when i first heard about linux i wsa scared of using lots of floppies :) we needed raid for floppies that said i installed os/2 from floppy once, and it seemed to work out ok. Same Well the Linux on floppies thing No OS/2. :) it seemed back then that floppies that software came on were more reliable than floppies people wrote. heh. os/2 was great even after moving to linux i missed it a little but when you wanted to use things like gcc on os/2 they performed rather poorly. err all the gnu ported type stuff. lynx, gcc, etc had high startup time. but os/2 was more memory efficient than linux, and i only had 8mb of ram. as long as i didn't use gui on either, os/2 tended to outperform. the whole open source thing was kind of exciting, until you realised that often meant buggy software (back then) but obviously open source isn't inherently buggy, because things are a lot better these days. And if there is a bug, you can fix it! in theory, yes :) Were those 5.25" floppies? Nah, 3.5"