#arpnetworks/ 2018-05-08,Tue

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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [04:16]
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johnny-o has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:56]
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brycecup_the_irons: My SSH didn't disconnect, nor my IRC, so... I didn't even notice :)
And save for a new hop in my traceroute (s32.lax.arp...) I don't think I'd ever know. I'll check graphs for bandwidth/latency effects later to accumulate more data.
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mercutiobrycec: your /48 hasn't been moved yet btw, just your /64, but any2ix has moved.. [12:37]
brycecmercutio: Oh sorry, I guess I misunderstood when it was said it would be moved that night.
"it'll be moved tonight most likely" not likely enough I guess :P
mercutioi was going to but i want to figure what is happening about that route first. [12:38]
brycecI have no idea about the /64 yet (busy with other stuff. nobody's complained, but then again it sees *very little* traffic and even if v6 were flubbed, hosts should fallback to v4 for those hosts. So it's something I have to specifically look at) [12:41]
mercutioyeah active but less important is more useful in a way
like box that ssh into to irc from :)
brycecYeah I get it. I just meant to give it some context - I haven't touched anything over that connection yet today (and wouldn't have unless someone said something) [12:48]
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mercutioyeah [13:35]
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brycecDoing the ol' "download various ISOs" test and for some reason the following URL just seems to timeout on ARP (both on the new v6 router and the old) https://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/clonezilla/clonezilla_live_stable/2.5.5-38/clonezilla-live-2.5.5-38-i686-pae.iso
(That URL *does* work from my home HE.net tunnel)
2607:f748:10:12::5f:2 is what it resolves to
Oh mtr is telling me it's going out (@ ARP) via NTT,while my home connection goes HE->as6453.net so I guess it's upstream and not an ARP-specific issue.
mercutioi've always found sourceforge mirrors to be terrible
i thikn they're a lot better than tehy used to be though
Location: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/clonezilla/clonezilla_live_stable/2.5.5-38/clonpae.iso?download&failedmirror=iweb.dl.sourceforge.net

brycecheh, well I brought it up since it initially seemed like a simple routing glitch (and not a "SF mirrors are terrible" matter) [15:35]
mercutioand downloads.sourceforge.net doesn't have ipv6
checking it out
brycecIs the v6 connection still bottlenecked to 100mbps? (I seem to recall the old router only had a 100mbps port)
My last couple of v6 downloads topped at almost exactly 100mbps so I figured I'd ask and check.
mercutiooh weird
wget -6 on it fails intermittently
that's been resolved for a while brycec
but the old router was cpu bottlenecking a bit too
brycecHm, could be Leaseweb throttling then.
(http://mirror.sfo12.us.leaseweb.net/opnsense/releases/18.1/OPNsense-18.1.6-OpenSSL-dvd-amd64.iso.bz2 was one URL that capped at 100)
mercutioopenbsd tcp/ip stack sucks btw
so you need a close site to get > 100 megabit
i see what you mean
but it goes too close to 100 megabit
for ipv6 overhead etc
looks like a traffic cap
brycec(fwiw I'm downloading from a Linux box) Cool cool, thanks for checking [15:40]
mercutiothat said it's going faster over ipv4 hmm
i wonder why it is going slower though
it's not like it's far away
brycec(Side note: I just downloaded an ISO at 500mbps, that blew me away. v4 only though, so irrelevant to this) [15:45]
mercutiothe kct don't have the 100 megabit limit either [15:45]
brycec(This Linux host is stl actually, bare metal)
mercutioah they aren't limited either [15:46]
brycecYeah I know, it was just a speed I don't often see, period. [15:47]
mercutiodid you happen to see that ipv6 iso getting up to 11.9MB/sec btw?
heh i'm getting gigabit fibre at home in a couple of days
well only 500 megabit upload
brycecmercutio: yeah the v6 download from leaseweb topped at 12.0 [15:48]
mercutioi dunno how much i'll see those speeds though :) [15:48]
brycec*12.0MB/s [15:48]
mercutioah, so yeh oddly just over 100% utilisation of 100 megabit :) [15:48]
brycec(And I just downloaded from Italy over v6 at a bit more than 100mbps (bursting to 14MB/s) [15:49]
mercutioi wonder if they have a traceroute site
they do :)
- traceroute ipv6 2607:f2f8:add0::2
Illegal IPv6 address.
- traceroute ipv6 2607:F2F8:ADD0:0002:0:0:0:0
Illegal IPv6 address.
i'm not sure how to make it work
it didn't like name either
brycecWhat site? [15:52]
CoreSite - Any2 Los Angeles
Los Angeles, USA
it seems they might be joining any2ix
brycechm yup no idea. All of their tools fail. [15:54]
mercutioheh [15:54]
brycecYet "ERROR: IPv6 address for IPv4 query" so something understands *that* much :P [15:54]
mercutiohmm i had a plugin for chrome to do web benchmark before but i think it stopped working
but is there any nice way to test real world performance difference between vdsl and fibre?
when i was testing ipv6 i downloaded linux kernel and it's pretty small now days
i mean it's huge, it's nearly 100mb compressed
but in the grand scheme of things it's not like you're waiting 15 minutes for it to download or anything :)
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