#arpnetworks 2009-08-14,Fri

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up_the_ironsballen: ptr, yes of course [00:29]

just got it moved to ruby 1.9 and Rails 2.3
just a pain in the ass
up_the_ironsi bet
my friend Mark and I are trying to get pledgie.com onto Rails 2.3, and it is proving to be a true pain
the more monkey patching and crazy out of the ordinary stuff you do, the harder it is going to be to upgrade
up_the_ironsyeah, we hardly monkey patch at all, i dont believe in it; but some of the plugins we use do [00:34]
ballenyea sometimes, not as much now a days, ya just have to [00:35]
up_the_ironsyeah [00:36]
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syminet: yeah, thought you would like Annex. did you get the full tour (like he showed you all the floors?) [01:00]
syminet: and no problem on the 5 megs, hit me up any time you're ready [01:08]
ballentime for me to pass out for the night, later [01:09]
up_the_ironsg'night [01:09]
***ballen is now known as ballen|away [01:09]
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syminetI know *exactly* what syminet should do, but things like power outages bring me back - in a big way. [01:32]
up_the_ironssyminet: yeah
syminet: i'm surprised it took u this long, but i suppose you didn't see any other good alternatives at the time
syminetBut why was it that whne we moved them back over... my breaker was popped too? [01:40]
.... (idle for 18mn)
Agreed. [01:58]
for a managed switch [02:06]
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:-) [02:22]
hahaah amen to that. ;-) Something happened, I think it was their router upstairs? brb [02:27]
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mike-burnsballen|away: Regarding Rails 2.3, this is what we ran into: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/159805595/rails-2-3-2-upgrade-gotchas
ballen|away: Make sure to upgrade to 2.3-stable instead of 2.3.0.
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vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [07:45]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [08:36]
ballenmike-burns: Yea moved to rails 2.3.3 [08:38]
mike-burnsWord. [08:38]
ballenwas farely decent, I hade some monkey patching on attachment_fu that was broken
mike-burnsYeah attachment_fu is a pain.
I recommend Paperclip for the obvious reasons.
ballenyea, using swfupload with it [08:43]
mike-burnsCool. [08:43]
if you ever have to use flash and maintain auth and cross-site forgery
mike-burnsHmmm, I was just using Flash for file uploads and needed to maintain auth and cross-site protection ... [08:45]
ballenI can attest that that method works quite well
I just threw the class in the lib folder tough
mike-burnsSure, there's no better or worse place for it. [08:46]
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ballen has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [13:22]
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ballen has joined #arpnetworks [16:04]
ballenurg greylisting makes testing my smtp server such a pain in the ass [16:04]
mhoranSure does.
... spammers make my life miserable.
ballenyeep [16:11]
hmm what should I run first rbl_client to spamhaus or postgrey
if I do postgrey first should be less queries to spamhaus
mhoranBut spamhaus may prevent wasted time on postgrey.
Run the DNS checks, then greylist.t
ballenyea but greylist isn't really adding any more traffic to my server [16:18]
also, if you greylist first, you give spamhaus a little more time to catch the spammer [16:23]
Yeah, I guess it will slow down legit mail either way ...
I just ue SpamAssassin.
ballenyep [16:23]
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syminetI use spamassassin + optional spamhaus rbl
hate barracuda, due to their lack of criteria
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ballenany idea how to convert texttile to markdown? [18:14]
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