hello any one update windows 10 with the anniversary update? Thoughts? i need to maek room on my service partition first so far I see the edge browser has extension support oh, interesting. maybe it can get adblock then :) both adblock and adblock plus are available edge is so much faster than chrome for general browsing didnt see ublock origin though idk what's been happening to chrome. it seems to be getting worse and worse how does edge perform with lots of tabs open? a lot better than chrome i never find i need to restart it ever I wonder if it uses a separate process per tab unlike chrome but i don't use it mich much cos no adblock, there are a few tabs open in it though http://www.windowscentral.com/lightweight-ad-blocker-ublock-origin-ported-microsoft-edge apparently an ublock origin port can can be side loaded and https://github.com/nikrolls/uBlock-Edge tcp fast open ! yeah it doesn't like my version of edge i haev slightly older insider preview version anniversary update is a pre req i have that extension support i should really update :) the actual update took just over an hour on my main machine yeah and i have to boot to linux and try and make space i hope i can do it without repartitioning you and your SSDs lol well that's the uefi boot partition thingy the fat partition and old recommendations were for smaller size do the fonts look about the same on chrome vs edge for you? they look better in edge i think I guess I am just used to the chrome rendering actually it's about the same edge has bigger text for me I miss my IPvFoo extension tells you if your web assets are loading via IPv6 or IPv4 facebook and linkedin are way smoother on the Edge browser