anyone here use pushover for notifications on mobile devices? did anyone else get thrown off freenode last night? or this morning last night around 8pm ARP Standard Time. (20:13:31 to be exact) hmm it was around 8 am arp standard time for me i think it was good for a while I've found verne to be the most stable server. I never get kicked off anymore i'm on sendak they're both really far away :) weber seems close, i dunno if it's stable. mercutio: I know why you are so concerned about Freenode disconnection! you lost your ops! lol :-) heh I guess it was nice while it lasted yeh, but i also hadn't disconnected in a long time. it was weird how when i had ops i was first in the list - all the ops have letters near the end of the alphabet... well second half would be kind of funny if you de-oped all other ops take over the world :-) doesn't freenode have services? it does one of the other ops would have to register you as an op to have nickserv / chanserv auto op you in here yeh