#arpnetworks/ 2018-02-24,Sat

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***pyvpx_ is now known as pyvpx [04:03]
.......................... (idle for 2h6mn)
johnny-o has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:09]
................................................................................................... (idle for 8h12mn)
brycecOkay, this is weird... My ARP Metal dedi rebooted about 2.5 hours ago.
I mention this because it wasn't an expected shutdown, or a proper shutdown, and it doesn't look like it was even the watchdog that rebooted it. Was someone in the cage pulling blades or something?
(Somehow the sel is blank according to ipmitool too)
Even the web GUI says there's nothing in the event log. There should at least be the power cycle, right??? Not to mention all the previous boots (I don't clear the SEL)
*don't and haven't
....... (idle for 32mn)
staticsafeo_o [15:04]
............................. (idle for 2h20mn)
mercutioi wonder if the ipmi itself had an issue [17:24]

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