if "rate of change of X" is greater / less than "Y" (threshold), send alert
mhoran: Is there a system that will let me program something like that, or do I have to implement it myself?
(We've outsourced our Nagios installation, and they're not around to help us out right now. The shit has hit the fan and I'm trying to get up to speed on this stuff.)
up_the_irons: i bet you're not the first to want that
it's probably out there, but I don't know where
mhoran: Yeah. I figure it must exist.
up_the_irons: cablehead: have you ever seen anything that will alert you if the "rate of change" of something passes a threshold? (like a spike)
cablehead: up_the_irons: no sorry
up_the_irons: maybe a munin plugin that shows the rate of change?
up_the_irons: cablehead: yeah, perhaps
mhoran: Ah, hrm.
cablehead: up_the_irons: hard part is for the plugin to know the value from its last run
up_the_irons: cablehead: i don't think you'd need it necessarily; if you graph "Mbps", let's say, that's like velocity of your bits; a 2nd differential would give you acceleration of your bits, and some XX value of that is your threshold. You could graph bandwidth acceleration, that'd be interesting
mhoran: Right on.
Thorgrimr: up_the_irons: Hello there
up_the_irons: hey
mhoran: So the real problem is that I've got these Rails procs that keep spinning out of control. :(
up_the_irons: mhoran: welcome to the club ;)
mhoran: So MTV will be covering our Web site this evening!
Hopefully it stays up ...
up_the_irons: oh man
mhoran: I have no faith. This weekend was hell.
up_the_irons: ouch
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mhoran: Damn. This server is out of control.
Just died again.
Who the hell wrote this app!
-: mhoran puts finger on nose
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Nat_UB: Thorgrimr: You gonna order the 3 GB package or what?
up_the_irons: LOL
mhoran: Well, so far we've survived the MTV promo. Whew.
Our boss is not happy. :(
up_the_irons: but u survived...
Thorgrimr: yeah, right
mhoran: Yeah. He's not too happy that the Rails procs keep dying.
... not that he has any idea what they do. Haha.
jeev: mtv is wack anyway
the republican party has more followers
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