#arpnetworks/ 2018-05-22,Tue

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***Stan___ has joined #arpnetworks [02:09]
.... (idle for 19mn)
ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [02:28]
............................................ (idle for 3h36mn)
qbitup_the_irons: mercutio
my server has been off since yesterday ~10pm my time
any chance I could get some movement on this ticket?
ah, I see up_the_irons responded - unfortunately it's still effed
I can't see anything on the ssh console
............ (idle for 57mn)
brycecs/10pm/10am/ [07:05]
BryceBot<qbit> my server has been off since yesterday ~10am my time [07:05]
qbitah, ty :D [07:06]
brycec12 hours makes quite a difference in how bad things are :p Np [07:08]
............. (idle for 1h0mn)
***Stan___ has quit IRC (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [08:08]
qbitok, got the server back - but the console (console.cust.arpnetworks.com) still doesn't work
always shows disconnected
.... (idle for 17mn)
brycecqbit: And you pressed the connect key sequence?
(It's obvious and I'm sure you have, but I'm just covering the bases)
(The "If you see the message "console is down", press `^Eco' (CTRL-E followed by 'c' then 'o') to "open" the tty" banner)
qbiti even tried to attach (^Eca) multiple times after connecting
always shows: [down -- use ^E c ? for help]
....................... (idle for 1h50mn)
***Stan___ has joined #arpnetworks [10:20]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Stan___ has quit IRC (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [10:37]
...... (idle for 25mn)
Stan___ has joined #arpnetworks
Stan___ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
........................................................... (idle for 4h51mn)
Seji has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [15:57]
.......... (idle for 49mn)
ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [16:46]
..... (idle for 22mn)
Seji has joined #arpnetworks [17:08]

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