#arpnetworks/ 2015-08-05,Wed

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m0undshttp://www.wired.com/2015/08/researchers-create-first-firmware-worm-attacks-macs/ this is fun [08:49]
grodyhttp://imgur.com/wYHPTmf,lmpJEk4 - first is IPv6, second IPv4 [09:45]
hmm.. dinner or pet? https://goo.gl/photos/tYiMxRcEXRFd1cZs6 [09:51]
BryceBothttps://goo.gl/photos/tYiMxRcEXRFd1cZs6 -> https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPMYlitNtqRsjRDJeGY-Oi7I-XK8w6iHdGXM5xsLIwbow9DBjR3T9bzi0pLQf09fg?key=eVNkdE1CQkJkbG1lZDBwSEttV2NKdEo3QXlaSDlR [09:51]

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