how would i go about allocating a swapfile on disk? fallocate won't run most people don't really nede swap these days i'm not sure what fallocate is i'd use dd, mkswap, swapon if i was to do such. but it's better to stay within memory limits also executables can be paged out for the slightly over state of affairs usually what really pushes over is high working set, which you tend to want to stay in ram mercutio: i'm having a problem running a reactjs build on the server what's it saying? for some reason, javascript people don't care about memory size, so they just require a fuckton is it leaking? mercutio: FATAL ERROR: NewSpace::Rebalance Allocation failed - process out of memory i am finding things saying it uses quite a lot of memory like 100MB+ not that it's leaking, but it uses a GC, and they dont really use the GC until you hit a certain cap but that doesn't seem like enough tob e causing issues yeah it uses way more than that npm has a 4gb cap by default apparently or, node well try dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024k count=512 or something mkswap swapfile swapon swapfile yeah, gotcha but you may be able to tweak it somehow to use less memory i'm hoping it's just overcommitting and not actually touching the pages that's 512mb btw yeah yeah, that gave it enough space to run fine interesting not sure why, i've always used fallocate to make swapfiles heh is it touching the sawp? swapon -s or free yeah it used a little bit. ...couple kb wtf -_- that's funny lol on the subsequent run it used 100mb ok whatever. that sounds like it might be leaking :) worked out. yeah maybe leave it for a while That's what she said!! and see if it keeps growing