#arpnetworks/ 2018-01-30,Tue

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***ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [01:54]
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awyeah has joined #arpnetworks [03:59]
awyeah_ has joined #arpnetworks
awyeah has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
awyeah_ is now known as awyeah
awyeahAnyone else here have a thunder VM on sct01? [04:16]
***ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [04:24]
Tsesarevichawyeah: yeah I got alerts this morning [04:31]
***ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [04:36]
Tsesarevichawyeah: is your VM down too? [04:48]
.......... (idle for 48mn)
***awyeah_ has joined #arpnetworks [05:36]
.... (idle for 15mn)
awyeah_aaaand I'm back
Yes my VM was down but it looks like things are in good shape now.
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awyeah_ is now known as awyeah
............................. (idle for 2h23mn)
brycecI'm guessing what most likely happened is that last night was sct01's reboot for patches, and you both _should_ have received an email notice. (Though I have no idea how much warning ARP's giving) [08:16]
TsesarevichI do not think I received a notice [08:18]
.... (idle for 19mn)
plettI got 24 hours notice when kvr22 was rebooted last week [08:37]
........ (idle for 37mn)
TsesarevichI just see sales receipts [09:14]
................ (idle for 1h19mn)
I don't think I did <searches email>
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brycec(4 hours later... guess you got lost in your mailbox :P ) [14:38]
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***ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [16:26]
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nathani has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 1.8) [19:29]
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nathani has joined #arpnetworks
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nathani has joined #arpnetworks
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nathani has joined #arpnetworks

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